The Next Best Step
Image courtesy Evgeni Dinev at
Purposeful Pathway is the haven for faith-based entrepreneurs. Part of my mission is equipping faith-based businesses with information that is practical, actionable and Scriptural.
The theme of this post is taking the next best step!
Have you ever been overwhelmed with a “big thing” to do in your business? Perhaps it is writing a book or creating a program or filming videos? Overwhelm can stymie our progress far more than we realize. Seemingly valid reasons to procrastinate incessantly plague us. We then lose ourselves in a long list of good activities rather than focusing on the few best activities.
So how can we get unstuck? How can we overcome overwhelm? Simple as it may seem, I cannot emphasize enough the power of taking the next best step. So powerful that I share now seven steps for taking that one step!
- Be clear about your big ideas. Write down your list of looming big to-do’s. What exactly are they? Define them clearly on paper. This “letting go” from the mind onto the paper in itself brings peace, as clinging mentally to many ideas drains precious energy.
- Embrace the one and only. Yes, choose one – and only one – big idea for the time being. You will re-visit the other ideas in due time, but choose the one that God has placed most strongly on your heart. We can expect to climb over many ant hills in a single bound, but not so with mountains. Choose then your one “mountain” and commit to climbing it.
- Figure out the one for the one. What is the one next best step for this one mountain? Is it writing an outline for the book? Creating a draft of the program? Figuring out how to use your video camera? Making a list of potential joint ventures? Determine the one next best step.
- Plan but do not perfectionize. Yes, you will need to plan the consequent steps ahead, but do not get stuck in the mire of perfectionism. Take that first step. Make that book outline; it’s only a draft. Write that list of partners; you can revise it later. Take out that video camera; you will learn as you go. At all costs avoid the time- and energy-wasting perfectionism trap.
- Keep on keeping on. Once you take the next best step, imperfect as it may be, keep up the momentum. Plan your next steps with clarity and start to walk through them with confidence.
- Delight in discoveries. Open your eyes, your mind and your heart to remarkable revelations. God reveals our next steps when we are in motion. For example, as I was re-writing one of my programs recently, God revealed the need to create a book in part with its contents. It was only in the motion of doing that I was able to see.
- Savor each step. Choose to savor each step of the purposeful pathway. In doing so, you will discern God’s direction, hear His voice and delight in His presence. Big ideas can often lure us with the promise of happiness in their completion. The truth is, however, that the joy is in the journey. Blessed we are when we embrace the beauty of being with God every step.
Oftentimes God reveals only one “next best step” at a time, so it is critical for us to stay in movement. Yes, we are called to prepare and plan, but we must be open to God’s perfect way. He may lead us in the most unexpected direction.
So be bold for His glory and take that next best step on your pathway!
If you need help with taking the next best step or with building your business overall, I invite you to attract your ideal clients and powerfully boost your business over the next 40 days! There is no need to reinvent the wheel. I have organized my knowledge and experiences in business into an implementable 40-day series of actionable daily steps, instructional videos and powerful worksheets. If you need a serious boost in business, I encourage you to take the next step by visiting Purposeful Pathway Business Academy today!
Let’s pray. Divine Director, we thank You for the precious steps You pave on our purposeful pathway. Help us, Father, to discern our next big project and to take the next best step. We choose to savor every step and to delight in Your Presence that we may appreciate Your perfect peace. We love You, we glorify You and we commit all we do unto You. It is in Jesus’ Name we pray. Amen.
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