Poetic Inspirations and Practical Applications for Blissful Living

What is Christian Life Coaching?

What is Christian Life Coaching?

What is Christian Life Coaching?

Christian Life Coaching

Image Courtesy www.freedigitalphotos.net
Pink Flower by Kibsfri

“What exactly is Christian Life Coaching, Caroline?”

This is an excellent question…

In essence, I work with individuals to transform their lives. I do this with a process of helping the client to discern and evaluate what she wants to achieve; distinguish where the individual is from where she wants to be; develop a plan with Biblical foundation to move from point A to point B; follow up with accountability and mind-set checks while moving through the steps of the plan; re-evaluate goals and steps as needed in the process.

The ultimate aim is for the client to no longer need my coaching services, as the client will learn and practice the process of self-coaching. My Christian Life Coaching principles are based upon the Bible, and coaching plans are aligned with God’s Will: loving God first, loving neighbor as self and seeking first God’s Kingdom.

Christian Life Coaching is customized to each individual by listening to his or her values and goals; determining the specific challenges and the strategies to overcome those challenges; and creating and implementing an individualized action plan.

What is Christian Life Coaching? Caroline Gavin of Purposeful Pathway

Image courtesy www.freedigitalphotos.net
Lilliam by Tom Curtis

That being said, there is a process I use to guide these steps. Purpose – that is, living on purpose for God’s purpose – is the basis of fruitful, joyful living. For this reason, the seven-step Christian Life Coaching process I created is based on purpose.

Each of the Purposeful Pathway Life Coaching Programs incorporates the Trademark 7-Step Purposeful Pathway Live-on-P.U.R.P.O.S.E. Process™ :

P – Preparation by clarifying goals

U – Understanding HOW to reach goals through dedicated research

R – Refining goals into smaller steps and daily action steps

P – Practicing goal-supporting habits (and weeding out those which are not)

O – stepping back to Overview periodically and adjust as necessary

S – Simplifying and Systematizing for maximized results

E – Enlisting others and gaining Excellence

This is a bird’s eye view of an in depth process, but it helps to understand how Christian Life Coaching is both intimately individualized while also structured with a powerful process.

A beautiful aspect of Christian Life Coaching – and there are many – is that the client and coach can connect despite distance. Sessions are often conducted by phone. You and I can arrange a program that fits you as determined by our discussion and your defined goals.

The main areas of focus in my Christian Life Coaching practice are:

– > Spiritual Growth

– > Personal Growth

– > Health / Wellness

– > Career /Vocation

– > Parenting

– > Business (Starting / Growing)

– > Relationships

– > Leadership

– > Motivation

To learn more about the Purposeful Pathway Christian Life Coaching programs, I encourage you to visit this page: http://reflecthislight.com/coaching-programs

Also, I offer to you now a free one-on-one “Take Me to Transformation” assessment call.

This 25-minute call is valued at $97, but I am offering free sessions for a limited period of time.

In this powerful session you will discover:

  • An awareness of what is causing challenges in your life currently
  • A renewed energy to address these challenges
  • A written “next-step” action plan to overcome these challenges

I encourage you to email me ( caroline@purposefulpathway.com ) today to schedule your bonus call!

What is Christian Life Coaching?

Image courtesy www.freedigitalphotos.net
White Flowers by Graeme Weatherston

No task is too big or small for us to undertake. I can help you achieve fitness goals, improve a relationship or discern and pursue a life calling…and apply Biblical principles in all pursuits. The objective in Christian Life Coaching is always God-centered transformation.

I look forward to working with you on your journey with Jesus – to walking with you on your purposeful pathway!

God’s richest blessings to you this Christmas Season!

Prayer for Connecticut Tragedy

Prayer for the Connecticut Tragedy - Poetic Prayer by Caroline Gavin of Purposeful Pathway Christian Life Coaching

Prayer for Connecticut Tragedy

Prayer for the Connecticut Tragedy - Poetic Prayer by Caroline Gavin of Purposeful Pathway Christian Life Coaching

Image courtesy www.freechristimages.com

“He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away.” Revelation 21:4

 (Send as a comforting eCard)

O Lord, we kneel before You,

We come to You in prayer;

O Lord, more than ever

Please show us You are here.


