Poetic Inspirations and Practical Applications for Blissful Living

My Lord, My Shepherd

My Lord, My Shepherd


 (Send as an Inspirational Christian Lighthouse e-Card!)

How can our hearts be troubled long

When we know in glory Our Lord does reign?

Nothing can separate us from His Love

No trial, no challenge, no pain


Jesus is my Joy and my Comfort

My cup indeed overflows

I sing of my Savior and His Love

Not of the trials nor of the woes


Praise the Lord, Praise His Glorious Name!

Praise Him who created mountain, lake and sea

Sing of His Good Will, Sing of His Love

Yes, I will do so gladly and joyfully


My soul bursts with joy when I contemplate

All that my Savior has done for me

How could He have? How would he have?

Died for such a one, a sinner only be?


Love teems in my heart for Him

Gratitude and joy abound

Yes, my hope is in my Lord

Grateful His salvation I have found!


Thank you, My Lord

For your love, for your grace so kind

Let us rejoice, let us be glad

That sin no longer does us bind


We are led by the Spirit

And showered by blessings from Above

Let us share the Good News with all

And sing hymns of His Everlasting Love!


© 2011 Caroline Gavin

How do you celebrate the love of the Lord, the Shepherd?

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  • Cindy

    Beautiful poem Caroline~

    • http://PurposefulPathway.com Caroline Gavin

      Thank you so much, Cindy!

      I appreciate your comment, and I am so glad you enjoyed the poem.

      Our Shepherd bestows us with bountiful blessings indeed…

      Yours in the Joy of Jesus,

  • Misty

    Hi Caroline,
    This is a very inspiring poem you’ve written.
    We’ll create an ecard with it on Monday
    May God bless you and your ministry

    • http://PurposefulPathway.com Caroline Gavin

      Dear Misty,

      Thank you so very much! You have been a great blessing to me!
      I am grateful for the lovely e-cards you create…
      and for the brilliant Light you do share.
      May God also bless you and your ministry richly and always!


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