Let Me Count the Ways
“I love those who love me, and those who seek me diligently find me.” Proverbs 8:17
How do You love me?
Let me count the ways.
You love me immeasurably
In warm Sonrays.
You love me deeply
In serenade of a bird’s song;
In the cradle of Your arms
Do I surely belong.
You love me in the clouds
Who freely dance above;
Yea, too in colorful blossoms
I see Your love.
Higher than the mountains,
Deeper than the blue sea,
Stronger than the storms
Is how You love me.
So, my Lord Jesus,
Let me count how I love You;
You are Reason and Inspiration
For all that I do.
You are the Sonshine
In my bright, beaming smile;
You are the dance in my step
Every moment, every mile.
You are the pure joy
That sings in my heart;
You are Alpha and Omega,
The end and the start.
So let me keep counting,
For in counting I sing;
You are my Lover, my Light,
My Master, my King.
Here in Your strong arms
I most surely belong;
You are bliss of my being,
My eternal life song.
So how do we love each other?
Let us count now the ways:
Endlessly and infinitely,
Yes, today and always.
© 2013 Caroline Gavin
Countless are the ways that Jesus loves us! How do you celebrate His eternal goodness and love?
Want more joy for your journey? Schedule a complimentary “Take Me to Transformation” Consultation with Caroline Gavin via caroline@purposefulpathway.com. Walk away with heightened clarity, renewed energy and customized action step plan.