Poetic Inspirations and Practical Applications for Blissful Living

Guest Post: All or Nothing


“Health and Fitness: The All or Nothing Principle?”

Guest Post by 3D Health Coach Ann Musico


With weight loss clients, one of the basic principles of my Today’s the Day plan is the 90-10 rule. Even this isn’t set in stone – it can be 90-10 or 80-20.  Often clients feel if they don’t follow the plan “perfectly” or if they are unable to do everything “right” it will ruin all their efforts. Nothing could be further from the truth.

This 90-10 or 80-20 principle applies to any health or lifestyle change you want to make. I thought it was important to highlight this since January is typically the time we all try to lose weight, get healthy and improve our habits. What I am suggesting is that if you eat cleaner – making the best choices available to you 80 or 90% of the time, the other 10 or 20% will not derail all your hard work. Consistency and balance the keys here. Do your best most of the time! But don’t be overly harsh and legalistic with yourself. Be realistic and flexible – you are a human being and there will be good days and bad.

This is why when people get all worked up over eating cookies and special foods over the holidays that are not on their “diet” I say – it matters more what you do between New Years and Thanksgiving than what you do between Thanksgiving and New Years!

The same holds true for exercise. Try to stick to your routine and plan most days of the week. There will be times when an unexpected appointment or something else happens and you miss. It’s ok. In fact, you should take a day or two off a week to allow your muscles to heal.  Over training causes injuries and inflammation which, as I have said before, is the root of all illness.

You can apply this to all areas of your life and if you do, I believe you will benefit greatly.  Getting stressed about it is the most destructive thing you could do. Make it an enjoyable process rather than a stressful one and you will experience success so much more quickly!

Are you strict and inflexible with yourself – an “all or nothing” person? As Dr. Phil would say, How’s that working for you?


I am a holistic health coach and independent nutritional consultant. All my coaching plans are based on my 3-D Living program and a big part of that are the Beyond Organic Products and Emergent Health Supplements I proudly offer! Visit my website at http://www.threedimensionalvitality.com and learn more!


Healthy Holidays

Healthy Holidays

Healthy Holidays


Biz Tip: Make Room for Miracles


Image courtesy Nutdanai Apikhomboonwaroot at www.freedigitalphotos.net


Enjoy Seven Steps for Healthy Holidays from 3D Vitality Health Coach Ann Musico and me!

Step 1: D E C I S I O N

Healthy Business from Caroline Gavin of Purposeful Pathway Business Coaching: What is the first step to a healthy business this holiday season? Decision. Decide exactly what you desire with crystal-clear clarity. How many clients? How much income? How much will you spend on gifts? How many hours will you work? How much time will you spend with family? How many holiday parties will you attend? How many days off will you enjoy? The holidays are special, so ensure to carve enough time to savor the season and to celebrate with loved ones. Your decision-making will prevent potential business-family conflicts. It will allay feelings of being torn. It will foster a beautiful work-life balance. So go ahead and embrace a healthy holiday season: DECIDE now exactly what you want! http://reflecthislight.com/2013/03/heart-centered-biz-tip-crystal-clear-goals/

Healthy Body from Ann Musico of Three Dimensional Vitality: Get a clear, specific visual picture of the entire meal the night before. Visualize the situation. If there’s temptation or anxiety, close your eyes and picture it. Hear in your mind’s ear what people will say. See yourself responding in a way that would make you proud of yourself, whatever that is. Decide ahead of time how the day will go. The point is not what you choose, but that you choose it….and then stick to your choice. The objective is to put yourself in charge of what happens, not be a slave to the circumstances. If you can accomplish that, you have begun a journey that will not only help you manage your weight this holiday season, but will empower you in all areas of your life.  http://todaystheday7weekplan.wordpress.com/2013/04/08/belly-busting-breakfasts/

Healthy Life: Decide to commit all you do – worshipping, working, celebrating, eating or drinking – to God’s glory. “So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.” (1 Corinthians 10:31)

