Poetic Inspirations and Practical Applications for Blissful Living

Prepare for a New Year! GOD Makes ALL Things NEW…

~ Prepare for New Year ~

Happy (nearly-here) New Year!

I hope you thoroughly enjoyed Christmas,

celebrating the precious and priceless Gift of Christ.

How blessed we are with sweet salvation, with blood-bought redemption.

“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son,

that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” (John 3:16)

We approach now a New Year, a time of new beginnings.

Excitement and anticipation fill the air,

as resolutions and intentions are set everywhere.

Taking time to reflect upon the last year

and plan for the new year is a powerful practice.

I encourage you to write goals in all areas of life

and then break those goals into action steps with clear deadlines.

Ensure that your goals meet the “SMART” specifications:

Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Timed.

Doing so will bear great fruit,

as stretching one’s self with goals aligned to God’s Will

yields both exhilarating growth and great glory to God.

I pray that you look most deeply at the spiritual aspect of your goals.

Areas such as family, career, finances and health are certainly important;

yet of highest import is the relationship with the Creator,

for spiritual fruit is eternal.

Contemplate deeply how you can grow

in your intimacy with the LORD and in your service to Him.

Will it be through longer and more focused prayer time?

More structure in Bible study?

More giving of one’s self and one’s resources?

Greater attentiveness to the Presence of God moment to moment?

Commitment to full surrender to God in all areas?

A combination of these and other goals?

And how will you measure the fulfillment of these goals?

How will you break down the goals and time the action steps?

How will you hold yourself accountable?

These are just some questions to consider as you write your spiritual goals.

Truly our Father makes all things new.

He renews faith.

He restores hearts.

He transforms sorrow to joy.

He makes a crown of the cross.

He creates from death…New Life.

“He who was seated on the throne said, ‘I am making everything new!’
Then he said, ‘Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true.’
He said to me: ‘It is done. I am the Alpha and the Omega,
the Beginning and the End.
To him who is thirsty I will give to drink without cost
from the spring of the water of life.
He who overcomes will inherit all this,
and I will be his God and he will be my son.’ “
(Revelation 21:5-7)

Entering a New Year, then, we celebrate the New Life

God gives through the redemptive Sacrifice of Christ Jesus.

I am deeply grateful for you,

and I am happy to celebrate divine renewal and rejuvenation with you.

As always, if you would like help along your journey,

I encourage you to call me for a free assessment.

It would be an honor for me to walk alongside you

for even part of your journey!

God bless you, and I pray divine peace, love and joy fill your heart

and your days in 2012…and always!

May the Lord be with you as you prepare for a New Year!

Joyfully yours in Jesus,


Bread of Life

Bread of Life


 (Send as an Inspirational Christian e-Card!)

Our Lord, Our God

Is the Living Bread

Giving Life Eternal

As our Lord has said


All who can accept

All who do believe

All who embrace Christ

Are those who do receive


For the Spirit brings life

The flesh counts for naught

Thus we seek spiritual food

And redemption blood-bought


We go humbly to Christ

And hunger never again

We discover eternal treasure

And where it has long been


Manna in the desert

Is what our forefathers ate

Sweeter bread than this

Our God does now create


For man lives not

On bread alone

But on God’s Word

And flesh which did atone


Thus we seek true Bread

In the One who for us died

We eat of His flesh

That in us He will abide


And we rejoice in the Gift

The Gift of faith and life

We guard always our hearts

Even in challenge and strife


For Christ lives in us

As in Him we do live

We believe in His Sacrifice

And Eternal Life He does give

Rejoice in the Gift

Celebrate Divine Love

Embrace precious Manna

Bestowed from Above


And seek always the Bread

Follow always the Way

Cling always to Christ

Eating each Word He did say


For it is His Word

That nourishes and feeds

Precious and powerful

Filling all of our needs


Yes, praise God Eternal

Praise the Son on High

Through the Eternal Manna

Christ is to us always nigh


© COPYRIGHT 2011 Caroline Gavin

How do you actively seek and feed upon the Bread of Life?

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The Mind of the Heart

Mind of the Heart


 (Send as an Inspirational Christian e-Card!)

Beating faithfully

Pumping fluid of life

The heart continues

Even in pain and strife


Yet more than muscle

More than mechanics therein

The heart has a mind

Clinging to either life or sin


For a man indeed is

As he thinketh in his heart

It is from the heart-center

Growth of fruit does start


Thus we feel heart pain

When bad news we learn

Or feel our hearts lifted

When loved ones return


It is Christ’s heart that aches

When sinners reject His love

For His heart pours blessings

From His throne above


The life-blood of His heart

Is the life-force of salvation

It purifies and restores

And strengthens in temptation


Guard carefully, then, your heart

Let it be of flesh, not stone

Sensitive to God’s Word

Imprinted with Truth alone


For the Law of the LORD

Is written upon His child’s heart

That he may live victoriously

And from God never part


So we protect our hearts

And lift them to the Most High

We embrace the love of Christ

Never our hearts to go awry


And we sing of God’s love

We rejoice in His glory

Christ’s heart bled for us

Salvation is His Story


Beating so faithfully then

Let the rhythm of our hearts be one

With the symphony of our King

Yes, music of Eternity has begun


© COPYRIGHT 2011 Caroline Gavin

How has the mind of the heart changed in your life since meeting Christ?