Tears stream from our eyes,

Stricken by this loss;

Help us, O Heavenly Father,

To bear this bitter cross.


Protect those precious souls,

The souls we lost that day;

O Lord God, please embrace them,

Hear us as we pray.


You are most holy,

You are perfect and good;

Help us, precious Father,

Cling to You as we should.


Though evil You never cause,

You permit our free will;

Yet even when evil strikes,

Over all You reign still.


All things You work for good,

Even this tragedy;

All things You work for good

In the scheme of eternity.


So when our hearts quaver,

When tears fall from our eyes,

When our voices tremble

In heart-breaking cries,


Come near to us, O Lord,

Pull us close to Your heart,

Remind us that from You

We will never part.


Show the glory of Heaven,

Show us the ones we mourn,

Show us how in joy

These souls have been reborn.


We see them in Your arms,

We see Your angels too,

How comforting to know

Our children are with You.


Comforting to know also

You endured tremendous pain;

You watched Your Son die

That life we would gain.


Though we cry bitter tears,

We find comfort as we pray;

We will see our loved ones

And You, Father, one day.


We praise You, Lord,

You perfect all things with love;

You give us faith to know

Our children are safe above.


So our hearts we offer You

In humble adoration;

Lord, save all sinners too,

Lead them to salvation.


You seek to save all,

Even those filled with hate;

Your love can transform all,

For Your love is so great.


All things You perfect,

All You beautify too,

So in this time of mourning

We trust all the more in You.


Yea, we kneel before You,

We come to You in prayer;

O Lord God, more than ever

We know that You are here.


© COPYRIGHT 2012 Caroline Gavin

Thank you for joining me in this prayer for the Connecticut tragedy. Our tears are shed and our prayers are lifted for all.

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Interested in working with a Christian Life Coach? Contact Caroline Gavin via caroline@purposefulpathway.com for a Free Christian Life Coaching Consultation.

Praise His Name

Praise His Name Inspirationl Christian Poem by Caroline Gavin of Purposeful Pathway Christian Life Coaching www.PurposefulPathway.com

Praise His Name

Praise His Name Inspirationl Christian Poem by Caroline Gavin of Purposeful Pathway Christian Life Coaching www.PurposefulPathway.com

Image courtesy www.freechristimage.com


“Let them praise his name with dancing and make music to him with tambourine and harp.” Psalm 149:3

 (Send as an Inspirational Christian eCard)

Praise His Name,

Sing of God’s glory,

Praise His Name,

Proclaim His story.


To one, to all,

Share His tidings of peace;

To Him all things

Gladly release.


For Christ is our King,

Our Redeemer, our Lord,

His Word is eternal,

A life-giving sword.


His mercy is unfailing,

His love without end;

He is our Ruler,

Our Brother and Friend.


Praise His Name,

Every fiber of my being;

Praise His Name,

All that is breathing.


Lift His Name high,

Sing of His love,

Raise your voice in joy

With angels above.


Let the hymn of your soul

Reach His blessed ears;

Let the smile of Jesus

Melt away all your fears.


Glorify His Name,

Sing in exultation;

Let us praise His Name

With all of creation.


Who is worthy of praise

More than Jesus our King?

Should not of His Name

We forever sing?


When we meet Him,

Praise His Name we will;

For an eternity in Heaven

We will praise His Name still.


Today and tomorrow,

Now and forevermore,

Let us praise Jesus Christ,

The One we adore.


Yea, praise His Name,

Proclaim Jesus’ story;

Praise His Name,

Sing of God’s glory.



© COPYRIGHT 2012 Caroline Gavin

Praise His Name!
How do you sing the praises of Jesus?

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Interested in working with a Christian Life Coach? Contact Caroline Gavin via caroline@purposefulpathway.com for a Free Christian Life Coaching Consultation.

Heart-Centered Business Academy – Reviews on the Journey

Heart-Centered Business Academy Group Coaching Program for increasing productivity and joy

Heart-Centered Business Academy Reviews

Heart-Centered Business Academy Group Coaching Program by Purposeful Pathway Christian Life Coaching

Image courtesy www.freedigitalphotos.net
Business Woman by photostock

A haven to thrive in both business and life, the Heart-Centered Business Academy launched October 25th.

