Praise His Name
“Let them praise his name with dancing and make music to him with tambourine and harp.” Psalm 149:3
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Praise His Name,
Sing of God’s glory,
Praise His Name,
Proclaim His story.
To one, to all,
Share His tidings of peace;
To Him all things
Gladly release.
For Christ is our King,
Our Redeemer, our Lord,
His Word is eternal,
A life-giving sword.
His mercy is unfailing,
His love without end;
He is our Ruler,
Our Brother and Friend.
Praise His Name,
Every fiber of my being;
Praise His Name,
All that is breathing.
Lift His Name high,
Sing of His love,
Raise your voice in joy
With angels above.
Let the hymn of your soul
Reach His blessed ears;
Let the smile of Jesus
Melt away all your fears.
Glorify His Name,
Sing in exultation;
Let us praise His Name
With all of creation.
Who is worthy of praise
More than Jesus our King?
Should not of His Name
We forever sing?
When we meet Him,
Praise His Name we will;
For an eternity in Heaven
We will praise His Name still.
Today and tomorrow,
Now and forevermore,
Let us praise Jesus Christ,
The One we adore.
Yea, praise His Name,
Proclaim Jesus’ story;
Praise His Name,
Sing of God’s glory.
© COPYRIGHT 2012 Caroline Gavin
Praise His Name!
How do you sing the praises of Jesus?
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