Poetic Inspirations and Practical Applications for Blissful Living

He is Risen!

He is Risen! 

He Is Risen! Inspirational Poem and eCard by Caroline Gavin of Purposeful Pathway Christian Life Coaching

Image courtesy www.freedigitalphotos.net
Field with Sun by tungphoto

The Lord is risen

Tell one, tell all

The Lord is risen

Do you hear me call?


The Lord is risen

Go forth and see

The Lord is risen

Yea, triumphantly


The Lord is risen

My heart does sing

The Lord is risen

Salvation all to bring


 Sing with me, brother

Rejoice and praise

Our joyful hearts

To God we raise


Dance with me, sister

As we sing this song

Jesus rose from the dead

With Him we do belong


Proclaim to all

This Message we will

The Lord is risen

He reigns now still


Forever in Heaven

And here on earth

He makes all new

He brings rebirth


Recall the sight

On Mount Calvary

Jesus nailed to the Cross

For you, for me


His precious hands

Pierced, and His feet

Yet He embraced

O, love pure and sweet


Christ is my Master

He is my King

He is my Beloved

For Whom I sing


To Him I give all

Yes, I give all of me

Surrender to Him

Is my victory


Jesus, my Lord

I love You so

Nothing is sweeter

Than You to know


Lord, I thank You

For the Cross You bore

I shudder to think

Of all You did endure


Love wells in my heart

Tears in my eye

To see You, my Lord

As they crucify


Yet Your love for me

Surpasses mine for You

How can this be?

Yet I know it is true


Tears of sorrow

Tears of joy become

For You arose

My life to ransom


You, Lord, are risen

My heart does sing

You, Lord, are risen

Salvation to me bring


You, Lord, are risen

I rejoice to see

You, Lord, are risen

Yea, triumphantly


You, Lord, are risen

I tell one and all,

“The Lord is risen

Do you hear Him call?”


© 2015 Caroline Gavin
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  • http://tomraines.wordpress.com/ Tom

    Thank you Caroline, I pray we sing loud enough for others to hear our songs of praise! Blessings!

    • http://PurposefulPathway.com Caroline Gavin

      Thank YOU, Tom! Yes, may we sing clearly to please the ears of our Lord…and to draw many souls to His Love!!!

    • http://PurposefulPathway.com/ Caroline Gavin

      AMEN! Thank you, Tom! May we sing for all to hear!
      “O Death, where is your sting?” Eternal Life my Savior does bring!
      God’s blessings ALWAYS to  you!

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