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Gift from Above: The Spirit of Love

Holy Spirit: The Dove of Love


 (Send as an Inspirational Christian Spirit of Love e-card!)

The Dove of the Spirit

Descends and uplifts

Embraces and overflows

While hearts He shifts


He fills us with the flame

Of love eternal and pure

Warming hearts with Truth

 Of God’s Word to endure


He align us faithfully with

God’s perfect, holy will

We hear His sweet voice

When our minds we still


Wisdom and kindness

Charity, faith and love

Overflow in our hearts

As we embrace the Dove


Transforming the life

Renewing the mind

A new self we become

When the Spirit we find


And this Spirit of God

This flame of eternal love

We find when we accept

The Gift of Heaven above


Yes, Christ is the Gift

He is the Truth and the Way

The Spirit embraces us

As we embrace all Christ did say


And eternal treasures

Mysteries beautiful and deep

Such are the gifts

The Spirit of God does keep


Lavishly bestowing them

Upon God’s children dear

These gifts we experience

When keeping the Spirit near


So quench not the Spirit

Nor douse the flame

For Life and Love

Are one and the same


Embrace now the Spirit

And enthrone Christ always

Lift your heart to the Father

Sing to all Three praise


For we are His children

Marked with love

The deposit of eternity

In the seal of the Dove


May we share this Gift

With all those we meet

Witnessing the great love

Of salvation sweet


That all may know

The delight of the Dove

That all may know

The depth of God’s Love

© 2011 Caroline Gavin

How do you embrace the Holy Spirit, the Dove of Love?

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Sing to the King!

Sing to the King - Inspirational Christmas Poem by Caroline Gavin of Purposeful Pathway Christian Life Coaching

Sing, Sing to the King!

Sing to the King - Inspirational Christmas Poem by Caroline Gavin of Purposeful Pathway Christian Life Coaching

Image courtesy www.freedigitalphotos.net
Candle by Janaka Dharmasena

Sing, sing unto the Lord

Let all with breath rejoice!

Sing, sing upon this Day,

Let each one lift his voice!


For Christ is born,

Our Redeemer and Our King;

With adoration and with joy

We lift praises as we sing!


The Word made Flesh

Gloriously appearing on the earth,

The prophecies of salvation

Fulfilled in His precious birth –


That you and I may live

Eternally with God on High.

Yes, Christ came to redeem us

Though we had gone awry.


A vision of pure love,

Love eternal, wide and deep,

We see in the radiant Infant

While in the manger He does sleep.


Light brilliant and beaming

From Him and from the Star,

Drawing all nigh unto Him,

Those near and those far.


Let us go to Him today

With hearts humble and contrite

To feel the depth of the power

There upon Christmas night.


For the power of Christmas

Exists now in each day.

It flows into our hearts

As we sing psalms and pray.


God’s Word is true today

As is it was in that morn;

God’s Love streams to us

As it did when Christ was born.


Celebrate we will with song,

With our voices lifted high:

The coming of our dear Savior,

Born so for us He would die.


The perfect Lamb is born,

Our Redeemer and Our King;

With adoration and with joy

We lift praises as we sing.


Sing, sing unto the Lord,

Let all with breath rejoice!

Sing, sing upon this Day,

Let each one lift his voice!


© COPYRIGHT 2011 Caroline Gavin

How do you sing to the King this Christmas Season?

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Interested in working with a Christian Life Coach? Contact Caroline Gavin via caroline@purposefulpathway.com for a Free Christian Life Coaching Consultation.

Light Shining in the Night

Light Shining in the Night - Christmas Poem by Caroline Gavin of Purposeful Pathway Christian Life Coaching

Light Shining in the Night

Light Shining in the Night - Christmas Poem by Caroline Gavin of Purposeful Pathway Christian Life Coaching

Image courtesy www.freedigitalphotos.net
“Christmas Tree” by Sura Nualpradid

Gloriously shining,

In the darkness great Light:

Such was the Star

Upon the Christmas night.


For Christ is the Light

Shining in the world dark;

A star of brilliance then

Would be His true mark.


Wise men sought the Christ,

As wise men still do today,

Following His Light

As they travel His Way.


Bearing gifts of gratitude

And traveling long and far,

Such is the life journey

Following the Morning Star.


For on the Cross so cruel

And in the manger cold

We find Love deep and true,

The eternal Truth of Old.


Kneeling before Him,

Lord, Master, King, Friend,

We find renewal of life,

Life which has no end.


In following the Star,

In traveling the wondrous Way,

Our hearts experience daily

The miracle of Christmas Day.


So in this Season

And in seasons always,

Let us lift our hearts to God,

Glorifying Him with praise.


