Poetic Inspirations and Practical Applications for Blissful Living



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Let me always walk in Truth
Teach me, Lord, Your Way
The sum of Your Word is Truth
Guiding my journey each day
The world deceived sees truth
Relative to the opinions of each
Yet You prove that Truth is absolute
Its perfection to me You teach
Truth is constant, unchanging
It shifts not when the wind does blow
Truth is pure, righteous, eternal
 Hearts transform when Truth they know
Christ Himself is the Truth
His Life embodied the Eternal Word
He lives in those who live in Truth
Those practicing what they heard
He brought His beloved children forth
By Truth in His perfect divine Will
That we may be born again in Spirit
And that all our needs He would fill
Though the Law came through Moses
Through Christ came Truth and Grace
His Message spreads across the world
A Gospel of salvation for the human race
Dear Lord, sanctify me in the Truth
Purify me in the Word You speak
May I grow ever more kind and loving
Ever more courageous, joyful and meek
For sweet is Your Word, my Father
Precious the Word that You give
Powerful in changing hearts and minds
That every soul may eternally live
I lift my heart to you, Eternal One
I sing my Father’s praises all day long
How I love Him for leading me in Truth
So I share with all this glorious song
Seek the Truth, embrace its Beauty
Let it fill your heart, transform your mind
Eternal, Pure, Just, Loving and Living
So treasured is Truth when it we find
So may we walk always in Truth
May our Lord teach us His Way
For the sum of His Word is Truth
Guiding our journeys each day


© 2012 Caroline Gavin  

How do you take steps to walk in Truth?

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Sweet is forgiveness

When given from the heart

From here true freedom

Does at once start


Bitterness and resentment

Only injure and harm

Un-forgiveness keeps us

From God’s comforting arm


Yet to forgive another

Is to release ponderous chains

It is to leave a prison

Where cold darkness remains


For as the heart forgives

The soul finds warming light

Sweet Son-shine embraces

As one leaves shadows of night


My sister and brother

Dear Christian, dear friend

Let our forgiveness have no limit

Let our mercy have no end


Greatly we have been forgiven

By our glorious Father on high

No sin against us can match

Our sins for which Christ did die


In response to this divine love

In response to this mercy sweet

How can we not but offer to others

Forgiveness pure, full and complete?


Let us then forgive freely

All who may hurt and offend

Let us love generously all:

Neighbor, stranger and friend


For then we will know God

Ever more intimately and true

Then we shall experience love

In ways we once never knew


For the heart of our Father

Is mercy, forgiveness and love

Let us then be beautifully perfect

As is our Heavenly Father above


Yes, so sweet is forgiveness

When given from the heart

Sweet like the love of Jesus

From Whom I pray I never part


 © 2012 Caroline Gavin

How have you practiced – and experienced the freedom of – forgiveness?

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Bread of Life

Bread of Life


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Our Lord, Our God

Is the Living Bread

Giving Life Eternal

As our Lord has said


All who can accept

All who do believe

All who embrace Christ

Are those who do receive


For the Spirit brings life

The flesh counts for naught

Thus we seek spiritual food

And redemption blood-bought


We go humbly to Christ

And hunger never again

We discover eternal treasure

And where it has long been


Manna in the desert

Is what our forefathers ate

Sweeter bread than this

Our God does now create


For man lives not

On bread alone

But on God’s Word

And flesh which did atone


Thus we seek true Bread

In the One who for us died

We eat of His flesh

That in us He will abide


And we rejoice in the Gift

The Gift of faith and life

We guard always our hearts

Even in challenge and strife


For Christ lives in us

As in Him we do live

We believe in His Sacrifice

And Eternal Life He does give

Rejoice in the Gift

Celebrate Divine Love

Embrace precious Manna

Bestowed from Above


And seek always the Bread

Follow always the Way

Cling always to Christ

Eating each Word He did say


For it is His Word

That nourishes and feeds

Precious and powerful

Filling all of our needs


Yes, praise God Eternal

Praise the Son on High

Through the Eternal Manna

Christ is to us always nigh


© COPYRIGHT 2011 Caroline Gavin

How do you actively seek and feed upon the Bread of Life?

