Poetic Inspirations and Practical Applications for Blissful Living

Radiant Joy, Rooted in Love

Radiant Joy, Rooted in Love Poem and eCard by Caroline Gavin of Purposeful Pathway Christian Life Coaching

Radiant Joy, Rooted in Love

Radiant Joy, Rooted in Love Poem and eCard by Caroline Gavin of Purposeful Pathway Christian Life Coaching

Image courtesy www.freedigitalphotos.net
Tree with Light by Dan


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Radiant joy

Rooted in love

Glorious joy

Gift from Above


Joy bubbling forth

Joy soaring the heights

Joy bursting from within

Joy gleaming through nights


Oh, what is this joy?

This divine feeling sweet?

What is this joy I know

Since my Savior I did meet?


A gift of Jesus alone ‘tis

Yea, joy He allows us to feel

To Him my head I bow

Before Him, my God, I kneel


Beautiful Savior of mine

Your love does my soul enthrall

My heart sings with joy

As Your melodic voice does call


Joy, Joy You are to me, Jesus

The Reason my heart does beat

You are the Passion of my life

The Fire that burns sweet


Though the trials may come

Though the winds may blow

Through the storms may rage

Always Your joy I know


So I lift my heart to You

With joy I sing Your praise

You I shall worship forever

Joyful hymns shall I raise


No one is sweeter than my Jesus

No one lavishes love like the Lamb

No one gives joy everlasting

No, only the Eternal I AM


Come and taste this joy

This divine feeling sweet

Come and feel the joy I know

Since my Savior I did meet


Joy bubbling forth

Joy soaring the heights

Joy bursting from within

Joy gleaming through nights


Jesus is radiant Joy

You, Lord, are sweet love

Miraculous is Your joy, Master

A glorious gift from Above

© 2012 Caroline Gavin
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The Lord’s Prayer

The Lord's Prayer Poem by Caroline Gavin of Purposeful Pathway Christian Life Coaching

The Lord’s Prayer

The Lord's Prayer Poem by Caroline Gavin of Purposeful Pathway Christian Life Coaching

Image courtesy www.freedigitalphotos.net
Paradise Garden by Exsodus

The Lord’s Prayer

Glorious words to raise

Heartfelt supplication

Adorned with praise


The Lord’s Prayer

Jesus spoke on the Mount

Wondrous words

Yea, a Life-giving fount


The Lord’s Prayer

Model it may I

Giving all to my God

My Father on High


Jehovah, my Father

Hallowed is Your Name

Holy, Perfect You are

In Flesh Your Son came


Jesus humbled Himself

Lord, You left Your Throne

To die for Your children

Yes, to bleed for Your own


My heart aches to know

Your pain on Calvary

My Beloved, my Lord

You shed Your blood for me


My love for You, Lord

I shall never contain

Your joy is my joy

Your pain is my pain


All wishes and desires

Jesus, I surrender fully to You

Your words are my food

My work: Your Kingdom True


May Your Kingdom come

Yes, may earth see Your Will

With Your Holy Spirit

Lord, do my heart ever fill


Daily bread, my Beloved

You richly provide

You satisfy every need

As I walk by Your side


For my multitude of sins

Lord, please do forigve

Pierced for my iniquity:

Through Your death I live


Pierced is my own heart

Looking upon Your thorned brow

I live as a sacrifice for You

This, Lord Jesus, I do vow


And fully I forgive those

Who may hurt or offend

Limitless as Your mercy

To all I shall extend


How can I offer less

When You, Lord, died for me?

How can I not give

Mercy complete and free?


Away from all temptation

Lead me, Lord, I pray

Deliver me from evil

Each moment of each day


The Kingdom, Power and Glory

Are Yours forevermore

I rejoice in You, my King

Yes, You I cherish and adore


The Prayer of my Lord Jesus

Embody it forever may I

Giving all to You, my God

To You, my Father on High


The Prayer of my Lord Jesus

Lifted high on the Mount

Oh, wondrous words

Yea, a Life-giving fount


The Prayer of my Lord

Glorious words I raise

I rejoice in You, my God

I sing forever Your praise

© 2012 Caroline Gavin
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BOOK Release! Purposeful Pathway: Your Journey with Jesus… (and my Labor of Love!)