Step 2: P R E P A R E  

Healthy Business from Caroline Gavin of Purposeful Pathway Business Coaching: Once you decide what you want, it’s time to PREPARE to achieve it. From the visions of your decisions, determine exactly how you will accomplish their fruition. Then break down the actions into smaller steps. Did you decide, for example, that you want a week off during the holiday season? How can you achieve this? What emails do you need to send? What people do you need to notify? What newsletters do you need to schedule? Take the time to purposefully prepare in order to enjoy a powerfully rewarding holiday season! (Enjoy this special Purposeful Pathway Radio episode on the work-life balance: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/purposeful-pathway-radio/2013/10/23/wisdom-wednesday-with-business-coach-caroline-gavin.)

Healthy Body from Ann Musico of Three Dimensional Vitality: Before parties – eat normally! Most people don’t eat anything else all day leading up to the big event in order to “save up” the calories. Don’t shoot yourself in the foot by starving yourself all day. Eat as you normally would so you don’t walk into a party starving and eat twice as much as you intended. (Learn more at http://todaystheday7weekplan.wordpress.com/2013/06/10/to-eat-or-not-to-eat/.)

Healthy Life: Prepare always with God’s glory in mind! “Commit your work to the LORD, and your plans will be established.” (Proverbs 16:3)


Step 3: S I M P L I F Y

Healthy Business from Caroline Gavin of Purposeful Pathway Business Coaching: You have decided what you want, and you have prepared by planning; now it is time to take action! Simple as it may seem, simplification is a powerful action. How can you simplify? One way is to purposefully say “no” in order to powerfully say “yes.” Another way is to consciously de-clutter the excess in your business and life. Are you scurrying to too many school committee meetings lately? Maybe it’s time to make a change. Are you over-committed with projects? Maybe it’s time to prioritize. Simplification will make your holidays (and all your days) all the more special – and all the easier to savor! (Learn how to master the “positive no” at http://reflecthislight.com/2011/08/390/.)

Healthy Body from Ann Musico of Three Dimensional Vitality: Use a smaller plate. Sometimes you just want to enjoy what’s there without having to limit your selections. If that’s the case, try using dessert-sized plates to keep your calorie intake in check. A full plate still looks full, but there’s less food on it. Sometimes you just have to “trick” yourself. (Learn how to feed yourself the truth at  http://todaystheday7weekplan.wordpress.com/2013/08/12/are-you-lying-to-yourself/.)


Healthy Life: Reject the complicated, confused and cluttered life; embrace instead the simplified sweet life! “For God is not a God of disorder but of peace–as in all the congregations of the Lord’s people.”(1 Corinthians 14:33)


Step 4: B O U N D A R I E S

Healthy Business from Caroline Gavin of Purposeful Pathway Business Coaching: You have decided, prepared and simplified; now it is time to propel your progress with beautiful boundaries! Boundaries come in two forms: internal and external. Set internal boundaries with yourself regarding how many hours you will work, how many parties you will attend, how many desserts you enjoy, how much money you will spend, etc. Set external boundaries with others in these same areas. Reinforce your internal boundaries with motivational reminders, Scripture verses and affirmations. Reinforce your external boundaries with healthy conversations and positive communication. Beautiful boundaries contribute powerfully to a healthy – and happy – holiday experience. Learn more about the beauty of boundary-building at http://reflecthislight.com/2013/07/beauty-of-boundaries-for-business/ .

Healthy Body from Ann Musico of Three Dimensional Vitality: Most of the weight we put on during the holiday season comes from the second (and sometimes third) helping, not the first. And while it’s easy to go back for more, a great way to cut out half the calories you’d normally eat at a holiday function is to limit yourself to only one helping. Here’s an idea that can make the small plate method even more effective: Serve yourself only “half” first, filling up the plate half-way and then taking time to sit, eat slowly, chew, and enjoy what’s there. Then, you have the added bonus of being able to go back for the other half if you choose to! (Kind of a “fake” second helping!)   http://todaystheday7weekplan.wordpress.com/2012/11/12/you-dont-have-to-gain-weight-over-the-holidays/

Healthy Life: Boundaries separate land from sea, night from the day, nation from nation. “From one man he made all the nations, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and he marked out their appointed times in history and the boundaries of their lands.” (Acts 17:26) Build and maintain boundaries during the holiday season (and every season), remembering that God Himself created boundaries for healthy living.

