Poetic Inspirations and Practical Applications for Blissful Living

Living Water

Living Water


Christian Poem Living Water

Image courtesy Photokanok at www.freedigitalphotos.net


“Whoever believes in me, as the Scripture has said,

‘Out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.’” John 7:38


Waters of refreshment,

Streams of eternal love,

Flow ever freely

From Heaven above,


Gracing my moments,

Washing away sin,

Renewing my spirit

That new life may begin.


Such is Living Water,

Such is Life I know in You,

Such is You, my Jesus:

You make all things new.


With an open heart

Your Living Water I receive;

Endless life I know

For in You I believe.


And from my heart

Rushing rivers of life flow,

Because of the sweet love

In You I know.


So, my Lord,

I pray to You on bended knee:

May others be refreshed

When they meet me.


May Living Water

Flow from Your heart to mine

That I may touch others

With love divine.


May You grace their moments,

Washing away sin,

Renewing their spirits

That new life may begin.


For flowing ever freely

From You above,

Is Your Living Water,

Your streams of eternal love.


© 2013 Caroline Gavin

How has the Living Water of Christ brought refreshment, renewal and revival to your life?

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Want more joy for your journey? Schedule a complimentary “Take Me to Transformation” Consultation with Caroline Gavin via caroline@purposefulpathway.com. Walk away with heightened clarity, renewed energy and customized action step plan.



You are a Catalyst for Change

You are a Catalyst for Change

Heart in Heaven Poem - Christian Poem and eCard - Christian Business Coaching

Image courtesy domdeen at www.freedigitalphotos.net

Guest Post by Ann Musico of 3D Vitality Health Coaching

Do you consider yourself a catalyst for change?  As women, we fulfill so many roles – wife, mother, sister, daughter, friend, employee, business owner, entrepreneur!  What I think we fail to realize all too often is just how many people are “watching” us and how much of an impact we can make.

As mothers we know our children watch what we do more closely than they listen to what we say.  In fact if those two things do not agree, they will follow our actions before they listen to our words.  It’s true in all of life.  People are looking for someone who is authentic and walks the talk.

It’s especially true in health. If I tell my children soda is bad for them and I don’t want them drinking it, but they see me go through several liters a day – why should they do what I say?  If I am your health coach and I tell you I will help you lose weight and get healthy, but I am overweight and sick because I am not following my own advice – why would you? 

We, as women, are usually the primary influencers of our families.  We are usually the ones who shop, cook, prepare meals and care for the children.  (I know there are exceptions to this.)  Begin at home.  Simply by modeling healthy habits for your own children you could impact so many more because other children will be impacted by yours. 

What if, like me, your children are grown and out of the house?  You are a generational influencer!  The example you have set and habits you have instilled in your children are bearing fruit in their lives and they are impacting other people, including their own families.

Just by doing your best to provide and prepare the healthiest meals possible and modeling healthy habits in your small slice of the world, whether that is home, office or school, can impact many more people than you could’ve ever imagined. 

Join me here often and be refreshed and encouraged.  I want you to know that what you do matters.  I am here to help you to be the most powerful catalyst for change in your world. Visit my website here and find free resources as well as coaching and evaluations that will empower, educate and encourage you.


Ann Musico is a holistic health coach who considers the whole person, as well as an independent nutritional consultant. She is also a practitioner member of Shared Care and an expert listed on SelfGrowth.com.  Follow her on Twitter and Facebook. She is also a Top Health Blogger on Wellsphere,  a Founding Member of IMPACT – International Membership of  Professional Advisers, Coaches and Trainers and a member of Global Institute of Wellness  Entrepreneurs.  Read her profile on Brand Yourself here.

Love Your Neighbor

Love Your Neighbor


Christian Poem Love Your Neighbor

Image courtesy Stuart Miles at www.freedigitalphotos.net


“And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’” Matthew 22:39


My child, please remember

In all whom you see

Do always your best

To also see Me.


For in every child,

In every father and mother,

In every girl and boy,

Every sister and brother,


In each and every person,

Whether young or old,

There lies a treasure

Yet often untold:


I love each one,

For each soul I did die;

So let the image of Me

Come to mind’s eye.


For if I love each one so,

I call you to love too;

As you desire to be treated,

Unto others also do.


Though they may not know Me,

Though they may be in sin,

New life in their hearts

At any time could begin.


So this is My call,

My will and My command:

To each person give love,

Reach out your hand.


