Poetic Inspirations and Practical Applications for Blissful Living

Biz Tip: Rejoicing in Rejection

Biz Tip: Rejoicing in Rejection

Christian Biz Tip Rejoicing in Rejection

Image courtesy Sura Nualpradid at www.freedigitalphotos.net


Purposeful Pathway is a haven for faith-based entrepreneurs. Part of my mission is equipping faith-based businesses with information that is practical, actionable and Scriptural.

The theme of this post is rejoicing in rejection!

We’ve all been there. Perhaps a book manuscript was turned down. A potential client does not move forward. We are not picked for a project.

There’s no way around it. Rejection happens. And, strong as we may be, rejection can sting. For good reason too: God wired us to want to belong. He designed us to desire love. He created us to crave companionship and community.

Yet our healthy distaste of rejection can turn into an unhealthy discouragement. So how can we flip disfavor to favor? How can we rejoice in rejection?

Here are seven steps to rejoice in rejection in order to boost a faith-based business:

  1. Accept that rejection happens. No matter how beautiful, kind, godly, gifted and loving you are, rejection will happen. So, when it does happen, remember that it is not personal but rather inevitable. Simple as this step may seem, it is the powerful foundation for rejoicing in rejection.
  2. Dig deeper. Examine the particular rejection. Could it have stemmed from miscommunication? Misaligned interests? In digging deeper, you can determine the source of the rejection. Very often what we experience as rejection is nothing more than not experiencing a good fit. A pair of shoes can be absolutely beautiful and exquisitely made, yet these shoes will not fit every pair of feet. In digging deeper we uncover the reality…which, more often than not, is not true rejection.
  3. Look upon the Lord. No one was more rejected than Jesus. “He was despised and rejectedby men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief; and as one from whom men hide their faces he was despised, and we esteemed him not.” (Isaiah 53:3) Rejection is a remarkable opportunity to unite your suffering with Jesus’ that you may also know His joy. “The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit.” (Psalm 34:18) Remember also that, no matter how rejected you may be by man, you are loved limitlessly by God. “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” (John 3:16)
  4. Ask God to reveal the purpose of the rejection. “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, whohave been called according to his purpose.” (Romans 8:28) If you encounter rejection, it follows that God allowed it for your highest good. Prayerfully request enlightenment regarding the purpose of this rejection. Perhaps it exists to lead you in another direction? To protect you from harm? To heighten your awareness? If God does not reveal the specifics, trust His perfect way to experience peace. “You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you.” (Isaiah 26:3)
  5. What is the remarkable resolution? Trials are the perfect pruners. “He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes so that it will be even more fruitful.” (John 15:2) Painful as trials may be, they ultimately produce more fruit for our Father. What can you do to turn your rejection into a remarkable blessing? Can you strengthen your skills? Practice your persistence? Pursue a different venture? Extend your comfort zone? Give glory to God by rejoicing in trial? Be chiseled more into the likeness of Christ? The closing door of rejection is, on the other side, the opening door to new growth and experience.
  6. Walk with wisdom. With the wisdom gained from step five, move forward to convert the rejection to a remarkable blessing. Document specific action steps, walk them out accordingly and document in your journal the fruit of your labor. “I instruct you in the way of wisdom and lead you along straight paths. When you walk, your steps will not be hampered; when you run, you will not stumble.” (Proverbs 4:11-12)
  7. Rejoice in rejection. “Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!” (Philippians 4:4) God commands us to rejoice always. He would not command this if it were not possible. Rejection is a wonderful opportunity to commune more closely with Christ, dig more deeply for answers and to rejoice more radiantly in Jesus! Remember, God not only loves and accepts you, He delights in His relationship with you. So, yes, rejoice in rejection – and, even more so, in your relationship with the Lord!

“Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.” (James 12:4)


I am excited for you as you transform obstacles to opportunities in your business!