Step 5: S A V O R

Healthy Business from Caroline Gavin of Purposeful Pathway Business Coaching: You have decided, prepared, simplified and set boundaries; now it is time to savor the season!  How can you savor? Choose to be purposefully present. Choose to marvel miracles in the moment. Choose to celebrate with worship and with wonder. Yes, savoring the season is a Christ-centered choice, and it involves embracing the season as wide-eyed children: http://reflecthislight.com/2013/06/little-children/

Healthy Body from Ann Musico of Three Dimensional Vitality: Intentionally chew your food at least 20 times before swallowing while giving yourself a bit of a breather between bites and increasing digestion. Slow down and really savor the flavors, aromas and textures – and the conversation! Eating slowly allows your intelligent body to signal when you’ve had enough, and you will consume about 10% fewer calories when you eat at a slow pace as opposed to rushing through the meal. http://todaystheday7weekplan.wordpress.com/2013/10/21/are-you-giving-your-meals-the-attention-they-deserve/

Healthy Life: We have heard many times that the present is a gift. Choose to celebrate each day as the miracle it is! “This is the day that the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.” (Psalm 118:24) Christmas reminds us that miracles abound all around: the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and the Son of God was born to die that we may live. Savor then the beauty of the season and the eternal life we know in Christ.

Step 6: C E L E B R A T E

Healthy Business from Caroline Gavin of Purposeful Pathway Business Coaching: You have decided, prepared, simplified, set boundaries and savored; now it is time to celebrate!  Celebrate your clients by expressing your thanks. Celebrate your friends by sharing of yourself. Celebrate your family by showing your love. Celebrate Christ by embracing completely the Gift of His Presence. Yes, join all of creation in the celebration of the Creator: http://reflecthislight.com/2013/02/celebration-of-creation/

Healthy Body from Ann Musico of Three Dimensional Vitality: Most of us will eat more than usual and they will be foods that we don’t regularly eat. That’s ok! Holidays are meant to be celebrated and enjoyed and there should be no stress or guilt. Those emotions only shut down your digestive system. When you celebrate with loved ones over cherished family meals, simply relax and enjoy. It doesn’t happen every day and a few days will not ruin the benefits you worked so hard for. http://todaystheday7weekplan.wordpress.com/2012/12/17/side-stepping-the-holiday-weight-gain-minefield/


Healthy Life: Christmas is a time of celebration; indeed every moment is a celebration, as every moment Christ miraculously lives in our hearts. Enjoy the celebration of all creation by lifting your heart to heaven!

“Praise the Lord!
Praise God in his sanctuary;
praise him in his mighty heavens!

Praise him for his mighty deeds;
praise him according to his excellent greatness!

Praise him with trumpet sound;
praise him with lute and harp!
Praise him with tambourine and dance;
praise him with strings and pipe!
Praise him with sounding cymbals;
praise him with loud clashing cymbals!
Let everything that has breath praise the Lord!
Praise the Lord!” (Psalm 150:1-6)


Step 7: L O V E

This step is the simplest, but also the most powerful. Choose to infuse more love into your life and into the lives of others. Choose to love God and others more deeply and purely. Love is the key to a truly happy and healthy holiday season!

How Far Would You Go to Lose Weight?

lose weight

How Far Would You Go to Lose Weight?

Guest Post by 3D Vitality Health Coach Ann Musico

How far would you go to lose weight?


Image courtesy Ann Musico at www.threedimensionalvitality.com


I know I promised these last several posts of this year would be reminders of basics you may have let slip, but I had to interrupt to share something that has me really frustrated.

