Poetic Inspirations and Practical Applications for Blissful Living

Follow Feeling?

Should We Follow Feeling?

Do you follow your feelings? What is the relationship between action and feeling? How can understanding the relationship help us in purposeful living?

As we travel purposefully upon our personal pathways, we often encounter areas of necessary growth…and, therefore, necessary change. Change can be difficult, particularly when we heed our feelings more closely than we do God’s Word.

It is natural to act according to feelings, and in doing so we live according to the flesh. We may justify our actions with intellectualization. Yet, when we live according to feelings, we follow an uncertain (and often unpleasant) course indeed. We know that feelings are capricious, ever-changing and often not stemming from Truth. After all, “the heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it?” (Jeremiah 17:9)

So what is the basis for purposeful decisions? And how do we factor in feelings? A purposeful course follows decisions based on God’s Word – His eternal, unchanging Truth – no matter one’s feelings at the time. We embrace and give thanks for the feelings that God provides, the feelings that make us human. That being said, we do not honor these feelings above His Word. When feelings trigger actions, we discover unnecessary twists and turns and delays in purposeful progress. We remain stuck in old and often unfruitful patterns.

When we place Biblical action before feeling, however, we experience liberation from chains of past and alignment with God’s Will. God then blesses us with changed feelings…but we must first take the obedient action. In doing so, our feelings begin to align with His feelings, our distastes with His distates, our delights with His delights. “Delight yourself in the LORD and he will give you the desires of your heart.” (Psalm 37:4)

Is following God’s Word in spite of countering feelings always easy? I can say from experience “no.” Is it worthwhile, transformative and freeing? I can also say from experience “absolutely!” This principle, like many, takes practice. The more often we experience a replacement of one set of feelings with a new set of feelings, the more confidence we have in making decisions in spite of feelings – for we trust that those painful, contrary feelings will not last forever. We know that God will replace them with joy and with peace.

Truly miraculous is the way that God transforms our minds, yet we must obediently act in order for transformation to happen. “Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is–his good, pleasing and perfect will.” (Romans 12:2)

What patterns are holding you back from bearing more fruit? What feelings are keeping you tied to these patterns? I encourage you to trust God fully that the “the truth will set you free.” (John 8:32b) Embrace His Word, embrace His Love, embrace the transformation that He promises. When you act according to His Word, He will not abandon you in old feelings. He will liberate and uplift you…but you must reach your hand to Him and sweetly surrender to His lead.

Today and every day I encourage you to leave the shackles of the world behind…and allow instead God’s Spirit to transform your mind.


© 2011 Caroline Gavin

In what ways do you allow your feelings to follow your actions?

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The Media and Your Message

The Media and Your Message

Do you have a message to share? Do you have a story in your heart? Do you have insights and experiences that can uplift, inspire and encourage others?

Sharing your message may seem like a formidable task, but I want you to take heart that there are many ways to share.

The local media, for example, is an excellent venue for sharing. I recently interviewed my good friend and fellow life coach Joel Boggess regarding how to spread your message by collaborating with the local media.

What a fun and informative call! Joel shared a wealth of insights and experiences.  You can listen to the audio pod cast via the player below.

I encourage you to take notes, as working with the media can bridge the gap between you and your audience.

May you spread your message and God’s Light!

Abundant Blessings Always!


Sudden Storm

Sudden Storm


Unexpected sometimes

The weather can be

Snow squalls, thunderstorms

Attack suddenly

Along the life path also

The unexpected can befall

Inconveniences, disaster, chaos

Despite planning against all

Our Lord calmed the winds

And the raging waves of sea

So he can calm the storms

Of life, as they overwhelm me

Bring to Him my anxious heart

Bring it to Him now

Permit Him to carry my burden

Yes, this I do allow

For though the burden is heavy

And the storm is fierce

My Lord can carry everything

In His Hands once pierced

He carries me above the storm

And through the waters dry

Why then choose to hold on?

Why solve these problems try?

Jesus is Lord

Trust Him with your all

Give to Him all your cares

None too big, none too small

Thank you, Dear Jesus

For being faithful and true

To Your Promises always

My spirit you refresh and renew

Oh, that all would see

The calm amidst the storm

Oh, that all would see

How to stay safe and warm

Seek the Lord as Refuge

Seek Him, and you will find

Comfort and peace transcendent

Above the thought of mind


© COPYRIGHT 2011 Caroline Gavin

How do you find calm in the midst of the sudden storm?