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Treasured Tapestry

Treasured Tapestry


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Moments interweaving

Intricately and by design

The fabric of my life

Woven by the Divine


Free will I have

In each stitch I make

Yet all of these together

His Hands do take


Stitches made in error

He perfects and beautifies

Stitches disconnected

He harmonizes and unifies


In the here and now

I often cannot see

The beautiful tapestry

He has woven for me


Yet in stepping back

I see the beauty of it all

My Lord has beautified

Each stitch, big and small


For He is the Maker

The Creator of all things

From sorrow and pain

Glory and joy He brings


And create a Masterpiece

He does for me, for you

Perfecting the imperfect

With Love infinite and true


The tapestry of my life

He weaves with all others too

Tapestries of billions

As only the Omnipotent can do


So delight in this tapestry

I will each passing day

Praising continually my God

For His ever perfect Way


It is a fabric of eternity

A tapestry precious and divine

That our Lord weaves with love

In both your life and mine


And in moments interweaving

Precious and by design

We praise the Eternal One

Creator, Master and True Vine

© COPYRIGHT 2011 Caroline Gavin

How do celebrate the Treasured Tapestry God weaves?

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Power of Pain

 Power of Pain

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A power to pain

Our LORD does give

Graciously to help

This life we live


In a fallen world

Of suffering great

Glory our pain

Can yet create


For God transforms

The cross to the crown

And uplifts the hearts

That are cast down


We see then value

In tears we do sow

To reap eternal joy

Beyond all we know


Seek pain, no, but

Embrace when it is near

For God doles it lovingly

Yes, this is clear


He knows what it is best

For our ultimate good

He knows how to mold

As we never would


Comforting it is then

To know that pain

Will yield sweet flowers

After the falling rain


So rejoice in all things

Even in trial

Trust in God’s love

Sing and smile


Eternal and precious

Treasures do await

Beyond the pearly doors

Of Heaven’s Gate


And dishearten not

When pain you find

Brief it is and soon

To be left behind


Fix your eyes instead

On the crown in store

Focus on Heaven

Each day more


For a power to pain

Our LORD does give

Graciously to help

This life we live


© COPYRIGHT 2011 Caroline Gavin 

How have you experienced the power of pain in your life?

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Vine of Love Divine

Vine of Love Divine

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In His Word

Let us abide

In His Heart

And by His side


For we are branches

And He the Vine

He nourishes your heart

And also mine


Apart from Our Lord

Nothing we can do

Yet with Him we find

Life we never knew


In this Vine of Eternity

From its roots of Love

Bloom peace and joy

Planted from Above


So let us remain in Christ

Growing ever strong

For it is in His strength

That we belong


And from His strength

In this Vine of Life

Let us bear sweet fruit

In both peace and strife


Our beautiful fruit

These miracles which grow

Of God’s power in us

To all do show


That we glorify the Gardener

By bearing fruit sweet

And remain in the Vine

Where Truth and Love do meet


© 2011 Caroline Gavin

How do you actively remain in the Vine of Love Divine?

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Celebrate the Moment

Beautiful Birth, Glorious God 


With open heart

And with honest mind

I reflect now on years past

Which span behind


May in these years

I see the moving Hand

Of God at work for

His good long planned


May I look also

At the years ahead

A horizon beautiful

Before me does spread


If always I take

God’s sacred Way

Through joy and trial

Through night and day


For He created me

Knew me from eternity

So does He create good

From all that we see

Having looked behind

And looked also ahead

I celebrate the moment

The “now” instead


For every moment

One from another does shift

Is from our Heavenly Father

A precious, divine gift


And so each day

Is also divine gift so great

So may we celebrate these days

These gifts our Father does create


© 2011 Caroline Gavin

How do you celebrate your beauiful birth – and your glorious God?

