Lord, Help Me to Hear You
“My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me.” (John 10:27)
Lord, help me to hear You,
When dim is the way,
Help to me to discern
The words that You say,
Enrich me with wisdom,
Show me what to do,
Guide me in ways
To always honor You,
Teach me Your statutes,
Align me with Your will,
Make me to long
All the more for You still.
Yes, Lord, help me
Your voice to hear,
Ring Your wisdom
In my heart ever clear,
Let the beauty of Your way
Grace all that I see,
Let my eyes be fixed
On sweet eternity,
Let my soul rejoice
In being forever Yours,
Let my spirit bask
In Your love that pours.
So much I love You,
Let my love be greater still,
As I delight in Your way,
As I rejoice in Your will,
Lord, I smile to live
My every day for You,
I offer all I am,
All I say, all I do…
Yes, help to me to discern
The words You say…
Because, Jesus, I live for You
Today and every day!
© 2014 Caroline Gavin
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