Poetic Inspirations and Practical Applications for Blissful Living

Release the Rest to Seek the Best

Release the Rest…

Release the Rest to seek the Best

Image courtesy www.freedigitalphotos.net
Waterfall by Zirconicusso


Sometimes it seems

I know not what to do

Bombarded by demands

I have not a clue


Do this, do that

Go here and go there

Meet her and meet him

Do it all and everywhere


Which things are needed?

Important they all seem

Calling my attention

Demanding indeed


Take a deep breath

And focus again

Shut out the noise

For it is only then


That I can focus on Christ

And His love so pure

I fix upon His Promises

In them I am sure


Suddenly the clutter

And the chaos stops

I see clearly now

As upon mountaintops


Those that draw me closer

To Jesus, my Lord

Such things are those

I must move toward


The rest becomes clutter

Noisy chatter all

Distractions, interruptions

But His love enthralls


Relieved I now feel

And at comforting peace

For I see only what matters

The rest I can release


© COPYRIGHT 2011 Caroline Gavin

How do you release the rest to seek the Best?

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  • Carole Simone

    What a beautiful poem, Caroline!

    Oh, how true! Release the Rest to Seek the Best. What a great title!

    It’s a joy to go into you site in the morning and read your posts…..

    • http://PurposefulPathway.com Caroline Gavin

      Thank you so much for your comment!

      Yes, we find such rest when we release all…and seek only the Best.

      Many Blessings in HIM!


  • http://financialexcellence.net/ Matt Wegner @ Financial Excellence

    Thanks for the motivation Caroline!