As you love yourself

Love all whom you meet,

Then you will feel My love

Ever eternal and sweet.


Love one another

As I have loved you;

This, My precious child,

I call you now to do.


In serving your neighbor,

In loving one another,

You are surely My family,

My sister or brother.


So, child, please remember

In all whom you see

Open your eyes wide

To also see Me.


© 2013 Caroline Gavin

How has Jesus’ love allowed you to love your neighbor all the more?

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Want more joy for your journey? Schedule a complimentary “Take Me to Transformation” Consultation with Caroline Gavin via caroline@purposefulpathway.com. Walk away with heightened clarity, renewed energy and customized action step plan.


Being Bold

Being Bold

Being Bold in Business Christian Business Tip

Image courtesy Africa at www.freedigitalphotos.net


Purposeful Pathway is a haven for faith-based entrepreneurs. Part of my mission is equipping faith-based businesses with information that is practical, actionable and Scriptural. The theme of this post is being bold.


“The wicked run away when no one is chasing them, but the godly are as bold as lions.” (Proverbs 28:1)


We know that being bold about sharing our faith is a virtue. Shining radiantly with Christ’s light is how we lead others to Him!


Yet how often do we not step out in boldness in our businesses? As faith-based entrepreneurs, we have embraced the opportunity of sharing our faith, in part, via our businesses. We have decided to powerfully and purposefully use our God-given gifts to glorify Him and bless others. We have committed to building God’s Kingdom   through our work. It follows then that we need to bold in business.

Before I move further on this point, let me clarify what I do not mean by bold. I do not mean brash, arrogant, pushy or presumptive. I do not mean greedy, rude, harsh or self-centered. I do not mean brazen, puffed-up or reckless.


I do mean courageous, brave and fearless.


“There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love.” (1 John 4:18)


Being a faith-based entrepreneur in and of itself requires boldness and bravery. So I commend you for embracing God’s calling on your life! If you are sharing your message (aligned with God’s message) and serving others, you are being bold.

Yet my challenge to you (and to myself) is to be all the bolder.

Is there any area of your business (or life) where success is lacking or plateauing?

Is there any area of struggle or challenge?


My question is: how can you be bolder in those areas?


I will provide a personal example to illustrate. There was a point in my business in which I was delighted by the response to my message, and yet people – as much as they loved my message – were rarely stepping up to work with me. In taking a step back, I realized I was not sharing business posts and products consistently out of fear of not feeling or seeming “spiritual” to others and to myself. Rationally, of course, this makes little or no sense. But the subconscious can embrace lies ever so subtly. With prayer, meditation and contemplation, I exposed the lie that helping to build businesses is incongruent with spirituality; I replaced it with the truth that business-building equips other Christian entrepreneurs for success. I committed then to embracing the truth and to being bolder in this area.


How can you apply this principle of being bold in your business?


    1. Look at all areas of your business, including reach, income flow, client pipeline, hours you work, level of enjoyment and employee contentment (if applicable).  For each area honestly assess on a scale of 1 to 10 the current success. Write also several lines (or more if inspired) to describe why you ranked this area at this numerical level.
    2. Circle the struggle points in the list in Step 1. Ask yourself for each area: “How can I be bolder?” Write down your thoughtful and prayerful answers. You may find yourself writing answers such as “I will reach out to more joint venture partners” or “I will ask for the business consistently and confidently” or “I will be clear and bold about the value I provide.”
    3. Commit to these bold business actions. Trust in God’s provision and protection; worry not if your activities are well-received. “For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline.” (2 Timothy 1:7)
    4. Be consistent. When we step into boldness, we often expect the world to reciprocate immediately. Sometimes, by God’s grace, the world does. Oftentimes, however, the borne fruit requires consistency and commitment. Continue with your bold activities even if they seem to “flop” initially. “So be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid and do not panic before them. For the Lord your God will personally go ahead of you. He will neither fail you nor abandon you.” (Deuteronomy 31:6)
    5. Keep a journal or journal entry for boldness success. Take note of your bold activities; then take note of when, how and through whom they bore fruit.
    6. Give glory to God for His blessings on your boldness. Be intentional in celebrating God who rewards your faith in Him. Your celebrations will bring you closer to Him…and also encourage you to be all the bolder!
    7. Don’t grow older; grow bolder. Once your emboldened activities are bearing fruit, do not allow them to plateau. Move onto the next level. Start at step 1 and work through this bold business cycle again.