Would you like to boost your business through a proven system over the next 40 days? There is no need to reinvent the wheel! I have organized my knowledge and experiences in business into an implementable 40-day series of actionable daily steps, instructional videos and powerful worksheets. I invite you to enjoy this home study version of Purposeful Pathway Business Academy! Also, through October 15th this program will be offered at the incredible introductory price of $27. If you need a serious boost in business, I encourage you to take the next step by visiting Purposeful Pathway Business Academy today!

Let’s pray. Lord God, You who were rejected and despised by men, thank You for allowing us to rejoice in rejection. Thank You for converting our crosses to crowns. Thank You for transforming our trials to triumphs for Your glory. We choose to rejoice in rejection, Remarkable and Radiant Son, for we know You work all things for our highest good. We love You with all our hearts, souls, minds and strength. It’s in Jesus’ Name that we pray. Amen.

I treasure your Thoughts and Comments!

Poem: Because You Love Me

Poem: Because You Love Me

Christian Poem Because You Love Me

Image courtesy Natara at www.freedigitalphotos.net


“We love because he first loved us.” ~ 1 John 4:19


Smiling so wide,

Singing so free,

Delighting so deep

In Your love for me,


Dancing for joy,

Clapping with praise,

Marveling Your grace

Abounding always,


Sharing with love,

Speaking of You,

“Jesus” beats in my heart

In all I do.


Why this song,

Why this sweet delight

Filling my heart

Through day and night?


Because You, my Jesus,

Love me so;

Everywhere I look

Your love does show.


In the birds flying,

In the waves crashing,

In the rainbow stretching,

In the stream splashing,


Yes, everything ‘round

Shows me Your love

Flowing forever

From Heaven above.


So I dance for joy,

I clap with praise,

I marvel Your grace

Now and always.


Yea, I smile so wide,

I sing so free,

Because Jesus, O Jesus,

You love me.


© 2013 Caroline Gavin



We love because He loved us first. How do you express your love?

I Treasure Your Thoughts and Comments


Want more joy for your journey? Schedule a complimentary “Take Me to Transformation” Consultation with Caroline Gavin via caroline@purposefulpathway.com. Walk away with heightened clarity, renewed energy and a customized action step plan.

Poem: A Treasure You Are

Poem: A Treasure You Are

Christian Poem A Treasure You Are

Image courtesy Rosemary Ratcliff at www.freedigitalphotos.net


“I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
your works are wonderful,
I know that full well.” ~ Psalm 139:14


A treasure you are,

Yea, a treasure you are to me,

Open your eyes, My child,

I will let you see:


More valuable to Me

Than all stars in the sky,

Lovelier to Me

Than mountains stretching high;


More beautiful to Me

Than flowers of the fields;

More radiant to Me

Than light the sun yields.


Yes, a treasure you are,

This, child, please know;

I will wrap you in My care

Every step you may go.


Do not worry,

Do not let your eyes tear,

Embrace My love,

Do not ever fear.


For if you are to Me

Worth many a sparrow,

Will I not provide for you

On My straight and narrow?


As You are more valuable

Than all stars in the sky,

Lovelier to Me

Than mountains stretching high;


Yea, a treasure you are,

A treasure you are to me;

Look in My eyes, child,

There My love you will see!


© 2013 Caroline Gavin



A Treasure you are to your Creator and King! How do you celebrate how treasured He is to you?

I Treasure Your Thoughts and Comments


Want more joy for your journey? Schedule a complimentary “Take Me to Transformation” Consultation with Caroline Gavin via caroline@purposefulpathway.com. Walk away with heightened clarity, renewed energy and a customized action step plan.

Biz Tip: Teach to Learn

Biz Tip: Teach to Learn

Christian Business Tip Teach to Learn

Image courtesy Michelle Mieklejohn at www.freedigitalphotos.net


Purposeful Pathway is a haven for faith-based entrepreneurs. Part of my mission is equipping faith-based businesses with information that is practical, actionable and Scriptural.

The theme of this post is learning by teaching!

Fall is here. The breezes are crisp. The leaves are turning. The children are back in school.

Mmmmm…new beginnings and precious promises seem to energize the air!