I wrote about a similar “diet” fad quite a while ago and frankly it amazes me that it’s still around.  Here’s the article I saw recently. I encounter people asking me about all sorts of diet products. Just recently one asked about a specific product saying they were told that they could “simply take this and do nothing else and they will lose weight.” Yes – and I expect to win the Publisher’s Clearinghouse sweepstakes any day now.  I know losing weight, especially a great deal of weight, takes time and effort. There really is no getting around that.  If you don’t change habits, you might lose the weight, but you will gain it back once you go back to eating your “normal” way.

As for a “magic” pill or potion – I wish I could create one – I would be a millionaire overnight. But I hate to disappoint you.  There is no such thing.  Back to this crazy fad diet. It absolutely boggles my mind that girls (or anyone) would be willing to soak cotton balls in lemon or orange juice and eat them in an effort to lose weight!  People balk and argue with me when I ask them to eliminate grains and starchy carbs for the first 2 weeks of Today’s the Day, but they will happily eat cotton balls??? Really?

What am I missing here? Why would people be willing to eat cotton balls and balk at eating a healthy diet?

If you enjoyed this article, why not click “follow” and subscribe to www.threedimensionalvitality.com so you get new posts in your email automatically. And while you’re at it, would you “Like” the Today’s the Day Facebook page? You will get a word of encouragement there each day!

Harvesting Healthy Holiday Habits

Harvesting Healthy Holiday Habits

Guest Post by Dr. Brent Hunter


This is a wonderful time of year! It is a time of happiness and joy with family and friends. It is a time of enjoyment and fun at Holiday parties all season long. It is a time of anticipation of what the new year will bring. The holiday season is one of my favorite times of the year!

However, this time of year is also filled with many situations that are potentially hazardous to your health! Are you like most people who dive into these holiday health hazards disregarding the consequences? Then, January rolls around and brings the new year blues with it. You are 15 pounds heavier, your clothes are ‘suddenly’ tighter, you don’t feel like working out and to top it all off, you’re coming down with the flu!

How did happy and excited turn into sad and sick in just one month? This does not have to be your experience again this year! It is all about the lifestyle decisions you make! So, this year, let’s make some better decisions. Let’s harvest healthy holiday habits and continue to build health rather than succumbing to the sickness of the season.

Healthy Holiday Nutrition

There are plenty of nutritional holiday health hazards this time of year, notably the many Christmas parties you will likely enjoy. These all threaten to destroy the nutritional achievements you have made all year. Here are some healthy holiday habits that will help you dodge these hazards.

  • Before you head off to the Christmas party, have your fill of nutrient dense foods first. Start your day with a delicious green smoothie or healthy protein shake. Sweeten them with some extra fruit to satisfy your sweet tooth instead of filling up on sugar cookies later. Eat some healthy snacks on the way, like nuts, seeds, berries, or pre-cut veggies.
  • Bring your own healthy desserts with you when you go to Christmas parties. Your host will appreciate your contribution, your friends will learn that healthy desserts are delicious, and you build new, healthy holiday traditions! Here is a great recipe for delicious superfood-filled raw Christmas Fudge! Bringing a cheesecake will certainly make you popular at the party! This cheesecake gives plenty of rich flavor with no dairy and no refined sugar! Of course, you can’t have a Christmas party without cookies! How about some Pecan Sandies? These cookies will add healthy nutrition to your party with no refined sugars!
  • Before you go to the party, decide whether you will allow yourself an indulgence. Of course, with delicious and nutritious desserts like the ones above, you won’t have to. However, maybe you have one particular holiday food or dessert that you just have to have. That’s okay. It’s not about perfection, it’s about not throwing away your health! Plan ahead for this as well.

Healthy Holiday Exercise

During the holiday season, it is easy for your schedule to become overloaded. Exercise is often cut out in order to save time. However, this is a terrible decision! The holidays can certainly drain our time and our energy as well. Regular exercise actually helps you create more energy and increases your stamina to power through the holidays.

One of the biggest excuses for not exercising – especially during the holidays – is that it takes too much time. Well, the truth is that you can get an amazing, heart-healthy, fat-burning full body workout in just 15 minutes, using high intensity interval training (HIIT). How’s that sound? Just 15 minutes! These workouts will not only keep your energy and endurance up for the holidays but they will help you burn fat, tone muscle and even prevent and reverse diabetes and heart disease.