It may seem simple or obvious that being bolder is a necessity for bearing better fruit in business, yet this principle is often neglected in practice. We can grow comfortable with one level of boldness and forget to keep pushing our comfort zone. I promise you will find that these steps for being bolder in business will bear fruit professionally and personally. Better yet they will bring glory to God!



“And so, dear brothers and sisters, we can boldly enter heaven’s Most Holy Place because of the blood of Jesus.” (Hebrews 10:19)



Let’s pray. Heavenly Father, thank You for the precious faith you pour into our hearts through Your Holy Spirit. May we act boldly in our businesses and in our lives, for we know You have given us a spirit of power and love and self-discipline. We desire to glorify You in all we do, and we request Your blessings on our work and on our hearts. It is in Jesus’ Name we pray. Amen.


© 2013 Caroline Gavin

In what areas are you boldest in your business? In what areas do you commit today to growing bolder?

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Want more joy for your journey? Schedule a complimentary “Take Me to Transformation” Consultation with Caroline Gavin via caroline@purposefulpathway.com. Walk away with heightened clarity, renewed energy and customized action step plan.

Sweet from the Start

Poem: Sweet from the Start

Sweet from the Start: Christian Poem

Image courtesy Natara at www.freedigitalphotos.net


“But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect…” 1 Peter 3:15


With abounding joy,

With love in my heart,

With an ever-playing song

Sweet from the start,


With a smile in my eyes,

With awe and admiration,

With a message to share

Of hope and salvation,


With treasures awaiting,

With Heaven on my mind,

With the Spirit bearing fruit

Patient, good and kind,


I live for You, Jesus,

Yes, with all these things;

I marvel the goodness

Your grace ever brings.


You bind the brokenhearted,

You heal those who are ill,

The empty and lonely

With Your Spirit You fill.


So with You and for You

I live all my days,

I offer You all I am

Now and always.


And I invite my brother,

My sister, my friend

To join me in this journey

Of love without end.


For to journey with You

Is to journey in love,

As surely every step

Is kissed by Above.


So with a smile in my eyes,

With awe and admiration,

I will share with all

Your hope and salvation.


Yes, with an ever-playing song

Sweet from the start,

I will live for You, Jesus,

I will live in Your heart.


© 2013 Caroline Gavin

Sweet from the Start is our Journey with Jesus!
How do you celebrate and savor every sweet step?

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Want more joy for your journey? Schedule a complimentary “Take Me to Transformation” Consultation with Caroline Gavin via caroline@purposefulpathway.com. Walk away with heightened clarity, renewed energy and customized action step plan.

Little Children

Poem: Little Children

Father's Day Song: A Christian Poem for Fathers

Image courtesy David Castillo Dominici at www.freedigitalphotos.net


Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” Matthew 19:14


Sit with Me, My child,

I have something to share;

Come close to Me, daughter,

Come now to hear.


As a little child

I desire you to be;

For in being as such

You will taste eternity.


Be carefree and joyful

In all that you do;

Let the small things

Inspire sweet awe in you.


Find delight in butterflies,

Smile in smelling flowers,

Play in the sunshine,

Dance in rain showers.


Lovingly trust

Every single word I say,

Long to be with Me

Every moment, every day.


For then I will hold you,

I will carry you with love,

I will reveal many gifts

That await you above.


I will open your eyes

To miracles all around;

In the joy of My presence

Every grace will abound.


The secret, My daughter,

Is to be like a little child,

Rich with faith and love,

Ever tender and mild.


The Kingdom of God

Belongs to such as these,

For childlike faith

Does My heart ever please.


Yes, as a little child

I desire you to be;

Come now, My little one,

Let us taste eternity.


And cling to Me, child,

To Me be always near;

With My little children

Eternal joy I share.


© 2013 Caroline Gavin

How has childlike faith transformed your life?

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Want more joy for your journey? Schedule a complimentary “Take Me to Transformation” Consultation with Caroline Gavin via caroline@purposefulpathway.com. Walk away with heightened clarity, renewed energy and customized action step plan.