This year I am homeschooling my children, and it has been exciting to work through exercises and to explore new things. And, amidst it all, it has grown abundantly clear to me that we learn by teaching!

How can we teach to learn in our faith-based businesses?

  1. Open your eyes to teachable moments. In homeschooling, I see more than ever the opportunities to teach my children in “everyday” moments. My eyes are peeled to these precious lessons. As an entrepreneur, make a commitment each day to be aware of teachable moments. “An intelligent heart acquires knowledge, and the ear of the wise seeks knowledge.” (Proverbs 18:15)
  2. Expose the “gaps” that they may be filled. Teaching often exposes areas in which our knowledge may be lacking. Yet, rather than shirk from teaching, we embrace it as an opportunity to learn exactly what needs to be learned. When you stumble upon gaps in knowledge, commit to filling them. “If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him.” (James 1:5)
  3. Teach by asking. Whether you are a parent, a teacher, a homeschooler, a coach or a business owner, you often teach most effectively by asking powerful questions. A monologue rarely engages a student as does a conversation. So employ the Socratic method by asking a strategic series of questions; this allows students to connect with answers.
  4. Be open to learn from your students. Segueing from the last step, it is important to embrace humility. Therein we learn the best lessons. Our children, our clients and our followers are our teachers if we humbly allow them to be.
  5. Prepare. My homeschooling days are far more effective when I plan ahead the curriculum. The plan serves as a map and also provides flow to our day. So too your preparation is priceless as you teach in your entrepreneurial roles. “Prepare your work outside; get everything ready for yourself in the field, and after that build your house.” (Proverbs 24:27)
  6. Be flexible. The flipside to the fifth step is being flexible. Preparation is important; yet so too is flexibility. Be open to walking a new path, to taking a new trail and to trying a new experiment.
  7. Seek The Teacher in it all. Jesus is The Master, The Rabbi, The Ultimate Teacher. So seek first His Kingdom and His wisdom as you teach and as you learn!


Blessed is the one who finds wisdom,
and the one who gets understanding,
 for the gain from her is better than gain from silver
and her profit better than gold.
She is more precious than jewels,
and nothing you desire can compare with her.
Long life is in her right hand;
in her left hand are riches and honor.
Her ways are ways of pleasantness,
and all her paths are peace.
She is a tree of life to those who lay hold of her;
those who hold her fast are called blessed. ~ Proverbs 3:13-18

I am excited for you as you learn from teaching!

If you need help with this powerful process, I invite you to join me in the Purposeful Pathway Business Academy here. Attract your ideal clients and powerfully boost your business in just 7 weeks!

Let’s pray. Treasured Teacher, thank You for sharing Your wonderful wisdom with us. Help us to be good stewards with the knowledge You give; help us also to lovingly learn as we faithfully guide. We dedicate our businesses to You, and we love You with all our hearts, minds, strength and souls. It’s in Jesus’ Name that we pray. Amen.

I Treasure Your Thoughts and Comments!

Overcoming Obstacles

Overcoming Obstacles is only hard…not impossible.

Guest Post by Michael De Rosa

Overcoming ObstaclesI write from experience, having endured many years with a severe speech impediment which quickly mushroomed to my isolating from conversations because of the ridicule from my peers for talking so funny.  Overcoming obstacles at this point in life was not even on the radar!

So I can, at least, begin to understand others with disabilities and their own struggles in overcoming obstacles.  You and I may not have the same problems, but one thing that I do know is that the there are some tried and true methods that I have found that can help you as well.


First, I had lots of support.  I was blessed to have a family that wanted my best and they sent me off to various schools/programs whereby I would learn to talk well.  That took about 15 years!  If you don’t have the support from your family, don’t despair.  There are many other ways to get the support.

  • look online for ‘support groups’
  • talk with your doctor about your desire to improve your life
  • talk with your friends
  • Call the local social agencies

Support is invaluable, and can be much less inexpensive that counseling or medications, both of which are not necessarily to be shunned!