Healthy Holiday Stress

Healthy Stress? What!? Yes stress can be healthy. We often think of stress only from the negative side. It is true that when stress is not handled properly, it can become the root cause of nearly all disease from colds and flu to heart disease and even cancer. In fact, all of these diseases increase during this time of year due to the stressful effects of the busy holiday season. Here are some healthy holiday habits to help you de-stress and build great health.

  • Prioritize your schedule. The fact is that you will not likely      have time to participate in every event and party during the holidays.      Decide now what is most important and make sure that your schedule mirrors      those priorities. For example, if your faith and family are among your top      priorities, then make a point to schedule activities with your family and      church. Skipping these events and filling your schedule with work and      business Christmas parties will certainly invite disease-causing stress.
  • Focus on relationships. It is easy to place too much focus on      pleasing people with gift giving this time of year. While it is great to      give, our giving should honor and strengthen our relationships rather than      just bring temporary pleasures. Building and strengthening relationships      with your family and friends causes your body to release health promoting      hormones rather than disease inducing stress hormones.
  • Cast your cares on Him. Our most important relationship is      our relationship with our savior, Jesus. Let’s not lose sight that the      reason for Christmas is to celebrate Jesus’ birth. God the Father sent      Jesus to restore our broken relationship with Him. He loves us dearly and      desires to not only save us eternally but also to care for our day to day      lives. He tells us to cast all our cares and anxieties on Him because He      cares for us (1 Peter 5:7). Jesus has the answer to the      stressful situation and circumstances you are experiencing right now. Take      it to Him and He will give you peace.

Healthy Holiday Healing

The most important aspect to creating a healing, wellness lifestyle any time of year is the health of your nerve system. Your nerve system controls all the functions, health and healing of every single cell in your entire body. It is your nerve system that keeps your heart beating and your lungs breathing without you even being aware of it. It is your nerve system that controls your healing from a paper cut to cancer. In fact, your body is amazingly designed to heal naturally as long as there is no interference in your nerve system.

However, your nerve system is also highly sensitive to stress. Stress damages your nerve system and hinders your natural healing. It is the focus of chiropractic health care to identify that nerve system interference and help you remove it. Regular chiropractic care is vital to creating a healthy holiday season. If you have not already, then start the healthy holiday habit of regular visits to your chiropractor to remove the effects of stress from your nerve system and boost your healing!
It truly is the most wonderful time of year. Begin implementing these healthy holiday habits and make this year’s holiday season happy and healthy.

Dr. Brent Hunter is on a mission to help you Achieve Wellness in order to achieve God’s potential for your life and ministry! He specializes in helping people move past managing illness to achieve real healing and true wellness.

He is a Chiropractic physician with a focus on delivering the principles of a wellness lifestyle to people of all ages. In his practice, this is accomplished through providing specific chiropractic care and whole-person wellness empowerment education. His focus in both treatment and education is on optimal nutrition, detoxification, exercise, empowering mindset, and brain and nerve health.

Additionally, he is a husband and father of a Deaf son. Dr. Hunter is passionate about the Word of God, building strong families, Chiropractic Health Care, Optimal Nutrition and Exercise, Deaf Culture and American Sign Language.

Join us on Purposeful Pathway Radio via http://www.blogtalkradio.com/purposeful-pathway-radio/2013/12/18/dr-brent-hunter-shares-how-to-achieve-wellness as Dr. Brent Hunter, the “Wellness Achiever,” shares how to achieve total wellness!

Guest Post: Handcuffed to the Past?

“Are You Handcuffing Yourself to the Past?” by 3D Vitality Health Coach Ann Musico


In the posts before the holidays I talked more about cellular memory and stress and its effects on us physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. According to many well-respected experts, including Dr. Bruce Lipton, beliefs and cellular memories are in control of our cells – not our DNA.  We also know that stress causes mutations in our cells – cell “suicide.”  There are all different types of stress – physical like injuries, accidents, surgeries, abuse; emotional like guilt, shame, fear and anger; and mental stress like worry, low sense of self-worth.


