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Lead me, Lord,
Wherever You do please
I long to bring You glory
To You all things I release
If You lead me to the mountain
I will follow with gladdened heart
If You lead me to the shores
I will rejoice from the very start
If You lead me in the valleys
To You, Lord, I will cling
If You bring me to dark waters
I will celebrate the Light You bring
Throughout my lifelong journey
I will heed Your voice each day
No path is of beauty and grace
Unless it is upon Your sacred Way
So lead me, my precious Lord
My life, each day, is fully Thine
Sweet to live for You, my Master
To abide in Your will divine
I will follow Your lead, Lord
Whithersoever You may go
It is You, only You, Jesus
Whom I long to know
I will follow You always
No matter where the path may lead
May I always be with You, Lord
For this I pray and plead
For, as a Lamb, You followed
The lead of Your Father Above
You submitted Yourself to His will
A Vessel of His Light and Love
You followed Him to the desert
You followed Him to Galilee
You followed Him to the temple
You followed Him to Gethsemane
Every word of Your Father
You embraced and did fulfill
You drank the cup He gave You
Submitting humbly to His will
As they nailed You to the Cross
You, Master, retained full power
Yet You accepted crucifixion
For it was the appointed hour
Sinless Lamb, pure and white
Sacrificed for all on Calvary
My soul quavers at the sight
For my Lord died for me
So You, my Master, I follow
I know not what else to do
You gave all of Yourself to me
I give all of myself to You
Lead me, beloved Lord,
Wherever You do please
I long to bring You glory
To You all things I release
Yes, lead me, my Jesus
My life, each day, is fully Thine
Sweet to live for You, my Master
To abide in Your will divine
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Whispering winds
Speaking Your Word
In the breeze
Truth can be heard
For You created winds
You created the earth
The stars, the oceans
You caused their birth
Nature glorifies You
By keeping Your Way
The winds and the birds
Keep the commands You say
And what about me?
What about the life I live?
Do I glorify You
Adhering to laws You give?
May my heart ever be
One with Your Word
May my song be one
With the wind and bird
May I search Your Truth
May I follow Your Way
May I cling to Christ
All this I do pray
May my voice lift high
With my heart as I sing
It is the LORD who creates
And good gifts He does bring
The winds do not worry
The birds do not toil
The flowers do not struggle
Breaking forth from the soil
This life of ease
Of beauty and of peace
This is life we experience
When to You all we release
For the Life of Eden
Awaits us this moment now
Sweet fellowship with You
Children in Christ You allow
Walking closely with you
In the Garden each day
I experience Your Presence
As I sing and as I pray
My God is my Father
My best Friend too
He fills my heart with love
And reveals all that is true
I raise my arms then
And lift my voice in song
With the flowers and the birds
Yes, this is where I belong
We join to sing praises
To our God on High
His treasures He shares
And His heart to us is nigh
Yes, the whispering winds
Speak Your precious Word
And in the gentle breezes
Your Truth can be heard
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Setting out upon a journey
A journey I joyfully embrace
A Lenten pathway before me
Adorned with love and grace
Forty days in the desert
Our Lord began His ministry
He fasted from all food
Tempted, yet sinless, is He
Wondrous gift, lovely path
Thank You, Lord, that I may tread
Pondering Your precious heart
Which for me generously bled
Humbled, falling to my knees
I marvel my Savior’s love
To die for me and my sins
Is why He left His throne Above
Worthy I am not
Of Your love sublime and sweet
I crave Your wondrous Wine
Your Word I long to eat
Man lives not on bread alone
But on the Almighty’s every word
Nourishing, renewing the soul
Precious truths, told and heard
Lord, please take my hand
Lead me wherever Thou desire
You are the joy of my spirit
You are in my heart a burning fire
Little I have to offer You
Nothing worthy of love You give
Take me, all of me, my Lord
My life is not mine, but Yours, to live
Precious Savior, Lamb of God
You loved me while I was still blind
To fathom the power of Your love
Transcends all thought of mind
So, in this Lenten journey
I vow to give all of myself to You
To be completely Yours, Master
Is to live life abundantly and true
On the Via Dolorosa
Lead me, beloved Lord, to see
How they treated You, my Master
On the way to Calvary
On the hill Golgotha
At the Cross may I stand
Weeping for You, sweet Lord
Pierced feet and pierced hand
At the Holy Sepulchre
The stone moved may I see
Resurrection triumphing over death
My Lord is Risen, to Him all Glory!
Lenten journey lovely
Pathway of contemplation
Lord, how much You suffered
That I may know salvation
Wondrous gift, lovely path
Thank You, Lord, that I may tread
Pondering Your precious heart
Which for me generously bled
In this Lenten journey and always
I vow to give all of myself to You
To be completely Yours, Lord Jesus
Is to live life abundantly and true
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Worthy I am not to be here
Worthy not I to be at Your feet
Worthy not I to be with You
Worthy not my Master to greet
Wondrous You are, dear Lord
Wondrous are Your ways
Wondrous that You love me
Wondrous You love always
Worship I do with all my heart
Worship with psalms and song
Worship with arms lifted high
With You, O Lord, I belong
O, sweet melody fills my heart
A song of joy and praise
My Savior redeems and renews
To Him my heart I raise
The King of kings, the Almighty
He suffered a crown of thorns for me
The Shepherd Himself led as a Lamb
Sacrificing Himself for humanity
Precious Lord, what did You ponder
As they led You Calvary Way?
