Poetic Inspirations and Practical Applications for Blissful Living

Sudden Storm

Sudden Storm


Unexpected sometimes

The weather can be

Snow squalls, thunderstorms

Attack suddenly

Along the life path also

The unexpected can befall

Inconveniences, disaster, chaos

Despite planning against all

Our Lord calmed the winds

And the raging waves of sea

So he can calm the storms

Of life, as they overwhelm me

Bring to Him my anxious heart

Bring it to Him now

Permit Him to carry my burden

Yes, this I do allow

For though the burden is heavy

And the storm is fierce

My Lord can carry everything

In His Hands once pierced

He carries me above the storm

And through the waters dry

Why then choose to hold on?

Why solve these problems try?

Jesus is Lord

Trust Him with your all

Give to Him all your cares

None too big, none too small

Thank you, Dear Jesus

For being faithful and true

To Your Promises always

My spirit you refresh and renew

Oh, that all would see

The calm amidst the storm

Oh, that all would see

How to stay safe and warm

Seek the Lord as Refuge

Seek Him, and you will find

Comfort and peace transcendent

Above the thought of mind


© COPYRIGHT 2011 Caroline Gavin

How do you find calm in the midst of the sudden storm?

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  • http://tomraines.wordpress.com Tom

    “My Lord can carry everything in His Hands once pierced.” O yes!! Praise Him! Thanks!

    • http://PurposefulPathway.com Caroline Gavin

      Thank you so much for your comments, Tom! I am grateful to you!

      Yes, praise Him ALWAYS for the Love, Light and Salvation HE gives!

      Many Blessings to you always in Christ,


  • http://www.mommareads.com MommaRead

    “My spirit you refresh and renew” made my morning :0)

    • http://PurposefulPathway.com Caroline Gavin

      Thank you so much, Michelle!! Praise God!
      Your words warm my heart.
      God bless you and your beautiful family!!

  • http://www.toodarnhappy.com/ Kim

    “Seek the Lord as Refuge, Seek Him, and you will find, Comfort and peace transcendent, Above the thought of mind. ”

    So important, and it seems so very simple. Yet, when I find myself in the very eye of a hurricane (most often whipped into gale force by me…), I often forget to let go and press into Him as my shelter and comfort. Thank you for your words of comfort, grace and encouragement.

    • http://PurposefulPathway.com Caroline Gavin

      Kim, thank you so much!

      Beautifully said: we must “press into Him as (our) shelter and comfort.”

      Truly He is our Comfort, our Rod, our Staff, our Guide, our Father, our Friend.

      May God bless you bountifully, my sister and friend!


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