He Ain’t Heavy
Guest Post by Heart and Soul Health Coach Mike Fenton
One of the most important things everyone needs in life is a support system that is there for them when they are having issues. A support system can help us through some of life’s trying moments and can be anything from a family member, a friend or even a neighbor. We just need/want someone that will be there for us in our time of need, someone that will listen to our concerns and give us the words we need to hear, not the words we want to hear. Of course the best support system is a close relationship with God.
But what about being a support system for others? Do you offer that support to those close to you? Can you see when someone is in need and offer to support them? We should always be on the lookout for the opportunity to be a support to others, especially those that are close to us.
Being a support system for others may require different things for each individual. More often than not they are just looking for someone to talk to, someone that will listen emphatically and offer suggestions to help them through their problem or issue.
Of all the assets we have, our time is the most valuable of all. By giving someone else our time we have given them something more precious than money. Because we have only so much time in this life, how we spend it is precious. That is why we need to be aware and cautious of who and how many people we offer our support to. There is just not enough time to help everyone.
In any case the feeling you will get when helping others, being a part of someone’s support system is a very rewarding opportunity and one you will always remember. There are always opportunities to help others, to become a part of someone’s support system. In addition we never know when we may need a support system ourselves. So the next time such an opportunity arises don’t be afraid to say sure “He Ain’t Heavy”.
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