Poetic Inspirations and Practical Applications for Blissful Living

Healthy Soul is Crucial

A Healthy Soul is Crucial in Our Journey to “Total Wellness”


Enjoy this guest post by my dear friend Mike Fenton of  Heart & Soul Health Coaching:


A healthy soul is the third part in the trilogy of “Total Wellness”. Wikipedia defines soul as: The soul, in many mythological, religious, philosophical, and psychological traditions, is the incorporeal and, in many conceptions, immortal essence of a person, living thing, or object.

Soul is also a synonym for spirit, mind, psyche or self and that is how we should relate to it when thinking about our own “Total Wellness”. In Proverbs 20:27 (NIV) we are reminded that “The human spirit is the lamp of the Lord that sheds light on one’s inmost being”.

Most people that have their souls in a state of wellness live a more tranquil life because they have more inner wisdom, inner peace and knowledge. Most work to change the consciousness of humanity and to enlighten others in order to create love, peace, and harmony for humanity.

The power of the soul can teach us soul healing, soul prevention of sickness, soul rejuvenation, soul transformation of every aspect of life (including relationships and finances), and soul enlightenment. It offers us a practical means to empower us to apply all of these teachings. We are asked in Proverbs 18:14 (NIV) “The human spirit can endure in sickness, but a crushed spirit who can bear?”

When our soul is in a state of wellness we have the power to do or be all we desire. You are, and will be, as you believe yourself to be.

You are in control, your will supreme; self-empowerment is your will in action. Believe in your worthiness to be as one with the Creator for that is divine truth, for we are all of and from the One.

Underneath the flesh overcoat with will and desire to know our self  we can open the door to our soul, our inner awareness, our power to be all that we are, and we can find our soul purpose.

The words of The Bible can inspire us to explore our life purpose and leave us with a feeling of inner excitement inspiring us to want to know more.

Inspiration in reality is a realization of a truth already known, it is this inner awareness that inspires us to take hold, acknowledge it, and therefore desire to make it real in our own way.

With “Total Wellness” (when mind, body and soul all come together as one in good health) we feel a new sense of empowerment. We are happy with who we are, where we are, where we want to go, and what we want to do.

Because when we believe in ourselves we take back control.