Radiant Joy, Rooted in Love
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Radiant joy
Rooted in love
Glorious joy
Gift from Above
Joy bubbling forth
Joy soaring the heights
Joy bursting from within
Joy gleaming through nights
Oh, what is this joy?
This divine feeling sweet?
What is this joy I know
Since my Savior I did meet?
A gift of Jesus alone ‘tis
Yea, joy He allows us to feel
To Him my head I bow
Before Him, my God, I kneel
Beautiful Savior of mine
Your love does my soul enthrall
My heart sings with joy
As Your melodic voice does call
Joy, Joy You are to me, Jesus
The Reason my heart does beat
You are the Passion of my life
The Fire that burns sweet
Though the trials may come
Though the winds may blow
Through the storms may rage
Always Your joy I know
So I lift my heart to You
With joy I sing Your praise
You I shall worship forever
Joyful hymns shall I raise
No one is sweeter than my Jesus
No one lavishes love like the Lamb
No one gives joy everlasting
No, only the Eternal I AM
Come and taste this joy
This divine feeling sweet
Come and feel the joy I know
Since my Savior I did meet
Joy bubbling forth
Joy soaring the heights
Joy bursting from within
Joy gleaming through nights
Jesus is radiant Joy
You, Lord, are sweet love
Miraculous is Your joy, Master
A glorious gift from Above
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