Poetic Inspirations and Practical Applications for Blissful Living

Birthday of Our Beloved

Birthday of our Beloved Christmas Poem by Caroline Gavin of Purposeful Pathway Christian Life Coaching

Birthday of our Beloved 

Birthday of our Beloved Christmas Poem by Caroline Gavin of Purposeful Pathway Christian Life Coaching

Image courtesy www.freedigitalphotos.net
“Christmas Background” by Michael Marcol

“Do not let any part of your body become an instrument of evil to serve sin. Instead, give yourselves completely to God, for you were dead, but now you have new life. So use your whole body as an instrument to do what is right for the glory of God.” Romans 6:13

A joyful song

Swells in the heart,

The Christmas season

Is now at its start.


Lights are glowing,

And bells do ring;

With them we join

In carols we sing.


A Birthday is nearing,

One dear and divine,

The birth of the Savior,

Both yours and mine.


He arrived in poverty

While from eternal wealth,

And pain He suffered

To restore our health.


To Christ we can give

Nothing which can compare

To the priceless gifts

With us He does share.


Yet please Him we will

With the gift of the heart,

Binding ours with His

That both never part


May He then live in us,

As in Him we live:

Yes, may this be the gift

We forever will give.


And in giving to Christ,

We also richly receive:

For nothing blesses more

Than in Him to believe.


So prepare a precious place

For Him today and always;

Enthrone Him in your heart

With love, joy and praise.


And with silver bells,

With caroling voices,

Let your heart sing

As the world now rejoices.


For a Birthday is nearing,

One dear and divine,

The birth the Savior

Both yours and mine.


© COPYRIGHT 2011 Caroline Gavin

How do you celebrate the Birthday of our Beloved?

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The Narrow Path


The Narrow Path 


(Send as an Inspirational Christian e-Card!)

May we follow carefully

The narrow and blessed Way

Entering the small gate of Life

As our dear LORD did say


For broad is the path

And wide the gate that leads

To destruction eternal

And why our LORD now pleads


How easy to think the broad

Leads to Heaven’s door

As so many souls tread upon it

And each day all the more


Yet Jesus warned that only few

Will find the narrow Way

So may we heed our every step

As we worship, read and pray


Our earthly journey so transient

In the vast light of eternity

How important that we discern

The path where we may be


Seek God earnestly in prayer

In worship and in fasting too

These bring us ever closer

To the Creator of me and you


And ponder the Cross and pain

That Christ accepted and foreknew

For therein is the answer of Life

Yes, in His death, is Life true


The sting of death itself died

When Christ arose triumphantly

His Way leads to Life eternal

Let it be the only one we see


So as a new day unfolds

And the sun does brilliantly rise

Set out upon the narrow Way

Leading to the Crown and Prize


Yes, may we follow ever carefully

The narrow and blessed Way

Entering the small gate of Life

As our dear LORD did say


© COPYRIGHT 2011 Caroline Gavin

 How do you intentionally stay upon the straight and narrow path?

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Giving Thanks: Reasons in all Seasons

Thanksgiving Poem by Caroline Gavin of Purposeful Pathway Christian Life Coaching www.PurposefulPathway.com

Giving Thanks

Thanksgiving Poem by Caroline Gavin of Purposeful Pathway Christian Life Coaching www.PurposefulPathway.com

Image courtesy www.freedigitalphotos.net
“Squash” by Jeff Ratcliff


(Send as an Christian Thanksgiving eCard)


“In everything give thanks, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.” 1 Thessalonians 5:18


A grateful heart may I have,

For many are the reasons

To give thanks and praise

Amidst the turning seasons.


A celebration of Thanks

We enjoy each November;

Yet of God’s countless gifts

Let us always remember.


The gifts of birds and flowers,

The gifts of stars and sky,

The gifts of oceans and streams,

The gift of the sun on high.


The gift of life itself

And the many days we live;

The gift of eternal life we know,

His life for us Christ did give.


The gift of communing with God

Through praise and prayer,

The gift of being His children:

All are gifts beyond compare.


The gift of God’s infinite love,

Ever true, wide and deep,

The gift of God’s Word

And Promises He does keep.


So let us give thanks

Today and all our tomorrows;

Let us rejoice always in God,

Releasing to Him our sorrows.


Let us join together joyfully

With friends and family dear;

Thankful to God and each other

For blessings year to year.


Yea, grateful hearts may we have,

For many are the reasons

To give thanks and praise

Amidst the turning seasons.



© COPYRIGHT 2011 Caroline Gavin

What habits of giving thanks and praise do you practice – during Thanksgiving and all seasons?

I Treasure Your Thoughts and Comments!

Power of Pain

 Power of Pain

(Send as an Inspirational Christian e-card!)

A power to pain

Our LORD does give

Graciously to help

This life we live


In a fallen world

Of suffering great

Glory our pain

Can yet create


For God transforms

The cross to the crown

And uplifts the hearts

That are cast down


We see then value

In tears we do sow

To reap eternal joy

Beyond all we know


Seek pain, no, but

Embrace when it is near

For God doles it lovingly

Yes, this is clear


He knows what it is best

For our ultimate good

He knows how to mold

As we never would


Comforting it is then

To know that pain

Will yield sweet flowers

After the falling rain


So rejoice in all things

Even in trial

Trust in God’s love

Sing and smile


Eternal and precious

Treasures do await

Beyond the pearly doors

Of Heaven’s Gate


And dishearten not

When pain you find

Brief it is and soon

To be left behind


Fix your eyes instead

On the crown in store

Focus on Heaven

Each day more


For a power to pain

Our LORD does give

Graciously to help

This life we live


© COPYRIGHT 2011 Caroline Gavin 

How have you experienced the power of pain in your life?

