Poetic Inspirations and Practical Applications for Blissful Living

Shine Like A Star

Shine Like A Star

Shine Like a Star for God's Glory

Image courtesy www.freedigitalphotos.net
Starry Night by Nuttakit

“Do everything without complaining or arguing, so that you may become blameless and pure, children of God without fault in a crooked and depraved generation, in which you shine like stars in the universe as you hold out the word of life—in order that I may boast on the day of Christ that I did not run or labor for nothing.” Philippians 2:14-16

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The sun has set,

Dark velvet cloaks the skies;

Stars shine above me,

Glimmering before my eyes.


Glorious diamonds,

So many shining above me,

Countless stars shining,

How wondrous to see.


May I be like these, Lord,

May I shine like a star;

I long to give You glory,

I long to be as You are.


For surely You shine

Through day, through night;

Surely You are the Son,

Full of glory and might.


So dark is this world,

Darker than midnight sky;

So many are lost,

So many stumble and cry.


May I be a light unto them,

May I shine with Your love;

May I bring others hope,

Shining as a star above.


For what value do I bring

If Your love I do not give?

What hope do I have

If for You I do not live?


Here I am, my Lord,

Your vessel, Your child;

I am here to glorify You,

Make me holy and mild.


May Your virtues fill

My humbled heart and soul;

May Your light shine in me,

Light making me whole.


And Your light I shall share

With one and with all;

I shall show them Your truth,

I shall follow Your call.


Yea, shine like a star

I vow forever to do;

I lose myself entirely, Lord,

To reflect radiant You.


Jesus, You are the Son,

Full of glory and might;

You are Life, You are Love,

My Guide day and night.


I shall give You glory,

I shall be as You are;

I surrender all to You, Lord,

To shine like a star.


The countless stars shining

Are wondrous to see;

Yet none more brilliant than You,

So Jesus, shine through me.


© 2012 Caroline Gavin

How do you shine like a star for God’s glory?

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