If you are in the process of starting or have already started a heart-centered business, this group coaching program is ideal for you. Our seven-week journey just ended, but the experiences, insights and fruit of the Academy live on. The Academy will launch sessions in 2013, and I encourage to read the reviews below.

What members of the Academy share about the experience:

Ann Musico: I was privileged to participate in the 7-week Heart Centered Business Academy and I can honestly say it has been a time of great insight, productivity and progress for me and my business. As a Biblical health coach I understand the value of accountability, support and encouragement and I received all three. Caroline’s insightful, sensitive and motivating comments and support throughout the 7 weeks was absolutely invaluable. She made everyone feel completely at ease and provided a beautifully structured, yet relaxed and respectful environment in which to explore options and new directions. I especially loved the effortless and natural combining of faith and business. It sets this coaching program head and shoulders above others because it addresses the entire person, not just one aspect. It’s the type of program that would be beneficial to do periodically in order to assess progress and make targeted, constructive course corrections. I wholeheartedly recommend this coaching to anyone who is serious about rising to a higher level in life.

Carole Simone: This Heart Centered Business Academy has been a delightful journey in self-awareness. It brought to light the many areas of my life that need improvement and how to improve them, especially in my daily walk with my Lord Jesus. The goal setting strategies that Caroline presented were clear, defined and Christ-centered. Caroline’s caring, her insights and her encouraging words made the academy a growing, an enriching experience. And the group participation was very helpful. Everyone added such wonderful knowledge. I would definitely recommend this academy to anyone who has a desire to improve and succeed in all areas of life!

Mike Fenton: I was very impressed with the Academy. The concept of asking people to share their insights and testimonials proved to be very beneficial; which in turn left me many a night reflecting on what had been said. Those reflections not only provided me with new insights and ideas of which I could incorporate into my business but my life as well.

Lisa Graham: I can’t thank you enough for offering the Heart Centered Business Academy.  I loved it!  The structure, length, organization, ability to share and, of course, the content were all outstanding. Walking though each step with time for reflection and a specific focus were a huge help. It allowed me time to really focus while keeping me motivated!  I also really enjoyed how everyone could share their successes, challenges and other insights.  It brought out great points for all of us plus gave us extra encouragement when needed.  I appreciate your work and commitment to us!!  You rock!

Cindy Hirch: In the time I have known Caroline she has soared to new heights. It has been incredible to watch her growth. She has an ability to connect and relate to people in a way that transcends language barriers and cultures. Caroline’s poetry is beautiful. She has an incredible gift to write and her work truly inspires the reader in what she shares. In group coaching she offers practical solutions and applications for business. Even if you are not looking to own or grow your own business, these same principles can be applied to your personal life. They are presented and woven with a deep spiritual and Godly approach. She has been blessed with many gifts that allow her to serve others well. Without reservation I would highly recommend Caroline’s services.

(For a list of testimonials about Caroline Gavin, visit http://reflecthislight.com/testimonials-for-caroline-gavin-christian-life-coach/.)

Continue reading to learn more about the Academy:

Hand in hand, we will walk through the steps of

* clarifying your business goals

* creating and implementing your business plan

* strategizing to overcome obstacles on the heart-centered business path

Why Group Coaching?

1. Affordability: Enjoy the tremendous benefits of coaching at an attractive and affordable price.

2. Community: Enjoy the camaraderie of the group; connect with others who are in the same or similar positions as you. You will discover that the Heart-Centered Business Academy is a family.

3. Networking: Benefit from networking with other business owners.

4. Accountability: Appreciate both the high level of accountability and the accompanying high results that stem from working in a group setting.

5. Benefit from Breadth of Knowledge: Marvel the treasure trove of collective wisdom and experiences.

6. Bless Others: Share your own pearls of wisdom and experiences to bless others in their journeys.

7. Comfort: Relax in a comfortable setting; group coaching provides an atmosphere that is less intensive than one-on-one coaching.

8. Increased Joy: Look forward to the growth and to the fun you will experience. Heart-Centered Business Academy will not only propel your business but also heighten the joy in your journey.