You can not forge ahead unless you really want to move.  Unless you ‘own it’, you won’t go far.  Don’t measure your progress in years, but narrow it down into smaller chunks of time.  For me, overcoming the obstacle of differentiating between my ‘th’ and ‘t’ sounds was the first goal.  Under the direction of my first speech teacher, my parents made me say table grace for each of our meals.  This grace had a lot of “thank you, Lord’s”.  At first, I struggled and the food probably became colder than I realized because it took me so much time to get through the grace.  But I made it.

Today, I talk a lot, and people really have a hard time believing that I was ever shy.  Well, overcoming this obstacle was not done for others, but for me, because I know that I have a message to share with others, and I will not allow a speech impediment to stop me.

The Goal

Perseverance is important, but you have to know why you are hanging in there!  So, what is your goal, your reason in overcoming obstacles in your life?  My goal is to continue to help people with disabilities live life to the fullest.

For the past couple of years, I have been keeping the principle of ‘beginning with the end in mind‘ (Steven Covey’s The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People)  before me.  It has not been easy.  Rather my journey as been akin to swimming upstream against some pretty strong current;  it has, though, been very rewarding.

The Bible, too, addresses the importance of goals:

Not that I have already obtained it or have already become perfect, but I press on so that I may lay hold of that for which also I was laid hold of by Christ Jesus. – Philippians 3:12

I would recommend that you have a long term goal, but also mini goals/ mileage markers as you press in on your journey of overcoming obstacles in your life.

I have created a worksheet, SMART Goals, that you might want to get.  It is designed to help you become realistic with your own goals as you continue to work on overcoming obstacles in your life.


Michael De Rosa is a disability advocate, and the strength of his advocacy is God’s love for him through Christ. Because of who God created him to be, he easily sees the proverbial glass as always half full. As an advocate for the disabled, he wants them to see their value and then be able to communicate this to others. At birth, he had a very serious speech impediment. Because of what he has learned and because of where he has come from, he identifies with the disabled population, wanting for them what he has found, namely hope beyond disability. He currently leads a discipleship class at his local church in which he has the blessed responsibility to help others understand better what it means to follow Christ.
Join us as he shares hope for healing — and how to dismantle disabilities – on Purposeful Pathway Radio via http://www.blogtalkradio.com/purposeful-pathway-radio/2013/09/25/michael-derosa-on-dismantling-disabilities!

Poem: Autumn Glory

Poem: Autumn Glory

Christian Poem Autumn Glory

Image courtesy Evgeni Dinev at www.freedigitalphotos.net



“He changes times and seasons; he removes kings and sets up kings; he gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to those who have understanding…” ~ Daniel 2:21


Chills on my skin,

I feel an Autumn breeze,

Red, gold and orange

Glow upon the trees.


The air is crisp,

Refreshing to breathe in,

Excitement stirs in my heart

As starts a new season.


Lord Jesus, I marvel

The rhythm You create,

Surely but a glimpse

Behind Heaven’s gate.


With perfection and beauty

The seasons do dance;

Each one has its glory,

Each one its chance.


So amidst these changes,

As trees are cloaked in glory,

I remember all is Yours,

Your unfolding story.


The refreshing air,

The trees of red and gold,

Sing a song of Your love,

Extending from days of old.


The cool Autumn air

I delight to breathe in;

Excitement stirs in my heart

As starts a new season.


Yes, my Lord Jesus,

As I feel an Autumn breeze,

The glory of Your presence

Brings me to my knees!


© 2013 Caroline Gavin



Autumn glory displays God’s artistic love! How do you celebrate the seasonal changes and – most of all – the Savior who creates them?

I Treasure Your Thoughts and Comments


Want more joy for your journey? Schedule a complimentary “Take Me to Transformation” Consultation with Caroline Gavin via caroline@purposefulpathway.com. Walk away with heightened clarity, renewed energy and a customized action step plan.


Children Come First

Children Come First

Guest Post by Dr. Traci Elizabeth Teasley



Children come first. 