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Pathway of Purpose

Purposeful Pathway


This journey, this pathway

These days and these years

With both victories and trials

Both laughter and tears


Each step is precious

And each moment too

For each brings us closer

Or farther from You


So let my every step

Be upon footing secure

Let Your Word always guide

For then I am sure


My own eyes can deceive

And my feelings betray

So may I listen to Truth

And follow always the Way


For each step, each moment

Upon this pathway I go

Is so precious to me

 As I learn, as I grow


May I never misstep

As I travel, as I live

May I never squander

The moments you give


For to live fully and free

Is to live vibrantly and true

Traveling a purposeful pathway

And moving ever closer to You


© 2011 Caroline Gavin

Share about your personal purposeful pathway…

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Follow Feeling?

Should We Follow Feeling?

Do you follow your feelings? What is the relationship between action and feeling? How can understanding the relationship help us in purposeful living?

As we travel purposefully upon our personal pathways, we often encounter areas of necessary growth…and, therefore, necessary change. Change can be difficult, particularly when we heed our feelings more closely than we do God’s Word.

It is natural to act according to feelings, and in doing so we live according to the flesh. We may justify our actions with intellectualization. Yet, when we live according to feelings, we follow an uncertain (and often unpleasant) course indeed. We know that feelings are capricious, ever-changing and often not stemming from Truth. After all, “the heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it?” (Jeremiah 17:9)

So what is the basis for purposeful decisions? And how do we factor in feelings? A purposeful course follows decisions based on God’s Word – His eternal, unchanging Truth – no matter one’s feelings at the time. We embrace and give thanks for the feelings that God provides, the feelings that make us human. That being said, we do not honor these feelings above His Word. When feelings trigger actions, we discover unnecessary twists and turns and delays in purposeful progress. We remain stuck in old and often unfruitful patterns.

When we place Biblical action before feeling, however, we experience liberation from chains of past and alignment with God’s Will. God then blesses us with changed feelings…but we must first take the obedient action. In doing so, our feelings begin to align with His feelings, our distastes with His distates, our delights with His delights. “Delight yourself in the LORD and he will give you the desires of your heart.” (Psalm 37:4)

Is following God’s Word in spite of countering feelings always easy? I can say from experience “no.” Is it worthwhile, transformative and freeing? I can also say from experience “absolutely!” This principle, like many, takes practice. The more often we experience a replacement of one set of feelings with a new set of feelings, the more confidence we have in making decisions in spite of feelings – for we trust that those painful, contrary feelings will not last forever. We know that God will replace them with joy and with peace.

Truly miraculous is the way that God transforms our minds, yet we must obediently act in order for transformation to happen. “Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is–his good, pleasing and perfect will.” (Romans 12:2)

What patterns are holding you back from bearing more fruit? What feelings are keeping you tied to these patterns? I encourage you to trust God fully that the “the truth will set you free.” (John 8:32b) Embrace His Word, embrace His Love, embrace the transformation that He promises. When you act according to His Word, He will not abandon you in old feelings. He will liberate and uplift you…but you must reach your hand to Him and sweetly surrender to His lead.

Today and every day I encourage you to leave the shackles of the world behind…and allow instead God’s Spirit to transform your mind.


© 2011 Caroline Gavin

In what ways do you allow your feelings to follow your actions?

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Sudden Storm

Sudden Storm


Unexpected sometimes

The weather can be

Snow squalls, thunderstorms

Attack suddenly

Along the life path also

The unexpected can befall

Inconveniences, disaster, chaos

Despite planning against all

Our Lord calmed the winds

And the raging waves of sea

So he can calm the storms

Of life, as they overwhelm me

Bring to Him my anxious heart

Bring it to Him now

Permit Him to carry my burden

Yes, this I do allow

For though the burden is heavy

And the storm is fierce

My Lord can carry everything

In His Hands once pierced

He carries me above the storm

And through the waters dry

Why then choose to hold on?

Why solve these problems try?

Jesus is Lord

Trust Him with your all

Give to Him all your cares

None too big, none too small

Thank you, Dear Jesus

For being faithful and true

To Your Promises always

My spirit you refresh and renew

Oh, that all would see

The calm amidst the storm

Oh, that all would see

How to stay safe and warm

Seek the Lord as Refuge

Seek Him, and you will find

Comfort and peace transcendent

Above the thought of mind


© COPYRIGHT 2011 Caroline Gavin

How do you find calm in the midst of the sudden storm?

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