Step into Your Clients’ Shoes
Purposeful Pathway is the haven for faith-based entrepreneurs. Part of my mission is equipping faith-based businesses with information that is practical, actionable and Scriptural.
The theme of this post is stepping into your clients’ shoes!
It is very easy for entrepreneurs to get lost in the details of doing…marketing, follow-up, planning, paperwork, web site maintenance, administrative details, etc. Yet treading through these activities can blind us to the very reason we do what we do: to serve others. When we raise our awareness to this and conscientiously step out of ourselves and into our clients’ shoes, we discover not only new and happier clients but also deeper fulfillment and joy.
How exactly do we step out of ourselves and into our clients’ shoes? Let’s look at five practical yet powerful steps:
- Who are they? First ask yourself, whom exactly do you serve? How old are they? What are their passions and professions and hobbies? Are they single or married? Do they have children? What is their biggest problem? What brings them deepest joy? You can walk through a more detailed list in the Free 21 Day Attract Clients NOW Challenge.
- What do you solve for them? Thinking now about your ideal client, inquire of yourself what you solve for them. How can you alleviate their pain points? How do you bring value? As examples, specifically how can you save them time, increase their savings or income, improve their health, heighten their joy or deepen their intimacy with God?
- How can you communicate to them? Once you consider your clients’ pain points and the value you bring, it is time to consider how to communicate to them. Step into their shoes and question where they will be online and offline. Perhaps at a single mothers convention? A Cub Scout meeting? A church event for couples? What words will resonate most strongly with them? What language will speak to them? The point of these exercises is not to manipulate but rather to compassionate…to truly feel your client’s heart in order to best serve her.
- Release to Receive. Release the concerns about your income and business deadlines into God’s hands. Worrying about such things only distracts from the higher purpose of serving. God promises to provide all our needs when we keep our eyes fixed on Him and His Kingdom. “But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” (Matthew 6:33) So serve with your gifts and with all your heart…and release to receive.
- Grow and Glorify. Stepping into your clients’ shoes will allow you to not only grow your business but also glorify God. Serving others is surely a way in which you shine for His glory.
I encourage you to step into your clients’ shoes, let go of yourself to makes space for God’s grace…and bring glory to His Kingdom!
“So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.” (1 Corinthians 10:31)
If you need help with stepping into your clients’ shoes or with building your business overall…I invite you to attract your ideal clients and powerfully boost your business over the next 40 days! There is no need to reinvent the wheel. I have organized my knowledge and experiences in business into an implementable 40-day series of actionable daily steps, instructional videos and powerful worksheets. If you need a serious boost in business, I encourage you to take the next step by visiting Purposeful Pathway Business Academy today!
Let’s Pray: Faithful Father, we thank You and praise You for all You provide. Help us, Loving Lord, to love others as You have loved. Help us to step out of ourselves and step into our clients’ shoes that we may better serve them and more radiantly glorify you. We love you with every fiber of our beings, every moment of every day…and it’s in Jesus’ Name we pray. Amen.
I Treasure Your Thoughts and Comments!