Poetic Inspirations and Practical Applications for Blissful Living

Guest Post: To Be Or Not To Be

To Be Or Not To be

Guest Post by Heart and Soul Health Coach Mike Fenton


Each new day presents us with the opportunity to change the things we did not like about the day before. We can say today I am going to be this or today I am not going to be that. We can change things about ourselves we do not like or that prove to be of no benefit to us or to others. We should identify what those things are, eliminate them from our life, and work to become who it is we want to be.

Being who we want to be, or not to be, applies to every aspect of our life, both personally and professionally. It can be about our work, knowing I do not want to be in this job any longer, I want to do something different. This work is not for me.

In can apply to our health, knowing I do not want to feel this way any longer, I do not want to weigh this much, I do not want to feel lethargic, I want to feel my best, I want to weigh less, I want to feel energized.

It can be about our relationships with others, knowing I do not want to be in relationships where I feel as though I am not treated the way I should be, I want to be in relationships that are healthy, that are thriving, and ones that will allow me to be and give my best.

It can be about spirituality and our relationship with the Almighty, knowing I want to be a follower of the Lord Jesus Christ, and not to be left out from the His grace. We are reminded of His blessings in John 8:12 which say, When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”

The “light of life” is what helps us to see things more clearly in life. It gives us the understanding of what it is we want to be or not to be, and enables us to make those changes more easily.

Who do you want to be, or not to be?