Poetic Inspirations and Practical Applications for Blissful Living

Sower of Sacred Seeds



Sower of Sacred Seeds


Fertile may the soil

Of my heart always be

So thriving plants grow

For the world to see


For the Sower spreads

Seed of His Word among all

 May the seeds take root

Growing strong and tall


May not rocky soil

Lacking in moisture kill

The seed of the Gospel

God’s Promises and Good Will


Nor may piercing thorns

Of life, worries and wealth

Choke the plants of God

Hurting growth and health


But let us tend to the soil

The nature of the heart

So the seeds may flourish

From the very start


We aerate with love

And till it with care

For beautiful are Godly fruit

Beyond any to compare


When we tend to the heart

And nurture that which grows

The spiritual plants will thrive

Whatever direction wind blows


So may the soil of my heart

Fertile and nourishing ever be

Yielding a harvest for God

The Sower, the King of Glory


© COPYRIGHT 2011 Caroline Gavin

How do you help the Lord sow His sacred seeds? How do you keep the soil of your heart fertile?

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  • http://tomraines.wordpress.com Tom

    What great words to describe how we are created to be His kingdom, His seeds and cultivators of seeds that will be blown by the Spirit. Thanks,!

    • http://PurposefulPathway.com Caroline Gavin

      Thank you so much, Tom!

      May the soil of our hearts be rich, and may the harvest delight and glorify our Father!

      So grateful to co-labor with you in HIM!

      Abundant Blessings to you, brother in Christ!