You embraced the Cross they gave
That I may be with You one day
Sweet Savior, what thoughts were Yours
When they pierced Your hands and feet?
You thought of the children You would save
In Heaven someday each one to meet
My God, my Master, what did You say
When You they did scourge and mock?
You asked Your Father to forgive them
As You longed to gather Your flock
Tremble with awe does my heart
Both humbled and amazed am I
My Savior thought lovingly of me
When Him they did crucify
The depth of Your love is unfathomable
Could indeed these truths be so?
Yes, my Savior’s love transcends thought
He loves me more than I can know
Rejoice, my soul, in my Lord
Stand in awe of His eternal love
Enthrone my King in my heart
In glory He reigns Above
Lord, nothing I can give to You
Will come close to all You give me
Please accept the gift of myself
For I give all of myself to Thee
Love You more I do each day
Closer I long to be with You
I desire to know Your Ways
To cling to all that is True
Master, I kneel before You
Take all I have, all who I am
I pour of myself for You
As You did for me, Precious Lamb
Worthy I am not to be here
Worthy not I to be at Your feet
Worthy not I to be with You
Worthy not my Master to greet
Wondrous You are, dear Lord
Wondrous are Your ways
Wondrous that You love me
Wondrous You love always
Worship I do with all my heart
Worship with psalms and song
Worship with arms lifted high
With You, O Lord, I belong
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Unto the Throne of Grace
Boldly my soul does go
Boundless mercy and love I find
The King of kings I know
Whither shall I ever go
Than here at my Master’s feet?
Whither shall I find myself
Than wrapped in His mercies sweet?
Oh, wondrous joy
Yes, endless wonder do I find
No one more lovely than my Lord
No one more gentle, meek and kind
For the Creator of the universe
Bids that with Him I should be
How could He have, how would He have
Ever set His sights upon me?
Made of dust am I
A vapor, a mere breath but fleeting
How can I then account
For my Master’s wondrous greeting?
His love, His glorious love
Yes, this is the answer to it all
His love is without limit
Ever my soul to enthrall
Sweet to be in my Savior’s arms
Grant, Lord, that I grow closer to You
Sweet to drink of Your eternal love
Your Living Water refreshing and true
Approach then I the Throne of Grace
With heart humble and eyes of wonder
Heavenly love and mercies I find
Upon which my heart does ponder
Rejoice I do in my Lord
I give to Him all of me
You, Lord, are my Everything
You, Lord, are All I see
Praise You, Almighty Jehovah
Praise You, Son on High
Praise You, Spirit of God
My spirit and Yours are nigh
And unto the Throne of Grace
Boldly my soul does go
Boundless mercy and love I find
For the King of kings I know
© 2012 Caroline Gavin
How do you approach the Throne of Grace?
How has God’s grace changed your life?
© 2012 Caroline Gavin
How do you fellowship with the Father?
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Celebrate now we do
The season of Saint Valentine
A season of sharing our hearts
And expressing love divine
We commemorate the Saint in Rome
Who with Valentine went by name
A Saint martyred for Jesus Christ
Giving all for love and not for fame
“Valens” itself in Roman times
Meant worthy, powerful and strong
Thus this worthy martyred Saint
With our dear Savior does now belong
What is this Day of celebration then
Of candy, roses and sweet greeting?
Is it one of passionate romance
Of feelings powerful yet fleeting?
At its core and at its essence
This Day is far more than these
It is a Day of love pure and holy
One which brings us to our knees
For God Himself is love
Christ embodied love in His Life
He is our beloved Bridegroom
We, the Church, to be His Wife
Oh, glorious is this truth indeed
It touches and warms my soul
When I give my all to Christ
He completes and makes me whole
So strong is the love I have for Jesus
So passionate, so deep, so wide
Yet even greater is His love for me
And for His Church, His beloved Bride
Sing to sweet Jesus, then, on this Day
Sing of His love perfect and pure
Sing of His unending and undying love
In which you and I can rest secure
For greater love has no man
Than to lay down his life for friends
Our dear Lord died for us, mere sinners
We know then His love never ends
This, dear Christian, is the meaning
The heart of the Day we now celebrate
It is a day of sacrifice, of true love
It is a day of expressing agape great
Such is the agape-love expressed
In the martyred Saint Valentine of Rome
He poured out his life as a love offering
For his Father in his Heavenly home
And such is the love shown by Christ
Yes, by our sweet Savior on the Cross
All I have known before meeting my Lord
I consider all merely but waste and loss
So sing, dear Christian, on this Day
Lift your heart to the Eternal One
Raise your voice in songs of praise
To the Father, the Spirit and the Son
For sweet is the love we know in Christ
Precious, priceless, undying and true
A love that He shows today and every day
To me and, yes, dear friend, to you
by Caroline Gavin
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