Purposeful Pathway


PURPOSEFUL PATHWAY: Your Journey with Jesus

Refresh your heart, revive your spirit!
is a forty-day poetic devotional designed
to heighten the joy in your journey.
May the poetry strengthen your connection with the Lord,
deepen your love for Him and fan the flame of the Spirit.
Read an interview with the Author about the book at
Reader Reviews for
Michael Fenton:
“Such beautiful work! Caroline’s poetic words bring you closer and closer to Jesus with each and every word. The daily devotion is a great way to start the day and the message left is something that remains with you all day long. Though times are tough and frustration is all about this inspirational piece of work directs us to focus on what really is important in life.

I would recommend this beautiful, inspirational piece of work to all!”


Ann Musico:

“I have just begun reading this truly beautiful devotional in these weeks before Easter and I can say from what I’ve read so far, this is a wonderful tool to use in these next 40 days to draw even closer to Jesus. Caroline’s poetry is not only lyrical and beautiful, but deeply spiritual and insightful. You will not only enjoy each day’s poetic devotion, you will carry its truth with you all throughout the day and find you have been focused on Jesus effortlessly!

I thoroughly and wholeheartedly recommend you buy one for yourself and one as a gift for someone you love.”


Rob Clinton:

“This book is such a magical and elegant masterpiece. Caroline’s poetic creativity is an absolute manifestation of God throughout all of her writing, as she truly brings the love of Christ to life. I’m almost without words, but will definitely be going back and including this as part of my daily inspirational reminders and devotionals. This is must read and devotional for all people of faith. If you don’t know Christ, then let this be your excuse to begin that journey.”


Kim Hall:

“Caroline’s poetry touches the heart and refreshes the soul as she pours out a message of comfort and love, and hope and joy from the Lord. Her deep love for Christ is evident as she invites you to grow a deeper and more fulfilling relationship with Him, wherever you are on your path. I encourage you to take time to refill at the proverbial well by visiting Caroline at Purposeful Pathway today – and by taking the 40-Day Journey with Jesus!”


Carole Simone:

“This book has been such an inspiration! The poetry is so well written and flows with such grace that it’s a pleasure to any reader. It is a reminder of the Love of God and brings such a comfort of His True Peace. All of us need this uplifting Truth! This book makes a wonderful daily devotional to meditate on during the day. I’d highly recommend this book to all and anyone is on their Journey with the Lord Jesus!”

Lisa Keva:

“My whole FAMILY has been blessed by this book. Who knew that you could use a book of Jesus-centered poetry as a personal AND family devotional?

Embark, dear Christian, on a journey
An inspiring journey of forty days
Growing ever closer to our Lord
Ever more aligned with His ways

On this 40 days of renewal and growth, the author takes you through the topics of love, commitment, truth, forgiveness, children and much more directing you in the right paths.

This book of poetry will help focus your thoughts on Jesus. His life, His ministry and how He would want us to walk out our purpose in this life.”

Read more of Lisa’s review at:

Purposeful Pathway: Your Journey with Jesus – Book Review


You can purchase your own copy of
Interested in working one-on-one with the Caroline? Contact her at caroline@purposefulpathway.com for a complimentary Christian Life Coaching consultation. Join the journey – and travel the Pathway of Purpose!


Calvary Poem and eCard by Caroline Gavin of Purposeful Pathway Christian Life Coaching


Calvary Poem and eCard by Caroline Gavin of Purposeful Pathway Christian Life Coaching

