Fruit of the Spirit
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Father, may I bear fruit
Fragrant and sweet for Thee
Eternal fruit of Thy Spirit
Yea, fruit to last for eternity
Fill me with joy, my Jesus
May my joy in Thee be complete
May its waters bubble forth
Vibrant, unceasing and sweet
Imbue me with peace, Eternal Prince
Peace enduring when winds do rage
Peace which reigns throughout storms
Heavenly peace adorning age to age
Strengthen me with forbearance
Grant that I am patient amidst trial
Master, may I endure all things
Singing Thy praises all the while
Kindness may I show, my King
Charitable and concerned for others
May I pour of myself for Thee and
Neighbors, strangers, sisters, brothers
Goodness may I embody, my God
Of wondrous virtue may my life sing
Etch Thy Word upon my heart
That glory to Thee I ever bring
Faithful may I be, my Father
Abiding in Thee and in Thy will
May I align always with Thy Word
Obeying gladly all I have heard
Gentle may I be, Lamb of God
Mild and pleasant to all I meet
May I exude the Visage of Christ
Whenever others I do greet
Self-controlled may I be, my Savior
For Thee may I subdue each thing
Taking captive thought, word, action
That does not glory to Thee bring
Love may I express, my Lord
Thou art love, and Thou art in me
To Thee I give all of myself
That filled with Thy love I may be
Yea, humble vessel am I, Beloved
An instrument wholly Thine
I long to ever remain in Thee
To abide in Thy Eternal Vine
In Thy Vine of Eternity
May I bear for Thee precious fruit
My life is Thine to live
Thou givest life, Thou art the root
Overjoyed I am, Eternal One
That for Thee eternal fruit I bear
I praise Thee from the depth of my heart
Thy promises with all I do share
My Father, may I bear fruit
Fragrant and sweet for Thee
Eternal fruit of Thy Spirit
Yea, fruit to last for eternity
© 2012 Caroline Gavin
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