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Glimpses of Heaven

Glimpses of Heaven


Glimpses of Heaven 

(Send as an Inspirational Christian Lighthouse e-card!)

Thank you, dear LORD,
For glimpses of Heaven you give
Those moments we connect
With future eternal bliss to live

A preview we see in
Towering snow-capped mountains
In foliage and flowers
In rushing waterfalls and fountains

And we hear Heaven’s voice
In the sweet notes of a soprano
Vibrating with our souls
An experience of our tomorrow

Images of angels and glory
Rush to the mind
Immersed in endless love and joy
As we will one day find

The fragrance of flowers too
Conjure a sense of Elysium
Hinting of fields of glory
In Your Kingdom to come

Even the feel of soft silk
And the taste of delicacy
Heighten our awareness
Of the Beauty that will be

So many whispers
Of the World that does await
So many signs of Heaven
For us to contemplate

Let us savor those moments
Sweetly speaking of You
And praise You for Promises
Of our eternal Home true

These moments remind us
Of the life yet to unfold
One of unceasing joy
Of love and ecstasy untold

Yes, thank you, dear LORD,
For glimpses of Heaven you give
Those moments we connect
With future eternal bliss to live


© COPYRIGHT 2011 Caroline Gavin

In what people, places and things do you see glimpses of Heaven?

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Giving Thanks: Glorifying God with Gratitude

Giving Thanks 


Sharing with you a 100-second video of inspiration for giving Thanks in all seasons, in all circumstances.

In order to appreciate the full effect, I encourage you to turn up the volume and view in full-screen mode by clicking the button on the lower right-hand corner of the video box.

May we give thanks always and glorify God with gratitude!




Prayer for Veterans

Veterans Day Prayer - A Christian Poem and eCard by Caroline Gavin of Purposeful Pathway Christian Life Coaching

Prayer for Veterans

Veterans Day Prayer - A Christian Poem and eCard by Caroline Gavin of Purposeful Pathway Christian Life Coaching

Image courtesy www.freedigitalphotos.net
“American Flag by Michael Elliot

 (Send as an http://www.alighthouse.com/vetdayprayer2.html )

A prayer solemn

We offer today;

It is for Veterans

We now pray.


Selfless, valiant,

Risking death gallantly:

Soldiers do all this

To ensure we are free.


So many have died

There on the battleground;

No music then to comfort,

Simply gun blasts all around.


So many names and faces

That I will never know,

So many stories of bravery

In warring winds did blow.


Grateful am I to these

Men and Women brave,

To think of all they did,

All they risked, all they gave.


Extend this heartfelt prayer

I will, to reach their ears;

How treasured they are to me,

Marching onward despite fears.


And those who have passed,

May God bless them lavishly –

These very ones who died

So that we would live free.


In the stories of Veterans

We see a shadow of the Cross:

Christ died to set us free,

Our gain was through His loss.


Gratefully we praise these heroes

Often silent and unknown,

And we remember Christ’s blood

From which eternal life has grown.


© COPYRIGHT 2011 Caroline Gavin

How do you honor our Veterans? What is your prayer?

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Interested in working with a Christian Life Coach? Contact Caroline Gavin via caroline@purposefulpathway.com for a Free Christian Life Coaching Consultation.

Priceless and Precious Love





Priceless and Precious Love

 (Send as an Inspirational Christian Lighthouse e-card!)


Priceless is the Love of God

Finer than silver and gold

His Love stretches long, wide

And eternally from days of old


How blessed we are, you and me

To receive this precious Love divine

With thanksgiving may we sing

And with radiant peace may we shine


Wealth and health come and go

They make us neither safe nor secure

Yet of God’s unchanging Love

We can remain forever sure


What do you feel in this Love?

What story does its song share?

God’s Love whispers of eternity

Of boundless grace beyond compare


His Love heals body and spirit

It binds even the broken heart

It comforts, transforms, uplifts

Yes, all from the very start


So let’s sing a song of Love

For God is Love True

Let’s sing of Love Eternal

Love lavished upon me and you


And let’s tell a story of God

Of His Love precious and sublime

Let’s share a message of Love

Stretching beyond the end of time


For priceless is the Love of God

Finer than silver and gold

His Love stretches long, wide

And eternally from days of old


© COPYRIGHT 2011 Caroline Gavin

How do you experience – and share – God’s love?

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Sower of Sacred Seeds



Sower of Sacred Seeds


Fertile may the soil

Of my heart always be

So thriving plants grow

For the world to see


For the Sower spreads

Seed of His Word among all

 May the seeds take root

Growing strong and tall


May not rocky soil

Lacking in moisture kill

The seed of the Gospel

God’s Promises and Good Will


Nor may piercing thorns

Of life, worries and wealth

Choke the plants of God

Hurting growth and health


But let us tend to the soil

The nature of the heart

So the seeds may flourish

From the very start


We aerate with love

And till it with care

For beautiful are Godly fruit

Beyond any to compare


When we tend to the heart

And nurture that which grows

The spiritual plants will thrive

Whatever direction wind blows


So may the soil of my heart

Fertile and nourishing ever be

Yielding a harvest for God

The Sower, the King of Glory


© COPYRIGHT 2011 Caroline Gavin

How do you help the Lord sow His sacred seeds? How do you keep the soil of your heart fertile?

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