Image courtesy www.freedigitalphotos.net

Trembling at Calvary

Cold winds, black clouds

Earth violently shaking

Darkness enshrouds


For there on the Cross

Is the Precious Lamb

Yes, there on the Cross

Is the Eternal I AM

The Creator of all things

Crucified on a tree

The Lord of lords

Dying for you, for me


I shudder at the sight

The earth shudders below

A more painful vision

My eyes will never know


Heart-breaking to behold

Yet enthralling too

So much love in my Jesus

Undying love, Lord, in You


For this is Your will, Jesus

This torture You embrace

Your arms outstretched in love

For all the human race


A crown of thorns on Your brow

Pierced, Your hands and feet

You accept these out of love

That You may pour mercy sweet


I see You look upon me in love

With Your luminous eyes

You whisper that death You taste

Yet assuredly You will arise


The Blood pouring from You

Does the Scriptures fulfill

You drink of this cup

For it is Your Father’s will


Trembling at Calvary

I weep at the vision I behold

My Beloved pierced for me

As the prophets foretold


As You release Your spirit

The temple curtain tears asunder

The earth shakes, rocks split

The skies roar with thunder


Trembling I am, Lord

Yet I know now eternal life

Reconciled with my Father

And betrothed to be Your wife


For You paid the sin penalty

You paid it completely for all

Lord, I give You my life

Jesus, I follow Your call


Eyes closed and head bowed

I worship You at the Cross

I live only for You now

All else to me is a loss


I feel then Your touch

Your hand upon my shoulder

I open my tear-filled eyes

To see a tomb and boulder


Shining in radiant glory

Before me, Jesus, You stand

You arose on the third day

Fulfilling all that was planned


Tremble I do

Yet now in joy so sweet

No vision more lovely

Than my risen Lord to greet


My own heart is pierced

Convicted by Your love

The grace of Heaven surrounds

I feel it stream from Above


You, Creator of all things

For my sins died on a tree

You, Lord of lords

Shed Your blood for me


I pour then myself for You

I give You all, Precious Lamb

I forever obey and worship

You, the Eternal I AM


Rejoicing at the empty tomb

Warm breeze, no clouds

For You, Jesus, do shine

Your pure love enshrouds

© 2012 Caroline Gavin
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He is Risen!

He Is Risen! Inspirational Poem and eCard by Caroline Gavin of Purposeful Pathway Christian Life Coaching

He is Risen! 

He Is Risen! Inspirational Poem and eCard by Caroline Gavin of Purposeful Pathway Christian Life Coaching

Image courtesy www.freedigitalphotos.net
Field with Sun by tungphoto

The Lord is risen

Tell one, tell all

The Lord is risen

Do you hear me call?


The Lord is risen

Go forth and see

The Lord is risen

Yea, triumphantly


The Lord is risen

My heart does sing

The Lord is risen

Salvation all to bring


 Sing with me, brother

Rejoice and praise

Our joyful hearts

To God we raise


Dance with me, sister

As we sing this song

Jesus rose from the dead

With Him we do belong


Proclaim to all

This Message we will

The Lord is risen

He reigns now still


Forever in Heaven

And here on earth

He makes all new

He brings rebirth


Recall the sight

On Mount Calvary

Jesus nailed to the Cross

For you, for me


His precious hands

Pierced, and His feet

Yet He embraced

O, love pure and sweet


Christ is my Master

He is my King

He is my Beloved

For Whom I sing


To Him I give all

Yes, I give all of me

Surrender to Him

Is my victory


Jesus, my Lord

I love You so

Nothing is sweeter

Than You to know


Lord, I thank You

For the Cross You bore

I shudder to think

Of all You did endure


Love wells in my heart

Tears in my eye

To see You, my Lord

As they crucify


Yet Your love for me

Surpasses mine for You

How can this be?

Yet I know it is true


Tears of sorrow

Tears of joy become

For You arose

My life to ransom


You, Lord, are risen

My heart does sing

You, Lord, are risen

Salvation to me bring


You, Lord, are risen

I rejoice to see

You, Lord, are risen

Yea, triumphantly


You, Lord, are risen

I tell one and all,

“The Lord is risen

Do you hear Him call?”