Healthy Business, Healthy Body, Healthy Life

Heart-Centered Business Academy Group Coaching Program by Purposeful Pathway Christian Life Coaching

Heart-Centered Business Academy Group Coaching Program by Purposeful Pathway Christian Life Coaching

Healthy Business, Healthy Body, Healthy Life: Home Program


Purposeful Pathway Business Coach Caroline Gavin and 3D Vitality Health Coach Ann Musico join together to offer a powerful and transformational program! Sign up for Healthy Business, Healthy Body, Healthy Life and enjoy a 40-day transformative journey that includes…


    • Powerful preparation by clarifying goals
    • Equipment to reach goals through dedicated research
    • Refinement of goals into smaller steps and daily action steps
    • Creation of customized action plan
    • Cultivation of goal-supporting habits
    • Periodic overview to adjust goals and action steps as necessary
    • Simplification and systematization for maximized results
    • Enlistment of others to gain excellence
    • Client attraction challenge videos and worksheet exercises
    • Defining Target Market
    • Maximization of social media







    • Achieving peace through purpose
    • Practicing powerfully the seeking of God’s guidance
    • Business journaling for inspired action and heightened clarity
    • Embracing powerful quiet time routines
    • Leveraging pain points and power points
    • Heightening joy through practical, Scriptural steps
    • Enjoying vibrant, overall health and wholeness – spirit, soul and body
    • Setting honest health goals and priorities that align with core values
    • Harnessing the power of commitment, compliance and consistency
    • Identifying and transforming faulty self-perceptions
    • Making progress and stopping the sabotage of efforts




  • Increasing – with simple steps – physical activity daily for better health
  • Overcoming negative “stinkin’ thinking”
  • Creating positive momentum and effective routines and habits
  • Disinfecting toxic thought viruses
  • Ending the cycle of being sick and tired…of being sick and tired
  • Finding freedom in forgiveness
  • Achieving a more vibrant and healthy lifestyle
  • Nourishing your business, body, spirit and soul
  • Making the next season of your life the BEST season of your life
  • And much more…


Take the next step to your total transformation by signing up for this program with the small investment of $27. Enjoy this introductory price while it lasts!

Also, if you sign up before June 30, 2013, enjoy the BONUSES of

  • EBook Purposeful Pathway: A Journey with Jesus
  • Admission to the next 7-week Heart Centered Business Academy group coaching program
  • EBook Basic Keys for Living a 3D Life

We look forward to seeing you on the journey…and to nourishing a beautifully Healthy Business, Healthy Body and Healthy Life!




Road Blocks to Total Wellness

Road Blocks in our Journey to “Total Wellness”


Guest post by  Mike Fenton

Over the last 3 months in my monthly newsletter I defined my vision for “Total Wellness”. The March newsletter talked about the importance of having a healthy mind and its role in “Total Wellness”. The April newsletter talked about the importance of having a healthy body and its role in “Total Wellness”. And most recently the May newsletter talked about the importance of having a healthy soul and its role in “Total Wellness”. We know that as much as 95% of all disease and illness evolves from stress so it is beneficial for us to have and keep a healthy mind. We know we must eat nutritionally sound food, and we must have some physical activity in our life because it helps us maintain a healthy body. A healthy body makes us feel good about ourselves, and when we feel good about ourselves, we take control and feel empowered to live life on our terms.

We also learned that a healthy soul can give us a more tranquil life because of the inner wisdom and peace it provides us. What about those road blocks that can sabotage our attempts to find “Total Wellness”? Well, the first thing we need to do is identify what the road block is. Is it a road block to a healthy mind, a healthy body, and or a healthy soul or maybe worse a combination of all three? Once we have identified what the road block(s) are we can more clearly focus our efforts in that area. While some road blocks can be more easily overcome such as finding a different route home that does not pass the ice-cream shop, others can be more frustrating and demoralizing.

In either case we must remember they can be overcome! Getting past some of our road blocks may mean we have to change the way we look at and approach life’s obstacles, and in some cases we may feel as though we are powerless to make the changes necessary to get past them. We must remember in those times The Bible says the Word of God can change the things we cannot change on our own. As D.L. Moody once said “The Bible was not given to increase our knowledge; the Bible was given to change our lives”. I started the year 2013 off with a Soulful Inspiration entitled S.S.D.D. (Same Solution Different Day) in which I asked the folks who were looking to create change in their life to ask themselves the following questions:

  • Have I made this decision before?
  • What solutions can I identify in the past that have not worked?
  • What new solution(s) am I going to try this time that will help me to make the change I want?

If you are trying to get past a road block in your life you can ask yourself these similar questions:

  • What have I tried before to overcome this road block?
  • What have I tried before in the past that did not work?
  • What new solution(s) will energize and motivate me to succeed this time?

“I can accept failure, everyone fails at something. But I can’t accept not trying.”