And we also know that stress is unique to each one of us.  What stresses me out may not even affect you at all!  But it all must be addressed internally.  You cannot solve your problem, regardless of what it is, outside yourself.  You cannot “blame” God or anyone else, even if they are the “cause” of the problem. 


So besides praying that Prayer of Transformation, possibly the most essential step is  http://www.impactministries.com/Resources/PrayerofTransformation.aspx forgiveness.  This is critical physically as well as spiritually.  Think about what we most often do when someone offends or hurts us – we feel that emotionally and unless the person comes to us and apologizes and we are able to release that offense, in order to “get over it” we bury it – we just ignore it in order to stop continually feeling it.  However, it’s not gone – it’s just hidden inside us. 

Dr. Jim Richards explained that the original meaning of the word forgive is to send away.  So let’s look at John 20:23 from the Amplified: “… if you forgive the sins of anyone, they are forgiven; if you retain the sins of anyone, they are retained.”  If I substitute Dr. Richard’s definition it reads:  “If you send away the sins of anyone they are sent away; if you retain the sins of anyone, they are retained.”  Obviously retained means they are held on to but it also means to give them mastery!  So you could say:  If you send away the sins of any, they’re sent away from you (!); if you retain them, then they have mastery over you.  Wow!  That is worth thinking about.

Well that hit me like a ton of bricks!  So we are to forgive or send the offense away – not ignore it, bury it or pretend it doesn’t bother us any more – because if we don’t send it away, our bodies assume we want to keep it. It has less to do with the person who hurt us than it does the feeling it causes us because whenever we get into a similar situation in the future, that buried feeling from the offense is triggered.   So, we are to send the offense away and to treat the person with “mercy” and wisdom – in other words, be more kind to them than they deserve but you don’t have to necessarily trust them or spend time with them.

Are there sins or offenses that have been committed against you that you have not sent away?

Guest Post: Not It!

Mike Fenton

Not It!

Guest Post by Heart and Soul Health Coach Mike Fenton


     Have you ever played “not it”? A task or chore comes up that no one wants to do but someone must, and you are in a group of people, everyone yells “not it” and whoever yells last has to do the task or chore? Or as kids is was to see who had to catch everyone in a game of tag, or who had to go find everyone in a game of hide and go-seek. You always knew that no matter what the circumstance was, that sometime/someday your time to be “it” would come.


If we get lucky in life we keep those chances of being “it” to a minimum and we are able to sit-back and watch someone else do the work, however when it comes to our personal health we are “it”. We cannot look to anyone else to be responsible for us. Losing weight or not gaining weight all begins and ends with diet. It can all start with something as simple as practicing portion control while eating. Did you know that weight loss is 80% diet and 20% exercise and that by making simple dietary changes you can dramatically improve your health? But you must become “it”, you must take control!


We are in the midst of an obesity epidemic which in turn is spawning an increase in type2 diabetes. Currently type2 diabetes affects 24 million people in the U.S., but only 18 million know they have it. About 90% of those people have type 2 diabetes. Back in the year 2010 it was reported the costs for this disease was a staggering $174 billion a year to our country’s health care system! Type2 diabetes is just one in a number of different diseases that are off-spring to the obesity epidemic. There just too many horror stories in the world today of folks just like you and I losing their entire retirements because of diseases like type2 diabetes because of the co-pays, supplies, and medicines that Medicare did not cover. Folks that had enough money to retire but not enough to manage a chronic disease such as diabetes. Would you want to work your entire life only to give it away for medical treatment/services that you may have prevented just by taking accountability for your personal health by eating better and getting a little exercise in your life? Just by being “it”?


We live in a time where it is expected we take accountability for any action or inaction, we can no longer declare “not it”. If you want to protect your future and the future of those you love it is time to take responsibility.


