Guest Post by Heart and Soul Health Coach Mike Fenton
In our lifetime we come upon many “cross roads” It is a time in our life when we must make crucial decisions to which road it is we want to go down. Deciding to attend college or join the work force, to get married and have children or not to have children, these would be a “cross roads” decision, as all involve commitment, dedication and are life changing events.
However, the “cross roads” decision that involves the most commitment and dedication is our decision to accept Jesus Christ as our savior. When we accept Him as our savior, our life is truly changed forever.
This is not going to be easy however, and we must pay attention! We read in Matthew 7:14(NLT) “But the gateway to life is very narrow and the road is difficult, and only a few ever find it”. When we arrive at the “cross roads” we must remember to take the right road and know that we are going to be challenged along the way, not to mention Satan will be doing his best to distract and deter us.
If we remain strong and faithful in our convictions we are reminded in John 14:2 (NIV) “My Father’s house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you”? Is this not the road we all want to be on? Is this not the most important “cross road” in life, the decision to accept Jesus Christ as your personal savior?
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