Knowing God
My heart rejoices in You, O God
My soul lifts You in constant prayer
How blessed I am to be Your daughter
To feel Your Presence is always near
So sweet to know You, Eternal One
So lovely to feel You next to me
So beautiful to hold Your Hand each day
So wondrous that Your Way I see
Lifted to new heights I am each day
For I know You, the Creator of us all
I see the world so clearly now
For You raise me to mountains tall
Yes, You opened my eyes to truly see
How blind I was before I met You
You share with me eternal wisdom
You confide in me all that is True
Those who seek You earnestly, Lord
You indeed they will joyously find
Those who set their hearts upon You
Experience transformation of the mind
Suddenly these see more than the seen
They find a world unseen yet real
Clearly they discover that life is eternal
Strongly Your love they do feel
Blessed are those who know You
Overjoyed I am to be of them one
A dear daughter of Yours, Almighty
Purchased by the blood of Your Son
My Father, my Daddy, is Jehovah
How can my joy I ever contain?
Your Name I raise continually in song
Your love is the beautiful refrain
Abba, Abba, my Father, loves me so
Indeed He sent His Son to die for me
Behold the love of my God on the Cross
More than my eyes can bear to see
Faith I have in the Sacrifice of the Lamb
Confident that His blood makes me clean
Pure and holy I am in my Father’s eyes
Justified by faith I have in the unseen
Bursting with joy and thanksgiving
I find myself now each day and night
Thank You, Father, that I am to You
Precious and priceless in Your sight
Rejoice, dear brother and sister, with me
Our Daddy on High loves us so much
How can we not sing of His goodness
Of the way our hearts He does touch
For each of us knows the Eternal One
So lovely to feel Him next to you and me
So beautiful to hold His Hand each day
So wondrous it is His Way we see
© 2012 Caroline Gavin
How has your life changed since knowing God?
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