9. Benefit from a Bible-Based Structure: Embrace God’s blessings by seeking counsel and guidance from many. “Plans fail for lack of counsel, but with many advisers they succeed.” (Proverbs 15:22)

Experience growth from these group coaching calls every Thursday evening (except Thanksgiving) from October 25th through December 13th. In addition to the seven one-hour calls, enjoy the Heart-Centered Business Academy workbook, exercises and accountability checks.


Again, although this group coaching registration period has ended, there will be more sessions in the near future. Also, you can work with Caroline one-on-one. Contact her today (caroline@purposefulpathway.com) for a free Christian Life Coaching Consultation.









Jesus is the Reason

Jesus is the Reason - Christmas Poem by Caroline Gavin of Purposeful Pathway Christian Life Coaching www.PurposefulPathway.com

 Jesus is the Reason

 “She will bear a son, and you shall call his name  Jesus, for he will save his people from their  sins.” Matthew 1:21

Sacred season,

One of joy and song,

Music swelling in the heart

All the day long.


Jesus is the Reason,

Yea, He came to the earth,

Let one, let all,

Proclaim His birth.


Who can speak of His glory?

Of His light who can tell?

Who can understand love

Saving us from fires of hell?


Surely none can fathom

The heights of His love,

The humility He embraced

To leave His throne above.


Come now with me,

Let us show our adoration;

Let us kneel before our Savior,

Let us sing in celebration.


Jesus, sweet Jesus,

You are the Reason;

Jesus, sweet Jesus,

The song of this season.


Today, tomorrow,

Now and forevermore,

We lift our hearts to You,

O, One we adore.


Bright is the light

Upon us You shine;

Fill us with Your Spirit,

Your presence divine.


Gifts of gold,

Incense and myrrh we bring,

To You, our Lord, our God,

Our Savior, our King.


We crown You with gold,

We worship You with incense,

Myrrh signifies a bitter life

Before Your presence.


For to us You came,

For us You chose to die;

You, Baby in the manger,

They would crucify.


Yet Heaven we will see

By Your amazing grace;

Those who believe

Will see Your radiant face.


Nigh unto You we draw,

Lord, we love You so;

Christmas and every day

May our love for You show.


The Word made flesh,

You came to the earth,

Let one, let all,

Proclaim Your birth.


O, music fills our hearts

All the day long,

Jesus is the Reason,

With Him forever we belong.


© COPYRIGHT 2012 Caroline Gavin

Jesus is the Reason!

How do you celebrate the Reason for the Season?

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Interested in working with a Christian Life Coach? Contact Caroline Gavin via caroline@purposefulpathway.com for a Free Christian Life Coaching Consultation.

Poetry, Passion and the P.U.R.P.O.S.E. Process

Caroline Marie Gavin Christian Life Coach of Purposeful Pathway Christian Life Coaching

Caroline Gavin shares her Poetry and P.U.R.P.O.S.E. Process…on Purposeful Pathway Radio


Many of you have asked about my poetry and Purposeful Pathway Life Coaching.

Caroline Marie Gavin Christian Life Coach of Purposeful Pathway Christian Life Coaching

Caroline Gavin
Purposeful Pathway Christian Life Coach

In response to this, I am sharing the second show in a series today. The first show (see archive for October 26) involved a mix of poetry and reflections about my own pathway, passion and purpose. The show today, December 12th, will include my poetry as well as the first two steps of the Live-on-P.U.R.P.O.S.E. Process. These steps will help you to prepare for the New Year!

Purposeful Pathway Radio

Purposeful Pathway Radio

I welcome you to join me in the journey today via www.PurposefulPathwayRadio.com at 1:00 p.m. EST. As always, if you cannot join live, you can enjoy the archive at www.PurposefulPathwayRadio.com.

God’s precious blessings to you on your Purposeful Pathway!


Interested in working with a Christian Life Coach? Contact Caroline Gavin via caroline@purposefulpathway.com for a Free Christian Life Coaching Consultation.

Glory to God

Glory to God Christian Poem by Caroline Gavin of Purposeful Pathway Christian Life Coaching
Glory to God Christian Poem by Caroline Gavin of Purposeful Pathway Christian Life Coaching

Image courtesy www.freedigitalphotos.net
“The Balkans” by Evgeni Dinev

Glory to God

“So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.”-  1 Corinthians 10:31

(Send as an Inspirational Christian eCard)

Glory to God

In all I do and say;

Glory to God

In all things, I pray.


