No Eye Has Seen

Image courtesy
“River Rapid” by Evgeni Dinev
“However, as it is written: ‘What no eye has seen, what no ear has heard, and what no human mind has conceived’— the things God has prepared for those who love him…”
1 Corinthians 2:9
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Treasures I have for you, My child,
Come now and listen to Me;
I shall share about your home,
Your place in eternity.
No eye has seen, no ear has heard,
No human mind has conceived
Things God has prepared for those
Who love Him and have believed.
Do you see the sun shining above?
Lovelier is the heavenly light,
For I am the Sun in heaven –
There is only day, no more night.
Do you smell the flowers
Wonderfully fragrant in their bloom?
Yet sweeter is the aroma of heaven
Ever your heart to consume.
Do you feel the summer rain
Kissing gently your skin?
Yet more refreshing is My Water,
Washing you of all your sin.
Do you hear your children’s laughter,
Do you hear them sing?
Yet lovelier is the sound of heaven,
Of angels rejoicing in their King.
Do you taste the fruit of harvest,
How sweet to enjoy its yield?
Yet far sweeter to taste heaven,
The fruit of the Elysium field.
Though your eyes cannot see it,
Though your ears cannot hear,
Know that heaven will be yours,
Indeed your home is near.
Should this dwelling on earth
Bring trouble and grief to you,
Remember heaven is your home;
This is your citizenship true.
Rejoice with Me, My child,
Feel the depth of My love;
I shed My blood for you
That you may join Me above.
Nothing can separate us,
I am yours, you are Mine;
Celebrate with Me, My child,
This union intimate and divine.
For treasures I have for you,
Come now and stay with Me;
I will lead you to your home,
Your place in eternity.
© COPYRIGHT 2012 Caroline Gavin
No eye has seen what the Lord has prepared for those who love Him!
How do you celebrate knowing your home is in Heaven?
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