Radiant Reminders
Image courtesy twobee at www.freedigitalphotos.net
“Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children. And walk in love, as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us, a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.” ~ Ephesians 5:1-2
Singing in my heart
Is a sweet song,
Reminding that with Jesus
I do belong,
Playing in my mind
Are visions of love,
Fixed are my eyes
On Heaven above,
Radiating in my soul
Is Jesus’ light,
Reminding me always
Of His mercy and might.
Yes, singing and praying,
Radiating and glowing,
Surrounding and abounding,
Guiding and showing,
Are the many reminders
Of my Jesus, my King,
Surely then for Him
My heart does sing.
So come, everyone,
Join me, sister and brother,
Let us be ourselves
Reminders to one another:
Let our love for the Lord
Ever radiantly shine
That we see in each other
His pure love divine.
Yes, let our words
Be rich with sweet love,
Let our eyes sparkle
With Heaven above,
And let us sing
In our hearts a sweet song,
As surely forever
With Jesus we belong!
© 2013 Caroline Gavin
Radiant reminders of Jesus’ love surround us! What are some ways in which you are a radiant reminder to others of Jesus?
I Treasure Your Thoughts and Comments!
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