Glory to God

When I am awake or asleep;

Glory to God

Mountain high, valley deep.


Glory to God

On the sea and on shore;

Glory to God

From the sky to ocean floor.


Glory to God

In every hill and mountain;

Glory to God

In every stream and fountain.


Glory to God

In every bird and flower;

Glory to God

In the rainbow and shower.


Yea, glory to God,

At all times in all things;

Glory to God,

Our Lord, King of kings.


Let us sing His praises

Today and forevermore;

Glory to His Name,

For Him we adore.


He lavishes with love,

His mercy to us streams;

He warms us with light

Through eternal Son-beams.


Glory to God,

Let this be our song;

Glory to God

With Him we belong.


Glory to God

When we are awake or asleep;

Glory to God

Mountain high, valley deep.


Glory to God

In all we do and say;

Glory to God,

The Truth, Light and Way.


© COPYRIGHT 2012 Caroline Gavin

I would love to hear your thoughts!

How do you give glory to God?

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Interested in working with a Christian Life Coach? Contact Caroline Gavin via caroline@purposefulpathway.com for a Free Christian Life Coaching Consultation.

The Song I Sing

The Song I Sing Poem by Caroline Gavin of Purposeful Pathway Christian Life Coaching www.PurposefulPathway.com

The Song I Sing

The Song I Sing Poem by Caroline Gavin of Purposeful Pathway Christian Life Coaching www.PurposefulPathway.com

Image courtesy www.freedigitalphotos.net
“Violin and Score” by Luigi Diamanti

(Send as an Inspirational Christian eCard)

Sweet Jesus, my Lord,

 I hear the song You sing;

You are my Creator and Master,

My God and my King.


The symphony of Your love

Does my soul embrace;

I am moved by the music

Of Your amazing grace.


The beat of Your song

Is one of peace, love and joy;

All can hear Your symphony,

Man, woman, girl and boy.


We need only to still

The thoughts of the mind,

For then we will feel deeply

Your love for mankind.


You sing in the birds,

You clap in waves of the sea,

Your lyrics we hear clearly

In swaying of every tree.


Surely Your song

For all eternity will play;

Blessed are those who hear You,

Those who follow Your way.


For we shall see You one day

Yea, in all Your glory;

The song we hear reminds us

Of Your love story.


To earth You came,

With us You came to live,

That Your very life

You would choose to give.


Upon the Cross of Calvary

Your precious blood You shed;

Eternal life we find

In the drops You bled.


There we hear Your song,

Clearer all the more;

Surely You love us, Lord,

Your life for us You pour.


We embrace Your love, Jesus,

We worship on bended knee;

We will sing Your praise

Now and for all eternity.


We feel Your kiss of mercy,

We feel Your sweet embrace;

We hear forever the song

Of Your amazing grace.


Praise You, Creator, Master,

My God and my King;

Sweet Jesus, my Lord,

You are the Song I sing.


© COPYRIGHT 2012 Caroline Gavin

I would love to hear your thoughts!

What is the song you sing for the Lord? How has He brought music to your soul?

Leave a Comment


Interested in working with a Christian Life Coach? Contact Caroline Gavin via caroline@purposefulpathway.com for a Free Christian Life Coaching Consultation.

Winter Warmth: Summer in my Soul

Summer in my Soul - Inspirational Christian Poem by Caroline Gavin of Purposeful Pathway Christian Life Coaching www.PurposefulPathway.com

Winter Warmth: Summer in my Soul

Summer in my Soul - Inspirational Christian Poem by Caroline Gavin of Purposeful Pathway Christian Life Coaching www.PurposefulPathway.com

Image courtesy www.freedigitalphotos.net
“Sunlounger on Seashore” by worradmu

“You, O LORD, keep my lamp burning;

my God turns my darkness into light.” Psalm 18:28


Clouds set in,

Blue gives way to gray:

Such is the scene

On this winter day.


Yet gray in my heart

I do not feel,

For the presence of God

Is vibrant and real.


Should the clouds loom

High in the sky,

I feel Son-shine of Jesus

To Whom I am nigh.


His rays shine brilliantly

In and through my soul;

His warmth envelops me,

Making me whole.