© 2015 Caroline Gavin
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My Song, My Song

My Song, My Song Poem and eCard by Caroline Gavin of Purposeful Pathway Christian Life Coaching


My Song, My Song Poem and eCard by Caroline Gavin of Purposeful Pathway Christian Life Coaching

Image courtesy www.freedigitalphotos.net
Yellow Cosmos Flower And Blue Sky by Sura Nualpradid

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My lips, my lips,

Sing forever Your praise

My song, my song

To You I raise

My heart, my heart

With Yours does beat

My life rhythm only

With You complete

My breath, my breath

Each one for You

Exhaling of myself

Inhaling all True

My hands, my hands

Instruments of Thine

Building what is Yours

In Thy Kingdom Divine

My eyes, my eyes

Only You, Lord, they see

Adoring the Light

You shine upon me

My feet, my feet

Run wherever You ask

Thrilled by Your work

Grateful for each task

My ears, my ears

Delight in Your voice

In Your call, Master

My soul does rejoice

My mind, my mind

Consumed with Your love

Pondering Your promises

Marveling treasures Above

My strength, my strength

To You, Lord, all I give

To immerse myself in You

This is to truly live

My moments, my moments

I give You all my time

To me You give eternal life

O, gift sweet and sublime!

My spirit, my spirit

With Yours does unite

Precious powerful union

In Your brilliant Light

My life, my life

For You I gratefully pour

Lord, I long only

That I may give You more

My Lord, my Lord

Lovelier than life are You

To give You everything I am

Lord, I delight to do

CONTINUE READING at MommaReads: My Song, My Song

© 2012 Caroline Gavin
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Kindly leave a comment about My Song, My Song,
and with your friends this Christian Poetry link keep sharing!

Rainbow of Radiant Promise


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Rainbow of promise

Circling the sky

Reminder of God’s covenant

Dazzling the eye


Radiant colors

Prismatic, to shine

Inspiring the heart

With promises divine


Vibrant hues

Violet, scarlet, green

Indigo, yellow, blue

Sweet to be seen


Rejoice, my heart

In the sight I see

The rainbow of Promise

Encircling me


For God promised Noah

And all mankind

Again a worldwide flood

Earth would not find


Wondrous truth

Yes, glorious to know

God’s love for me

The rainbow does show


Yet a Covenant lovelier

Than the rainbow above

Is the Covenant of Christ

A Covenant of love


Yes, more incredible

Far more amazing to see

Is my Savior upon the Cross

On mount Calvary


More captivating to my soul

More stunning to my eye

Is my Lord who willingly

For my sins did die


Far more radiant is He

Far more lovely His Face

Sinless Lamb sacrificed

For the human race


My heart trembles

Humbled I am by the Cross

My Jesus is most Precious

All else I count but loss


Lord, I long to know

How could You die for me?

To suffer to such extreme –

How could this ever be?


Light beams from Your eyes

Mercy pours from Your heart

You remind me of Your love

You whisper we will never part


The Cross of Calvary

On that day long-foretold

Displays Your eternal love

Far more precious than gold


Your powerful love, Lord

Transcends all thought

So much You love me

My soul is blood-bought


In Your eyes I see

A rainbow gleaming pure

Your arms embrace me

Your love will endure


Rejoice, my heart

In this glorious sight I see

My Lord’s everlasting arms

Encircling me


Yes, a Covenant lovelier

Than the rainbow above

Is the Covenant of Christ

A Covenant of love


Vibrant hues

Violet, scarlet, blue

Yet far more beautiful

Is my Lord’s love true


Radiant colors

Prismatic, to shine

More captivating is Your heart

Your mercy divine


Rainbow of Promise

Circling the sky

Reminder that You, my Jesus

Are to me always nigh


© 2012 Caroline Gavin
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Sweet Morning Dew…Whispering of You

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Morning dew

Kissing the earth

Glistening garment

Bespeaking rebirth


As morning dew

In the early hour

Are God’s graces

And endless power


Yea, stretching wide

As blankets of dew

Are God’s blessings

For me, for you

As coverings of snow

Broad and deep

Vast are the Promises

Our Lord does keep


As raindrops falling

Watering the ground

So is Living Water

 Bubbling joy to abound


As Sunlight warming

Embracing the earth

The Light of the Lord

Brings spiritual rebirth

Sweet Lord Jesus

With me always do stay

Wherever You go

I shall follow each day


More vast than the dew

Far more deep than the snow

More refreshing than the rain

Is the love You do show

I am forever Yours, Lord

Yes, eternally Yours to keep

Nourished by Bread of Life

Revived by Living Water deep


Sing Your praises I shall

Yea, Lord, each day all the more

You are Everything to me

You are the One whom I adore


Stretching wide and long

As blankets of morning dew

Are Your blessings and mercy

Purest love I find in You


As the soft morning dew

In the dawn’s early hour

Are Your glorious graces

And Your endless power


Yes, Lord, as morning dew

Kisses gently the earth

You kiss me with blessings

You are sweet love and rebirth

© 2012 Caroline Gavin
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Spring: Of GOD’s Glory Sing!