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Seen and Unseen

Faith in the Unseen


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My Lord, My God

Forgive when with faith I do not see

Help me, O LORD,

To appreciate the unseen with clarity


For our faith lies not in the seen

But rather in those things beyond sight

It is in those with deep faith

That You give favor and find delight


So often I stumble

Because I do not see

I see the world around me, yes

But forget the unseen of eternity


Grant, O Lord, that I may see

As you do, seen and unseen, both

For it is to You and to Your Kingdom

That my life I will always devote


Guide me, Lord, and show me

The path of life abundant and pure

With only You as my Compass

Can the course of my steps be sure


Let the depth of my faith surge

As the deep and beautiful sea

Let never the doubts and worries

Wash over a faithless me


For with faith I will live

And with faith I will die

Only to find eternal promises

Granted from the Most High


Thank you, O Lord, for your grace

To grant me the faith to live

I pray that you increase my faith

And more to me each day You give


For I will please you with faith

And I will serve with hope and love

Knowing You so closely here, Father

And even more so when we meet Above


© 2011 Caroline Gavin

How do you keep your spiritual eyes fixed on the Unseen?

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My Lord, My Shepherd

My Lord, My Shepherd


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How can our hearts be troubled long

When we know in glory Our Lord does reign?

Nothing can separate us from His Love

No trial, no challenge, no pain


Jesus is my Joy and my Comfort

My cup indeed overflows

I sing of my Savior and His Love

Not of the trials nor of the woes


Praise the Lord, Praise His Glorious Name!

Praise Him who created mountain, lake and sea

Sing of His Good Will, Sing of His Love

Yes, I will do so gladly and joyfully


My soul bursts with joy when I contemplate

All that my Savior has done for me

How could He have? How would he have?

Died for such a one, a sinner only be?


Love teems in my heart for Him

Gratitude and joy abound

Yes, my hope is in my Lord

Grateful His salvation I have found!


Thank you, My Lord

For your love, for your grace so kind

Let us rejoice, let us be glad

That sin no longer does us bind


We are led by the Spirit

And showered by blessings from Above

Let us share the Good News with all

And sing hymns of His Everlasting Love!


© 2011 Caroline Gavin

How do you celebrate the love of the Lord, the Shepherd?

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Symphony: The Life Song

The Life Song


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The movement of my life

A symphony does make

Adding verses to the song

From the time I awake


Following my Lord

The notes ring more sweet

My life song more lovely

Since my Lord I did meet


Even the solemn notes

Have a beautiful place

So that the trials I now

Can gratefully embrace

The pauses and rests

Are meaningful too

Distinguishing the notes

The pauses certainly do


Yes, rest lends beauty

To the symphony of life

As do the trials

And the periods of strife


To You, Lord, I devote

My life song each day

May my life song ring

With beauty, I pray


Enjoying the pauses

And the bitter notes too

For both sweeten a song

In ways I never knew


Today and every day

May our lives of Christ sing

Glory and Honor to God

May our songs always bring


© 2011 Caroline Gavin

What Symphony – what Life Song – do you sing?

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Son Light

The Son Light 


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At times the day may seem

Gray and dreary so

My heart seems to sag

And my energy runs low


Suddenly I realize

How foolish I’ve been

To allow the externals

To seep within


Change my focus

I must now do

Shift it to the Eternal

To the Beautiful and the True


Light then pours

Into my world so gray

Hope suddenly streams

Into a once dreary day


Focus on Christ

And on His Love so pure

Think always of Him

And peace will endure


Sun will fill the days

Yes, each and every one

When we choose to see Light

From God’s only begotten Son


© COPYRIGHT 2011 Caroline Gavin

How do you embrace the Son Light?