And marvel the Star,

The Light of mankind:

Therein eternal brilliance

Our grateful hearts did find.


© COPYRIGHT 2011 Caroline Gavin

How is Jesus the Light shining in the night of your life?

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Interested in working with a Christian Life Coach? Contact Caroline Gavin via caroline@purposefulpathway.com for a Free Christian Life Coaching Consultation.

Wondrous Fulfillment: Word Made Flesh

Wondrous Fulfillment: Word Made Flesh - Christmas Poem written by Caroline Gavin of Purposeful Pathway Christian Life Coaching

Wondrous Fulfillment: Word Made Flesh 

Wondrous Fulfillment: Word Made Flesh - Christmas Poem written by Caroline Gavin of Purposeful Pathway Christian Life Coaching

Image courtesy www.freedigitalphotos.net
“Gift” by Naito8


Foretold by prophets

Of ages long ago,

The Truth of God’s Word

Christ’s Birth does show.


Isaiah and David,

Daniel and Malachi

Spoke details of the King

To come from on High.


Micah and Jeremiah

Prophesied Christ’s arrival too

In manner that only

Spirit of God could do.


Divine Inspiration

We marvel in God’s Word,

Transformative to all

Heeding what is heard.


For living and active

Is God’s eternal Word,

Sharper indeed than any

Double-edged sword.


This Word of Truth,

Precious and pure,

Never wanes or fades;

God’s Word does endure.


And the Word became Flesh

On that first Christmas Day,

Fulfilling gloriously words

The prophets did say.


Filling our hearts with joy,

Warming them with love,

For Christ left His glory

From Heaven above.


To be one with His own

And pay the sin penalty:

The Lamb and the King,

Yes, both are He.


So rejoice and sing

With awe and praise,

To Christ our King

Our hearts we raise.


For He is the Word,

Timeless and true,

The miracle of salvation

For me and for you.


The Truth of God’s Word

His Life did show,

And through Him now

Eternal Life we know.


© COPYRIGHT 2011 Caroline Gavin

I Treasure Your Comments!

Season of His Story

Season of His Story - Christmas Poem and eCard by Caroline Gavin of Purposeful Pathway Christian Life Coaching
Season of His Story - Christmas Poem and eCard by Caroline Gavin of Purposeful Pathway Christian Life Coaching

Image courtesy www.freedigitalphotos.net
“Red Balls on Christmas Tree” by Marin

Season of His Story


Candles glowing,

Bells ringing,

Joyous carols,

Children singing –


The glorious season

Of joy and love

Warms the heart

With light from above.


Lift our hearts,

Raise our voices,

Together in song

The world rejoices.

For Christ is born,

In flesh the Word,

His Message saves all

Receiving what heard.


Born to die

So that we may live:

Blood-bought redemption,

What a Gift to give!


From His throne

In Heavenly glory,

He came to men

To fulfill His Story.


Yet rejected by men,

He found hatred and scorn

And accepted the Cross

With nails and thorn.


But gloriously rising

Upon the third day,

The sting of death

Forever He cast away.


For all who believe

That He does redeem

Will enter Heaven,

Where joy does teem.


And of this joy

We sing this season;

Indeed Christ our Lord

Is the Reason.


Coming to earth,

Resting in a manger,

Meeting cold poverty,

Hatred and danger,


All out of Love pure,

Love for you, for me –

So with Him in Heaven

We could one day be.


Lift our hearts then,

Raise our voices,

Together in song

As the world rejoices,

His Message saves all

Receiving what heard.

For Christ is born,

In flesh the Word.


© COPYRIGHT 2011 Caroline Gavin

How do you celebrate the Season of His Story?

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Interested in working with a Christian Life Coach? Contact Caroline Gavin via caroline@purposefulpathway.com for a Free Christian Life Coaching Consultation.

Treasured Tapestry

Treasured Tapestry


 (View as an Inspirational Christian e-Card!)

Moments interweaving

Intricately and by design

The fabric of my life

Woven by the Divine


Free will I have

In each stitch I make

Yet all of these together

His Hands do take


Stitches made in error

He perfects and beautifies

Stitches disconnected

He harmonizes and unifies


In the here and now

I often cannot see

The beautiful tapestry

He has woven for me


Yet in stepping back

I see the beauty of it all

My Lord has beautified

Each stitch, big and small


For He is the Maker

The Creator of all things

From sorrow and pain

Glory and joy He brings


And create a Masterpiece

He does for me, for you

Perfecting the imperfect

With Love infinite and true


The tapestry of my life

He weaves with all others too

Tapestries of billions

As only the Omnipotent can do


So delight in this tapestry

I will each passing day

Praising continually my God

For His ever perfect Way


It is a fabric of eternity

A tapestry precious and divine

That our Lord weaves with love

In both your life and mine


And in moments interweaving

Precious and by design

We praise the Eternal One

Creator, Master and True Vine

© COPYRIGHT 2011 Caroline Gavin

How do celebrate the Treasured Tapestry God weaves?

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