I have had the good fortune of working in several large school districts, and I wish I had a dime for every time I heard this mantra. I could supplement the budget shortfalls of quite a few school districts with the proceeds.


 Children come first. Do they really?


 I do not recall, and I have a pretty fierce memory, having explicit conversations about children coming first in any of the school districts where I used to work.  What actually would “children come first” look like?   How would we administrators know we were putting them first?  What criteria would we use?


We, meaning those of us entrusted with the lives of children (that would be you!), have to be explicit about what it is we want for our children, naturally and spiritually.  It doesn’t just happen.   This is why God in His infinite wisdom led Solomon to write the word “train” in Proverbs:


Proverbs 22:6 KJV

Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart

from it.


To train is to teach, to guide, and to prepare.  It is our responsibility to do whatever we can to prepare children to be who God originally created them to be.  So, how do we do that?


In addition to ensuring that our children can read, write, think and speak intelligently, we must spend just as much time, if not more, in developing their skills for walking purposefully with the Lord.  All children need to know how to:


  • Read and understand the Bible.
  • Apply scriptures to daily living.
  • Communicate with God through prayer.
  • Put God first in decision-making.
  • Love and serve others.


Each of these foundational skills will give our children what they need to seek God’s face for their purpose, now and later.  My parents put just as much energy in my natural and spiritual growth, and I have been richly blessed naturally, from Head Start to Harvard, and spiritually, as a vessel sanctified and meet for God’s use, because of their instruction!


Children learn what we teach them.  So, what have you taught our children lately? 


Dr. Traci Teasley

Dr. Traci is a disciple of the Mt. Gilead Full Gospel International Ministries in Richmond, Virginia. As a servant of the Lord for over three decades, Dr. Traci has faithfully served in various leadership capacities in the local church, such as: Sunday School Teacher, Worship Leader, Choir Directress, Gospel-Cise Aerobics Ministry Team Member, Economic Empowerment Team Assistant Overseer, and Christmas Production Actress. Dr. Traci has dedicated her life to developing her spirit, soul, and body and relishes the opportunity to encourage others to do the same!


To further advance His Kingdom, God has blessed her to earn degrees from Duke University (Durham, North Carolina), North Carolina State University (Raleigh, North Carolina), and the Harvard Graduate School of Education (Cambridge, Massachusetts). Dr. Traci is a fierce advocate for children and youth who are neglected and underserved and has worked in senior-level positions in various urban school districts.


Dr. Traci is forever committed to spreading the joy and love of the gospel of Jesus Christ, training believers to lead an intelligently spirit-led life, fulfilling God’s mandate in Ephesians 4:12-13 (NRSV) “to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ, until all of us come to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God.”


☼ Join us as she shares how to inspire children from “Head Start to Harvard” Wednesday, September 18th at 1:00 p.m. Eastern Time viahttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/purposeful-pathway-radio/2013/09/18/dr-traci-teasley-headstart-to-harvard
☼ Enjoy all episodes by subscribing to the #PurposefulPathwayRadioshow episodes on iTunes via https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/purposeful-pathway-radio-blog/id648359451?mt=2


☼ As always, if you cannot join live you can enjoy the archive: www.PurposefulPathwayRadio.com


Purposeful Pathway Radio is the haven for faith-based entrepreneurs. It is a journey in which faith and business gracefully intertwine. The guests on the show share insights for faith-based business; they will also share inspiration from their spiritual journeys. My hope is that, in listening, your businesses will grow and your lives will be enriched. My prayer is that these personal messages will allow God’s peace, love and joy to pave your purposeful pathways!

Biz Tip: Great Unexpectations

Great Unexpectations

Christian Business Tip Great Unexpectations

Image courtesy suwatpo at www.freedigitalphotos.net


Purposeful Pathway is a haven for faith-based entrepreneurs. Part of my mission is equipping faith-based businesses with information that is practical, actionable and Scriptural.

The theme of this post is growing your faith-based business through great unexpectations!