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In stillness, in silence

I sense You are here

In stillness, in silence

Your Voice rings so clear


My thoughts usually run

Ever so fast

To yesterday, tomorrow

To future and past

Yet to still myself

And presently be

Opens my eyes to much 

That I have yet to see


Feeling the breeze, hearing the birds

Smelling the flowers in the air

Seeing the dazzling colors around

To Nature’s bounty none can compare


In the stillness, in the silence

In the presence of here and now

I hear, see, feel and know God

As only stillness can allow


The moments often pass in a flurry

A parade of weeks, months and years

Yet in the pause of the moment

My soul feels God and also hears


The Voice of the Great I AM

Speaking clearly, strongly and true

Awaking me to the Eternal Now

And my spirit to joyfully renew


So in this stillness, in this silence

I celebrate the closeness of myself to Thee

With song, with Psalm, with prayer

With uplifted arms or on bended knee


Yes, I will celebrate the moment

The very present Now

I will experience it fully

And in it I will allow


The Lord to speak

And to touch my very heart

I am His beloved child

His treasured work of art


Our God is Sovereign

Yesterday, tomorrow and today

Let not those precious moments

Slip by us and flitter away


Practice presence, practice awareness

Of the precious here and now

Commune with Lord in the stillness

And to Him our heads do bow


As He lifts us to new heights

And we connect with Him more deeply and true

Stillness in God is the key to Eternity

And to celestial promises for me and for you


© COPYRIGHT 2011 Caroline Gavin

How do you savor God’s presence in the stillness? What practices do you have in being still?

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Life Lessons in Lost Keys

Life Lessons in Lost Keys


“Oh, no…where did my keys go?”  I think most of us have asked this question in a panic. I lost a set of keys months ago while in the midst of an engaging phone conversation. Distracted by the content of the call, I placed my keys on the kitchen counter rather than in their “special” spot. My intent was to retrieve them after the call. When I finished the phone conversation, however, the keys were no longer on the counter. Things do disappear with a toddler in the home!

I was determined to find them. After all, they had to be somewhere in the house! I looked everywhere: up and down, in and out, through every trash bag and behind every corner. No keys. I looked under every furniture item and through all the children’s toys. Still no keys.

Well, a few weeks ago – and literally nine months later – my son found the keys underneath the recliner in the living room. I had moved that very chair several times and had checked the creases and crevices countless times. Yet suddenly these keys appeared almost a year later. It seemed that there must be some meaning or message to the whole experience.

After all, how often are we looking for something that is right beneath us? How often do we assume that it is no longer worth looking or trying when we see no immediate result?  And how often does God demonstrate that He works all things in His perfect time?

As simple as the story of missing keys may be, valuable life lessons lie within it:

    • First, we must release attachment to outcomes and instead place in God’s hands the outcomes and the means. He will allow people or things or experiences to surface at just the right time. “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” (Romans 8:28)
    • Second, we cannot assume that something is no longer in God’s will after a certain length of time has passed. That which may seem dead or lost may resurface at a time or place unexpected. Trust not in appearances but in the perfection of God’s purposes. “Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.” (Proverbs 3:5-6)
    • Third, we must trust that the answers – the keys – are closer to us than we may think. We are often standing near or upon the very things for which we long and look. Allow stillness and silence to bring answers through God’s Voice that one cannot otherwise hear. “Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.” (Psalm 46:10)
  • And, fourth, we must remember always that God sees the ultimate outcome and has a favorable plan. So we must remember to thank God in all things, even in the trials and losses.  “Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance.” (James 1:2-3)

As we travel upon our pathways of purpose, let us trust God in all things…even when the keys are missing and the dreams seem to disappear. Let us take comfort in the perfection of His timing, His providence and His love. Appearances will not discourage or deceive us when we keep our eyes fixed on the Eternal. “Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.” (Hebrews 1:11) 

Today – and every day – let us celebrate the moment, hear God’s Voice in the stillness and trust Him fully in all things. For the keys to Eternity lie in our faith, love and trust of Him…


© 2011 Caroline Gavin

What life lessons do you see in lost keys?

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Now Soaring So Free…as God Created Me to Be

Soaring Free

Freely flying

Soaring light

Free, uplifted

Amidst the bright


Lifted to God’s Arms

Toward him I near

Is how I feel

When His Voice I hear


My purpose, my mission

Rings within me true

When to it I listen

I can dream anew


Let me follow the dream

The one which God instilled

Let me live this dream

And my purpose fulfill


The clutter, the noise

The chaos distracts

Move away from these

The divine dream I enact


So long I did not hear it

So long its song was mute

Yet living by God’s Word

Its song is clear, acute


I choose to be what God wants

Not what the world says I should

I choose to fly with this passion

As I never knew I could


The Lord removed the clutter

The chaos that tied me to the ground

He has lifted me to the heights

And my purpose I have now found


To know Him, to love Him

To serve Him with my talents too

This is my purpose, yes,

And what I choose to do


So up and away

Flying high and so free

I do as God wants

As He created me to be


© COPYRIGHT 2011 Caroline Gavin

How are you soaring free ~ as God created you to be?

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