Spring of God's Glory Sing Poem and eCard by Caroline Gavin of Purposeful Pathway Christian Life Coaching

 Spring: Of God’s Glory Sing!

Spring of God's Glory Sing Poem and eCard by Caroline Gavin of Purposeful Pathway Christian Life Coaching

Image courtesy www.freedigitalphotos.net
Pink Flower by Arvind Balaraman

 (Send as an Inspirational Christian Lighthouse e-Card!)

Sun rays of brilliance

Flowers of Spring

Glory, glory to God

All do sing


Grass shooting forth

Leaves budding green

Bursting with birth

The world to be seen


Perfume of flowers

Symphony of birds in sky

Proclaiming sovereignty

Of our Savior on High

Springtime speaks of Him

Springtime sings His song

Springtime reminds us

That with Him we belong


For on the third day

Christ arose from the grave

He endured the Cross

All mankind to save


Yes, He is Rebirth

He is eternal Spring

He is Renewal

Yea, Life everlasting

Glory, glory to God

Sings joyfully my soul

Glory, glory to You

Lord, You make me whole


As birds sing in the air

As flowers bloom bright

I rejoice in You, Lord

In Your radiant Light

Warmer than sunshine

Lovelier than blooms

Is Your love, my Lord

It embraces and consumes

Reborn in Spirit I am

Lord, by faith in You

Your Spirit lives in me

All things You make new


As the Winter cold

Freezes the earth

So too I die to myself

To experience rebirth


The frost of Winter in time

Yields flowers of Spring

In turn, death to our flesh

New life does bring

All to You, my Savior

All to You I humbly give

You are my very Meaning

You are the Reason I live


Fragrant sacrifice I offer

In all I say and do

Sweeter than the flower

I pray my life is to You


Glorious King on High

One who died for me

You are Joy to my spirit

Now and for eternity


So as perfume of flowers

And symphony of birds in sky

I proclaim the sovereignty

Of my Savior on High


As grass shooting forth

And leaves budding green

I rejoice in my rebirth

For the world to be seen


As sun rays of brilliance

As fragrant flowers of Spring

Glory, glory to You, God

My heart does joyfully sing

© 2012 Caroline Gavin
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Hold Me

Hold Me Poem and eCard by Caroline Gavin of Purposeful Pathway Christian Life Coaching

Hold Me

Hold Me Poem and eCard by Caroline Gavin of Purposeful Pathway Christian Life Coaching

Image courtesy www.freedigitalphotos.net
Golden Forest by Evgeni Dinev

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Hold me, my Father

With Thy arms eternal and strong

It is in Thy loving arms

That I forever belong


Guide me, sweet Jesus

Along Thy perfect Way

I shall traverse Thy path

With Thee each day

Fill me, Holy Spirit

In my heart overflow

I lose myself in Thee

It is only Thee I know


Love me, precious Lord

With Agape surround me

Thy love is my meaning

Yea, the reason for me to be


Strengthen me, my Master

Against temptation and snare

Grant me discernment

That I am alert and aware


Lead me, my Shepherd

To pasture lovely and green

You lead me in righteousness

In Thy paths pristine


Reign in me, Eternal King

Rule over my heart and thought

I am completely Thine

For my life is blood-bought


Nourish me, Bread of Life

Thy Eternal Word does feed

You alone give me life, Lord

You alone fill every need


Refresh me, Living Water

Pour into my heart Thy streams

That I may burst with love

That in my eye Thy light beams


Accept me, precious Lamb

My life is an offering to Thee

You sacrificed Thyself for my life

I no longer live, but You in me


Use me, Eternal Potter

I am Thy creation, Thy jar

I go anywhere for Thee, Lord

Yea, I travel near or far


And wherever I go, please hold me

With Thy arms eternal and strong

For it is in Thy loving arms

That I forever belong

© 2012 Caroline Gavin
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