We all know that we reap what we sow. “Do not be deceived: God is not mocked, for whatever one sows, that will he also reap.” (Galatians 6:7) Sow apple seeds and, with the right climate, sun exposure, moisture, soil pH and fertilization, you will likely bear some apples in due time.

The more we sow seeds, the more we reap fruit…yet sometimes in indirect and greatly unexpected ways!

For example, I recently started to change one of my home-study programs. No one else knew I was in the process of making these changes; yet, while I was in the midst of this process, an unexpected number of people started to ask about my home-study programs. There is no direct correlation, as the changes had not yet been published; but the “energy” of sowing allowed me to reap a reward. As another example, I began to restructure my group coaching program in order to better serve my clients. Once again no one else knew about this undertaking; yet, while in the midst of this, I enrolled more clients than usual into my individual coaching programs. This was certainly an unexpected result. As yet another example, I started to homeschool my children in order to deepen their knowledge and strengthen their faith; this was an “illogical” step to take in my life, as I already had a tremendous amount on my plate being a single mother, sole provider and solo-preneur. Yet God led me to this decision; since I started homeschooling I have enrolled more clients than usual and have found ways to enjoy more free time with my family. These various “great unexpectations” have been eye-opening, heart-warming and business-boosting!

So how can we apply this principal practically in business? How can we grow our businesses with great unexpectations?

  1. Write down at least three activities you have been thinking about doing for some time but, for whatever reason, have not yet implemented. Maybe one activity is hosting a teleseminar? Tweaking your web site? Hiring a virtual assistant? Capture these ideas on paper.
  2. Review the list and document why you have not acted on these ideas. Is it fear of wasting time? Fear of failing? A feeling of being overwhelmed? Uncertainty about how to go forward? Be honest with yourself and write freely.
  3. Choose at least one activity from the list and commit to move forward. Afraid it will be a waste of time? Remember that the learning experience alone can be invaluable. Is failure a strong possibility? See the failure as an indispensible rung on the ladder of success. Overwhelmed? Break the activity into small, time-lined steps. Not sure how to go forward? Commit to research. “For which of you, desiring to build a tower, does not first sit down and count the cost, whether he has enough to complete it.” (Luke 14:28)
  4. Once you commit to the activity, do something to hold yourself accountable. Make an announcement to your clients; create a web page for the event; share with your social media following; add the endeavor to your newsletter. When your commitment is “out there” you are much more likely to stay on track. This can be a powerful step particularly for perfectionists. If you prefer something to be “perfect” before releasing, this action step will pull you from the time- and energy-wasting mire of “perfectionizing.”
  5. Move forward and release the results to God. He has led you thus far, and He will grant you the results that are perfect for your path – even if they are not the results you expect! So often we envision a “cause and effect” in our minds. And, yes, there is certainly a cause-and-effect momentum in business and in life. Yet our glorious God often reveals effects that are never expected. Such is the blissful beauty of an unfolding purposeful pathway! Perhaps hosting that teleseminar did not bring about the immediate clients you expected, yet it connected you with a colleague for a joint venture. Perhaps that radio interview did not bring as many web site visitors as you had planned, but it provided an opportunity for a speaking engagement. When we commit our businesses to God, we can surely have great unexpectations!
  6. Log your excellent and unexpected fruit. What unexpected fruit have you received from God due to your activities? What miraculous results came about? Record these in your business journal that they may be remembered!
  7. Celebrate the fragrant fruit given by our Father!So neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything, but only God, who makes things grow.” (1 Corinthians 3:7) Reaping unexpected fruit opens our eyes all the more to the fact that our Father alone makes things grow. We can be the most astute of planners, but God’s plan is always sovereign. Celebrate, then, the joy of releasing all to Jesus!



“But now, O Lord, you are our Father; we are the clay, and you are our potter; we are all the work of your hand.” (Isaiah 64:8)

I am excited for you as you grow your business with great unexpectations!

If you need help with this powerful process, I invite you to join me in the Purposeful Pathway Business Academy here. Attract your ideal clients and powerfully boost your business in just 7 weeks! Also: sign up for this group coaching program by September 20th and earn valuable bonuses!