When you think about the options (taking responsibility for our personal health) or saying “not it” and hoping for the best it would seem the answer is quite simple. If it means cutting out the processed foods and fast foods and replacing them with foods that have nutritional value, isn’t that better than putting your health in jeopardy?


You can start off easy by first practicing portion control. Don’t take so much food when dishing your food up and don’t go back for seconds. Next stop buying the processed foods that contain little or no nutritional value and replace them with something better. There are plenty of nutritious meals you can make at home that are much better for you than processed foods or fast foods. If you wondering where to find these meals visit the internet where there many websites where you can download or copy recipes. Get yourself off the fast-food fix, if it’s served in a box and through a window, look for healthier foods to eat. Lastly instead of saying “not it” say I am “it”, I am going to take accountability for my personal health.


You Have to Do it Perfectly – Not!

Girl Eating from Ann Musico

You Have to Do it Perfectly – Not!

Guest Post by Ann Musico

Guest Post by Ann Musico

Image courtesy Ann Musico at www.threedimensionalvitality.com


Almost every client I’ve worked with through the Today’s the Day coaching has had one or more days where they “messed up.”  Whether it was eating an entire loaf of banana bread with butter (yes, one client did that!) or an unplanned meal out with very few acceptable choices, they were almost always hesitant to tell me what happened.  In fact usually they avoided emailing me and when I reached out expressing concern, they reluctantly admitted what happened.


And my response was and is always the same: “Ok. Then what did you do?” Invariably they would say, “I went right back to eating clean.” I assured them that this was exactly what they needed to do and that one day off was not going to ruin everything they’d worked for to that point. And it didn’t! They all ended up reaching their goal – even the banana bread lady!


It’s actually good that things like that happen during the 7 weeks because they will most definitely happen once the coaching is over. One of the basic principles in my plan is the 90/10 rule (page 92 in the book). As long as you eat clean and healthy 85-90% of the time, the other 10-15% isn’t going to make much difference. It’s only when you go off and one day turns into 3 weeks that you can really sabotage yourself.


Beating yourself up, feeling guilty and ashamed of yourself is totally counterproductive and a huge waste of time!  And if they were waiting for me to scold them, that was not going to happen.  I have a confession to make. I don’t eat perfectly 100% of the time.  Sshhh – don’t tell anyone!


In fact I don’t know anyone who does. A lady I worked with at a previous job knew I was also a health coach. So she told me she was embarrassed to tell me what she ate because she just knew I would never approve. Who died and made me the nutrition police?? It’s not my place or job to judge anyone else. When I work with clients I provide accountability, support, encouragement, information and motivation. But there’s no place for condemnation, guilt or shame. We are all on this journey together and none of us – me included – does it perfectly. Let’s shoot for doing it the best we can instead. That makes more sense to me.


How do you feel about not doing it perfectly?

Ann Musico

Ann Musico is a holistic health coach who helps women to exemplify lives of vibrant health and wholeness by empowering them to take responsibility for their own health in order to be a positive influence on those around them in a way that is simple and achievable. Visit her website at http://www.threedimensionalvitality.com and learn more!


What Really is Healthcare Reform?

What Really is Healthcare Reform?

Guest Post by Heart and Soul Health Coach Mike Fenton


When we look at healthcare reform it can sometimes be confusing as to what that really means because it can mean something different to us all. For some it can mean lower health care costs, and for some it means purchasing something they were not required to have before now.


Everyone is now being mandated that they purchase healthcare insurance as part of this so-called “healthcare reform”. But what does the requirement to purchase medical insurance have to do with healthcare reform? It should be more aptly named medical healthcare insurance reform.


Real healthcare reform begins in the home and it starts with eating nutritionally sound foods and participating in some form of physical exercise on a somewhat frequent basis. Will the new “healthcare reform” do anything to change the obesity epidemic, or have an impact on the 25.8 million children and adults in the United States (8.3% of the population) that have diabetes? Or the 7.0 million people that are currently undiagnosed diabetics? Or worse yet the 79 million people that are pre-diabetic?


