In Your arms,
Lord, peacefully I rest,
You comfort tenderly,
Yea, You comfort best.
Surely Your comfort
Is sweet and divine;
How grateful I am
Your comfort is mine.
When the trials emerge,
When the thunder roars,
Still I find in Your arms
My spirit soars.
You embrace me with love,
You kiss me with graces;
Nothing sweeter do I know
Than Your tender embraces.
This comfort of comforts
I share with others too;
Lord, when they see me,
May they also see You.
For I am Your instrument,
Yes, for You alone I live;
I am Your vessel,
All to You, Lord, I give.
When I comfort another,
When I show my love,
I show my adoration
For my King above.
By comforting others
In their trials and pain
I bring glory to You –
In me may You reign.
Use me, my Master,
I kneel before Your throne;
Use me for Your purposes,
My life forever You own.
Express Yourself through me
In the comfort I share;
Show Your love through me,
A love beyond compare.
I delight in knowing
You work through me now;
To do Your will alone,
This, Lord Jesus, I vow.
Love you forever,
Lord, I know I shall;
Your love captivates,
It does my spirit enthrall.
When the trials emerge,
When the thunder roars,
In Your arms, Jesus,
My spirit soars.
Surely Your comfort
Is sweet and divine;
I shall share Your comfort,
For I am fully thine.
And in Your arms,
Lord, I peacefully rest,
So tender You are, Jesus,
Yea, You comfort best.
© 2012 Caroline Gavin
Through what trials has the Lord comforted you?
In what ways does His comfort appear?
How have you comforted otheres with the comfort you receive from Him?
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