Poetic Inspirations and Practical Applications for Blissful Living

Bread of Life

Bread of Life


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Our Lord, Our God

Is the Living Bread

Giving Life Eternal

As our Lord has said


All who can accept

All who do believe

All who embrace Christ

Are those who do receive


For the Spirit brings life

The flesh counts for naught

Thus we seek spiritual food

And redemption blood-bought


We go humbly to Christ

And hunger never again

We discover eternal treasure

And where it has long been


Manna in the desert

Is what our forefathers ate

Sweeter bread than this

Our God does now create


For man lives not

On bread alone

But on God’s Word

And flesh which did atone


Thus we seek true Bread

In the One who for us died

We eat of His flesh

That in us He will abide


And we rejoice in the Gift

The Gift of faith and life

We guard always our hearts

Even in challenge and strife


For Christ lives in us

As in Him we do live

We believe in His Sacrifice

And Eternal Life He does give

Rejoice in the Gift

Celebrate Divine Love

Embrace precious Manna

Bestowed from Above


And seek always the Bread

Follow always the Way

Cling always to Christ

Eating each Word He did say


For it is His Word

That nourishes and feeds

Precious and powerful

Filling all of our needs


Yes, praise God Eternal

Praise the Son on High

Through the Eternal Manna

Christ is to us always nigh


© COPYRIGHT 2011 Caroline Gavin

How do you actively seek and feed upon the Bread of Life?

Leace a Comment

  • http://www.thelisaeffect.com Lisa

    Please, please publish a book with your poetry!! What a beautiful reminder of the real food we need!

    • http://PurposefulPathway.com Caroline Gavin

      Wow, Lisa! Thank you SO very much!
      I am thrilled you enjoy the poetry! Yes, I do plan to publish a book of poetry this year.
      Thank you for affirming this direction, as your encouragement means so much to me!
      Thank you also for blessing my heart with your writing!
      It is an honor to know you and to be your sister!
      Yes, Christ is the real Food we need! Praise His Name eternally!
      Gratefully your sister in Christ,

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