Let’s pray. Glorious Giver of things that are great and unexpected, we delight and rejoice in You! Thank you for providing perfectly for all our needs. May we faithfully sow seeds for Your glory and trust only in You to bear the fruit we need. Help us to remember that, of ourselves, we can do nothing. We love You with all our hearts, minds, strength and souls. It’s in Jesus’ Name that we pray. Amen.

I Treasure Your Thoughts and Comments!

When Seasons Change

When Seasons Change

Guest Post by Mike Fenton of Heart and Soul Health Coaching

     As we approach the fall of the year and the days become shorter it can mean a significant change in the overall state-of-mind for some. For those that are solar-powered (rely on sunshine for energy) it can mean not having as much energy, feeling lethargic and in more severe cases it can lead into depression. We should not let that happen, we should instead focus on the “son-shine”. “Son-shine” is what we get when we have a relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ.

     When we rely on the things in life that we know are ever-changing there will be disappointment, when we rely on the things that do not change (the love of God) there is no disappointment. That is why a healthy soul is equally important in the trilogy of Total Wellness (when mind, body and soul ALL come together as one in good health. In all honesty a healthy soul is the glue that holds it all together and through which we achieve the other two (healthy mind/healthy body).

     Whenever we feel like life is a roller-coaster it is good to audit each portion of our lives in order to tell where this roller-coaster feeling is coming from, is it:

  • The food I am eating (diet rich in sugar, refined carbohydrates, caffeine/alcohol usage)
  • The sleep I am getting (not sleeping well, shift work, environment)
  • Living a stress-filled life


     The point is, the many ups and downs we experience in life can be minimized and or eliminated by simply listening to our body, paying attention to our environment and tying it all together. In some cases you may need/want to start a diary of how your feeling and when. This does not mean just when you are down, but also when you are in good spirit as well.


Purposeful Pathway Business Academy

Purposeful Pathway Business Academy Group Coaching Program by Purposeful Pathway Christian Life Coaching


A haven to thrive in both business and life, the Purposeful Pathway Business Academy will launch again September 26, 2013!


Enjoy a 7-week transformative journey that includes:


    • Powerful preparation by clarifying goals
    • Equipment to reach goals through dedicated research
    • Refinement of goals into smaller steps and daily action steps
    • Creation of customized action plan
    • Cultivation of goal-supporting habits
    • Periodic overview to adjust goals and action steps as necessary
    • Simplification and systematization for maximized results
    • Enlistment of others to gain excellence
    • Client attraction challenge videos and worksheet exercises
    • Defining Target Market
    • Maximization of social media


    • Achieving peace through purpose
    • Practicing powerfully the seeking of God’s guidance
    • Business journaling for inspired action and heightened clarity
    • Embracing powerful quiet time routines
    • Leveraging pain points and power points
    • Heightening joy through practical, Scriptural steps
    • Creating positive momentum and effective routines and habits
    • And much more…



Take the next step to boosting your business by signing up for this program with an investment of $335!

Also, if you sign up before September 20th, 2013, enjoy the BONUSES of

  • Devotional EBook Purposeful Pathway: A Journey with Jesus
  • Easy 3-Pay Option: 3 Installments of $111

I forward to seeing you on the journey…and to powerfully boosting your business in the Purposeful Pathway Business Academy!

Read below for Academy member testimonials.


Members of the Academy share:


july2011002Ann Musico of 3D Vitality Health Coaching www.threedimensionalvitality.com ~ “I was privileged to participate in the 7-week Heart Centered Business Academy and I can honestly say it has been a time of great insight, productivity and progress for me and my business. As a Biblical health coach I understand the value of accountability, support and encouragement and I received all three. Caroline’s insightful, sensitive and motivating comments and support throughout the 7 weeks was absolutely invaluable. She made everyone feel completely at ease and provided a beautifully structured, yet relaxed and respectful environment in which to explore options and new directions. I especially loved the effortless and natural combining of faith and business. It sets this coaching program head and shoulders above others because it addresses the entire person, not just one aspect. It’s the type of program that would be beneficial to do periodically in order to assess progress and make targeted, constructive course corrections. I wholeheartedly recommend this coaching to anyone who is serious about rising to a higher level in life.”