-Michael Jordan

Savor Every Step


Savor Every Step


Heart in Heaven Poem - Christian Poem and eCard - Christian Business Coaching

Image courtesy of Feelart at www.freedigitalphotos.net


“Behold, what I have seen to be good and fitting is to eat and drink and find enjoyment in all the toil with which one toils under the sun the few days of his life that God has given him, for this is his lot.” ~ Ecclesiastes 5:18


My daughter, I ask you

When you go about your day,

Moving here to there

Upon your pathway,


Remember to take time

To hear wind in the trees,

To feel the pure delight

Of a soft springtime breeze;


To smell the fragrant flowers

That grow in the fields,

To enjoy the fruit

That My provision yields;


To marvel at the birds

As they soar in flight;

To gaze upon the stars

As they sparkle at night;


To smile at the butterflies

As they dance to and fro,

To rejoice in the roses

As they blossom and grow;


To play with your children

In their carefree games,

To delight in the music

Of calling their names;


To be still in My presence,

To know I am here,

To celebrate the truth

That I am always near;


Please, My daughter,

I ask of you these things,

That you may experience fully

All My grace brings.


So remember to take time

To hear wind in the trees,

To feel the warmth of My love

Bringing you to your knees;


Yes, my daughter, I ask you

When you go about your day,

Savor every sweet step

Of your purposeful pathway.



© 2013 Caroline Gavin

How do you savor every step?

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Seeing with God’s Eyes

How Do I See with God’s Eyes?

Guest Post by Joel Boggess



It was easy to see that she had a strong work ethic. Carolyn was diligent, punctual and could be counted on, come rain or shine.

And, as respectable as her time-clock record showed her to be, even the highlight of a good sales month would quickly fade into the background, since it didn’t advance her emotional health or warm her heart, as much as it boosted her company’s bottom line.

She needed something that would nurture her soul as well as her pocketbook; something that would help her make a difference, in a way that made a difference to her, as well.

Fundamentally, I’m sure she had known that for quite some time, but had, at some level, given up, because she didn’t know where to look or how to find it.

Around the third time we met, the conversation shifted from training and skill-sets to how do you see yourself contributing, growing and doing work that matters.

In essence, I was asking her for pieces of her vision.

I say pieces because, in my experience, that’s how God reveals things: in pieces.

His revelations don’t come as a full-length, Avatar-like presentation; (although that’s what a lot of people trick themselves into believing).

They come as sneak peeks, highlights and previews of coming attractions.

It is then up to the individual to step-into the wonderful, developing story.

Now, back to Carolyn. After giving herself the opportunity and the space to articulate her vision on paper, (in her case poster board) not only did she learn to lean into and embrace the glimpses of her upcoming feature presentation, she also learned how to harness the energy that came from her newly found blockbuster direction.

Take a look at the vision board Carolyn designed, www.findingyourvoiceradio.com/visionboard  (her’s is on the bottom right). You’ll have no trouble understanding what it is that lights her fire.

By the way, just in case you think you need to be a kid to participate in this, Carolyn, a 55 year-old grandmother is now reinventing herself, her business, and her contribution.

Ready to see from a Heavenly perspective? Follow these ideas and create a vision board.

Imagine your life in five year’s time. What would it look like?

Here are some thought-starters:

  • Where would you travel?

  • Where would you live and in what kind of house?

  • What kind of work or business would you be involved in?

  • How could you serve and add value to others?

  • How would you look and feel physically and emotionally?

  • What would your strongest values be?

As pictures, words, and phrases flood your mind, don’t edit your thoughts or grade your imagination: work with what you see. Think of how you can represent what’s in your mind’s eye visually. Is it a word? Could it be a picture? Is it a color? However it appears to you, use it.

Include shapes, designs, and symbols that are important to you as it relates to:

  • Serving and helping others

  • Your lifestyle

  • Your values and guiding principles

  • Your spiritual understanding and growth

Other than the suggestions I’ve shared, I don’t like to lay down a lot of rules or boundaries for this activity because this is about play, exploration, and discovery; creating a picture that moves, inspires, and motivates you.

Here are a few household supplies that can help you get started:

  • A piece of poster board (even the top of a pizza box will work as long as it’s clean!)

  • Scissors

  • Magazines

  • Markers

  • Glue

  • A little imagination

My wife likes to print pictures off Google. Of course that’s fine also. The key is to just get started!

Share your vision board by July 10. We’ll randomly select five to work with and develop. vision@findingyourvoiceradio.com


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