Poetic Inspirations and Practical Applications for Blissful Living

Guest Post: It’s All About Choices


I am grateful to have 3D Vitality Health Coach Ann Musico share a guest post!


It’s All About Choices by Ann Musico:


Change is a process. You cannot make sweeping changes to your lifestyle all at once and

expect to be successful. You create overload and that’s what leads to thinking, “This is just

too hard; I can’t do it so I might as well just forget it!”  Instead, I suggest you look at it as a series of choices you make gradually.


For instance, first you increase how much water you drink. If your requirement based on your present weight is 100 ounces, don’t just measure out the 100 ounces and start chugging! No, each day increase the amount you already drink by 8 or 16 ounces until you get to the correct amount for you. This is what I call “taking baby steps.”


You can make a better choice in every situation. You can choose the baked or broiled fish

instead of the deep fried, batter encrusted version. You can ask for salad dressing on the

side and choose to make it olive oil and vinegar instead of blue cheese. You can choose to

have salad AND a vegetable instead of salad and french fries. You can choose to use

the stairs instead of the elevator.


Every choice creates a result. You have control over that result. The result can be greater

energy and vitality, improved health and appearance or fatigue, excess weight and health

problems. You may have little or no control over many aspects of life—but your choices and

attitude are the two things you have total control over. And those two things drive the rest of

your life!   Becoming aware of choices you are making and carefully determining

how you can make the best choice in each situation is a critical first step to success in health and in life.


We all have certain specific genetic predispositions. For example, you may have a genetic

predisposition toward diabetes, obesity, heart problems or cancer. I am not denying that

your family history may predispose you to certain diseases. All of my grandparents except

for one, most of my aunts and uncles and my mother ALL died from cancer. Does it seem to

run in my family? Gallop may be more like it. I acknowledge the history, but I do not believe

it destines me or my children to go down the same path.


I ask you to consider a different question—what really runs in your family, genes or habits? Research

confirms that although heredity and familial disposition toward certain conditions have an

effect on physical health, it only accounts for approximately 20%—lifestyle and nutrition account

for close to 80%! This tells me that while we can acknowledge our family’s health history

and be aware of it, we need not repeat it. Rather than just continue to perpetuate the

habits we may have grown up with, we have the power to choose to change them and improve

the outcome. (There’s that word “choose” again!)


When you choose to believe a problem is genetic or you just inherited it—you are saying it

cannot be changed, you are doomed to be this way and there’s NOTHING you can do about

it! You make yourself a victim and relinquish responsibility for your thoughts, beliefs and

actions. It’s been scientifically proven that your perception of a situation or condition (how

you see it) matters more than the condition itself. What you think and believe is so powerful—

it can change your DNA!


While changing lifelong habits may not be easy, remember, your choices not only affect you,

but future generations as well. We need not feel we’re doomed to suffer from the same

problems and diseases as our parents and grandparents. Deuteronomy 30:19 encourages

us to choose life, for ourselves and for our children. We can choose to do things differently.

Our parents did the best they knew to do. Since we know better, we must make the choice

to do better.


We must also embrace the truth that as Christians we now have a different, better Bloodline,

one in which there is no disease! By doing these things we can change our old perceptions

and create a new “history,” passing down vibrant health, wholeness and faith for generations

to come.


Are you making the best choices you can?


Getting healthy doesn’t have to be difficult or complicated! Let Ann help you make some simple and easy changes that will help you enjoy greater health and vitality.  Visit her website at http://www.threedimensionalvitality.com and subscribe for her free weekly newsletter and blog posts and you will enjoy timely, practical information you can implement immediately!

  • http://www.VictoryChristianCoaching.com/ Marianne Clements

    This definitely makes sense to me. It’s better to start small and enjoy a victory than try to do it all and experience defeat!

    Have a Victorious Day!

    • http://PurposefulPathway.com/ Caroline Gavin

      Absolutely! Thank you very much for your comments and encouragement, dear Marianne! God bless you and your heart for Him!