Poetic Inspirations and Practical Applications for Blissful Living




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Sweet is forgiveness

When given from the heart

From here true freedom

Does at once start


Bitterness and resentment

Only injure and harm

Un-forgiveness keeps us

From God’s comforting arm


Yet to forgive another

Is to release ponderous chains

It is to leave a prison

Where cold darkness remains


For as the heart forgives

The soul finds warming light

Sweet Son-shine embraces

As one leaves shadows of night


My sister and brother

Dear Christian, dear friend

Let our forgiveness have no limit

Let our mercy have no end


Greatly we have been forgiven

By our glorious Father on high

No sin against us can match

Our sins for which Christ did die


In response to this divine love

In response to this mercy sweet

How can we not but offer to others

Forgiveness pure, full and complete?


Let us then forgive freely

All who may hurt and offend

Let us love generously all:

Neighbor, stranger and friend


For then we will know God

Ever more intimately and true

Then we shall experience love

In ways we once never knew


For the heart of our Father

Is mercy, forgiveness and love

Let us then be beautifully perfect

As is our Heavenly Father above


Yes, so sweet is forgiveness

When given from the heart

Sweet like the love of Jesus

From Whom I pray I never part


 © 2012 Caroline Gavin

How have you practiced – and experienced the freedom of – forgiveness?

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  • Carole Simone

    Dear Caroline,

    How sweet is the fruit of forgiveness.

    Thank you for your lovely poem explaining how important it is to forgive others as the Good Lord has forgiven us…..unconditionally.

    • http://PurposefulPathway.com Caroline Gavin

      Thank you, and God bless you!

      Your comments brighten my days! The Light of the Lord shines through you!

      Yes, Forgiveness brings freedom…and how we can we but give anything less than full forgiveness in response to how greatly we have been forgiven?

      May God bless you, may Jesus abide in you, may the Spirit lead you!

    • http://PurposefulPathway.com Caroline Gavin

      Thank you very much!What a lovely reply!

      Yes, how sweet is the freedom of forgiveness!

      May we remember always how greatly our Lord forgave us!

      Love and Blessings…


  • http://www.threedimensionalvitality.com/ Ann J Musico

    Caroline – as always you express a very deep and important principle in such a beautiful way.

    • http://PurposefulPathway.com Caroline Gavin

      Ann, thank you so very much!

      Your comments always bless my heart!

      May God bless you and your work for Him;
      may His joy and peace abound in your days!


    • http://PurposefulPathway.com Caroline Gavin

      Ann, thank you so very much!

      It blesses my heart to know the poetry resonates with yours. All glory is God’s!

      Thank you, dear sister in Christ, and God bless you!

  • Anonymous

    Beautiful reminder!!

    • http://PurposefulPathway.com Caroline Gavin

      Sweet Lisa, thank you so very much!!! God bless you, dear sister!! :)

    • http://PurposefulPathway.com Caroline Gavin

      Sweet Lisa, thank you so very much!!! God bless you, dear sister!! :)

  • Sang-dae Suh

    Your poem comes home to my revengeful heart guiding me to the realization that forgiving the Samsung villains is a categorical imperative for me.

    • http://PurposefulPathway.com/ Caroline Gavin

      My cherished brother Sang-dae, I am so glad the poem spoke to your heart! You are a continual blessing to me, and I will continue in prayer for you! God bless you, your forgiving heart and your precious family! His graces and my gratitude…

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