So today and every day

I feel it is spring,

As Son-shine never ceases

From Jesus, my King.


While snow covers the earth,

Flowers in my heart grow;

Birds sing of summertime

When on His way I go.


His warmth and light

Never cease to warm me;

Indeed He is the Sun

For all eternity.


Sweet joy and Son-shine

Forever I feel,

For God’s presence

Is vibrant and real.


Yes, although clouds come,

Although the sky is gray,

Eternal summertime I know

When I follow His way!


© COPYRIGHT 2013 Caroline Gavin

How has the Lord brought summer to your soul?

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What is Christian Life Coaching?

What is Christian Life Coaching? Description of the process and benefits of Christian Life Coaching by Caroline Gavin of Purposeful Pathway Christian Life Coaching www.PurposefulPathway.com

What is Christian Life Coaching?

Christian Life Coaching

Image Courtesy www.freedigitalphotos.net
Pink Flower by Kibsfri

“What exactly is Christian Life Coaching, Caroline?”

I hear this often, and it is an excellent question…

In essence, I work with individuals to transform their lives. I do this with a process of helping the client to discern and evaluate what she wants to achieve. We distinguish where the individual is from where she wants to be; we develop a plan with Biblical foundation to move from point A to point B; I follow up with accountability and mind-set checks while moving through the steps of the plan; we re-evaluate goals and steps as needed in the process.

My Christian Life Coaching principles are based upon the Bible, and coaching plans are aligned with God’s Will: loving God first, loving neighbor as self and seeking first God’s Kingdom.

My Christian Life Coaching sessions are customized to each individual by listening to his or her values and goals, determining the specific challenges and the strategies to overcome those challenges, and creating and implementing an individualized action plan.

What is Christian Life Coaching? Caroline Gavin of Purposeful Pathway

Image courtesy www.freedigitalphotos.net
Lilliam by Tom Curtis

That being said, there is a process I use to guide these steps. Purpose – that is, living on purpose for God’s purpose – is the basis of fruitful, joyful living. For this reason, my 7-step Christian Life Coaching process is based on purpose.

Each of the Purposeful Pathway Life Coaching Programs incorporates the Trademark 7-Step Purposeful Pathway Live-on-P.U.R.P.O.S.E. Process™ :

P – Preparation by clarifying goals

U – Understanding HOW to reach goals through dedicated research

R – Refining goals into smaller steps and daily action steps

P – Practicing goal-supporting habits (and weeding out those which are not)

O – stepping back to Overview periodically and adjust as necessary

S – Simplifying and Systematizing for maximized results

E – Enlisting others and gaining Excellence

This is a bird’s eye view of an in depth process, but it helps to understand how Christian Life Coaching is both intimately individualized while also structured with a powerful process.

A beautiful aspect of Christian Life Coaching – and there are many – is that the client and coach can connect despite distance. Sessions are often conducted by phone. You and I can arrange a program that fits you as determined by our discussion and your defined goals.

The main areas of focus in my Christian Life Coaching practice are:

– > Spiritual Growth

– > Personal Growth

– > Health / Wellness

– > Career /Vocation

– > Parenting

– > Business (Starting / Growing)

– > Relationships

– > Leadership

– > Motivation

To learn more about the Purposeful Pathway Christian Life Coaching programs, I encourage you to visit this page: http://reflecthislight.com/coaching-programs

Also, I offer to you a free one-on-one “Take Me to Transformation” assessment call.

This 25-minute call is valued at $97, but I am offering free sessions for a limited period of time.

In this powerful session you will discover:

  • An awareness of what is causing challenges in your life currently
  • A renewed energy to address these challenges
  • A written “next-step” action plan to overcome these challenges

I encourage you to email me ( caroline@purposefulpathway.com ) today to schedule your bonus call!

What is Christian Life Coaching?

Image courtesy www.freedigitalphotos.net
White Flowers by Graeme Weatherston

No task is too big or small for us to undertake. I can help you achieve fitness goals, improve a relationship or discern and pursue a life calling…and apply Biblical principles in all pursuits. The objective in Christian Life Coaching is always God-centered transformation.

I look forward to working with you on your journey with Jesus – to walking with you on your purposeful pathway!