Poetic Inspirations and Practical Applications for Blissful Living



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Let me always walk in Truth
Teach me, Lord, Your Way
The sum of Your Word is Truth
Guiding my journey each day
The world deceived sees truth
Relative to the opinions of each
Yet You prove that Truth is absolute
Its perfection to me You teach
Truth is constant, unchanging
It shifts not when the wind does blow
Truth is pure, righteous, eternal
 Hearts transform when Truth they know
Christ Himself is the Truth
His Life embodied the Eternal Word
He lives in those who live in Truth
Those practicing what they heard
He brought His beloved children forth
By Truth in His perfect divine Will
That we may be born again in Spirit
And that all our needs He would fill
Though the Law came through Moses
Through Christ came Truth and Grace
His Message spreads across the world
A Gospel of salvation for the human race
Dear Lord, sanctify me in the Truth
Purify me in the Word You speak
May I grow ever more kind and loving
Ever more courageous, joyful and meek
For sweet is Your Word, my Father
Precious the Word that You give
Powerful in changing hearts and minds
That every soul may eternally live
I lift my heart to you, Eternal One
I sing my Father’s praises all day long
How I love Him for leading me in Truth
So I share with all this glorious song
Seek the Truth, embrace its Beauty
Let it fill your heart, transform your mind
Eternal, Pure, Just, Loving and Living
So treasured is Truth when it we find
So may we walk always in Truth
May our Lord teach us His Way
For the sum of His Word is Truth
Guiding our journeys each day


© 2012 Caroline Gavin  

How do you take steps to walk in Truth?

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