Really healthcare reform could and would impact this group along with many more like it through the education of and the promotion of good health, nutritional guidance and exercise. It is not about who gets stuck with the tab for our last office visit. It is about eating better and incorporating some form of exercise into our life, even if it is just an evening stroll around the block.


How can we effect real healthcare reform? By making better choices when it comes to what we eat, sure it takes a little longer to make something that is not already pre-packaged, but when we look at the costs (our health) it should be a decision that leaves little room for thinking. When faced with problems such as high blood pressure or high cholesterol, we must make every attempt to get them under control through diet and exercise instead of using prescription medications where sometimes the side-effects are worse than the malady itself.


Recently, Ann Musico Holistic Health Coach and Dr. Brent Hunter reported on the effects stress has on our health. On separate occasions both made reference to the overwhelming evidence that most diseases are stress related.


We can live a longer healthier life by learning to release the stress that builds inside of us daily. Free yourself from the world of “I have to have it yesterday and focus on the here and now. By freeing ourselves of stress or at least trying to minimize it we can prevent many of the deadly diseases our world faces today.


This is when and where real healthcare reform begins.



When Seasons Change

When Seasons Change

Guest Post by Mike Fenton of Heart and Soul Health Coaching

     As we approach the fall of the year and the days become shorter it can mean a significant change in the overall state-of-mind for some. For those that are solar-powered (rely on sunshine for energy) it can mean not having as much energy, feeling lethargic and in more severe cases it can lead into depression. We should not let that happen, we should instead focus on the “son-shine”. “Son-shine” is what we get when we have a relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ.

     When we rely on the things in life that we know are ever-changing there will be disappointment, when we rely on the things that do not change (the love of God) there is no disappointment. That is why a healthy soul is equally important in the trilogy of Total Wellness (when mind, body and soul ALL come together as one in good health. In all honesty a healthy soul is the glue that holds it all together and through which we achieve the other two (healthy mind/healthy body).

     Whenever we feel like life is a roller-coaster it is good to audit each portion of our lives in order to tell where this roller-coaster feeling is coming from, is it:

  • The food I am eating (diet rich in sugar, refined carbohydrates, caffeine/alcohol usage)
  • The sleep I am getting (not sleeping well, shift work, environment)
  • Living a stress-filled life


     The point is, the many ups and downs we experience in life can be minimized and or eliminated by simply listening to our body, paying attention to our environment and tying it all together. In some cases you may need/want to start a diary of how your feeling and when. This does not mean just when you are down, but also when you are in good spirit as well.


Purposeful Pathway Radio: Never Say Impossible

“Never Say Impossible” on Purposeful Pathway Radio


Myra Goldick shares her journey on Purposeful Pathway Radio on September 11th at 1:00 p.m. Eastern Time! Myra overcame a childhood laced with racial discrimination, poverty and disability during the 50’s in New York City. As a child completely paralyzed by polio, Myra was told she would never walk again and that living with it was her only option. After many struggles, several treatments and surgeries, her thinking became clouded by negative emotions an feelings of self-deprivation and self-pity. After hitting rock bottom, she slowly began to recognize her own self-worth. Myra decided fight for her physical and emotional survival. Rejecting the concept that she had limitations was the first step. Through passion, perseverance, and artistic creativity, and by God’s grace, she rose above adversity and developed a life full of love, family, success, accomplishment and prosperity.

Myra is now the host of the ‘Never Say Impossible’ radio show and ‘ The Dancing On Our Disabilities’ show. The “Never say impossible” show focuses on healthcare, story-telling, spirituality, and business trends, while offering great entertainment at the same time. She is an author, a speaker,and an professional artist. Her mission is to motivate, inspire, share other people’s successes and engage the audience through thought-provoking communication. One person’s path to success, when shared with others, can become a method of prosperity for all who choose to listen.

Listen as she shares how to never say inpossible via  [Purposeful Pathway Radio] Never Say Impossible or via the media player below!

I welcome you also to enjoy all episodes of Purposeful Pathway Radio for free on iTunes here.

God bless you abundantly and always on your purposeful pathway!