Mike FentonMike Fenton of Heart and Soul Health Coaching www.heartnsoulhealthcoaching.com ~ “I was very impressed with the Academy. The concept of asking people to share their insights and testimonials proved to be very beneficial; which in turn left me many a night reflecting on what had been said. Those reflections not only provided me with new insights and ideas of which I could incorporate into my business but my life as well.”


Lisa GrahamLisa Graham of The Lisa Effect www.thelisaeffect.com ~ “I can’t thank you enough for offering the Heart Centered Business Academy. I loved it! The structure, length, organization, ability to share and, of course, the content were all outstanding. Walking though each step with time for reflection and a specific focus were a huge help. It allowed me time to really focus while keeping me motivated! I also really enjoyed how everyone could share their successes, challenges and other insights. It brought out great points for all of us plus gave us extra encouragement when needed. I appreciate your work and commitment to us!! You rock!”


Lisa Graham

Darlene Alexander of Pureity Hair Care www.heavenlyessence.com ~ “Incredible!!! Caroline is an awesome coach! The Business Academy has helped me to set reasonable goals and to remain focus on those goals until they are accomplished. If you’re ready to move to the next level in your business, I highly recommend this academy.”


Cindy_2799_adj_webCindy Hirch of Sharing Hope www.CindyHirch.com ~ “In the time I have known Caroline she has soared to new heights. It has been incredible to watch her growth. She has an ability to connect and relate to people in a way that transcends language barriers and cultures. Caroline’s poetry is beautiful. She has an incredible gift to write and her work truly inspires the reader in what she shares. In group coaching she offers practical solutions and applications for business. Even if you are not looking to own or grow your own business, these same principles can be applied to your personal life. They are presented and woven with a deep spiritual and Godly approach. She has been blessed with many gifts that allow her to serve others well. Without reservation I would highly recommend Caroline’s services.”

(For a list of testimonials about Caroline Gavin, visit http://reflecthislight.com/testimonials-for-caroline-gavin-christian-life-coach/)


A question I receive often about the Academy is whether or not one must have a faith-based business to join. The answer is “no.” Although the Academy was designed with Christian entrepreneurs in mind, our 7-step journey is powerful when applied to life goals. In our last sessions, those who did not have businesses enjoyed and benefited from the Academy just as much as those who did.


Why Group Coaching?

1. Affordability: Enjoy the tremendous benefits of coaching at an attractive and affordable price.

2. Community: Enjoy the camaraderie of the group; connect with others who are in the same or similar positions as you. You will discover that the Purposeful Pathway Business Academy is a family.

3. Networking: Benefit from networking with other business owners.

4. Accountability: Appreciate both the high level of accountability and the accompanying high results that stem from working in a group setting.

5. Benefit from Breadth of Knowledge: Marvel the treasure trove of collective wisdom and experiences.

6. Bless Others: Share your own pearls of wisdom and experiences to bless others in their journeys.

7. Comfort: Relax in a comfortable setting; group coaching provides an atmosphere that is less intensive than one-on-one coaching.

8. Increased Joy: Look forward to the growth and to the fun you will experience. Purposeful Pathway Business Academy will not only propel your business but also heighten the joy in your journey.

9. Benefit from a Bible-Based Structure: Embrace God’s blessings by seeking counsel and guidance from many. “Plans fail for lack of counsel, but with many advisers they succeed.” (Proverbs 15:22)

So join us in the journey by clicking the link below! Academy sessions meet for seven weeks every Thursday evening from 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Eastern Time (by phone) starting September 26th. In addition to the classes, you will receive targeted business-boosting assignments, worksheets and videos.


Travel a pathway that is fun, fruitful and profitable! Join us in the Purposeful Pathway Business Academy!