Poetic Inspirations and Practical Applications for Blissful Living

My Personal Purposeful Pathway

 Sharing My Personal Purposeful Pathway

I thoroughly enjoyed sharing about my personal purposeful pathway on the FINDING YOUR VOICE Internet Radio show with Joel Boggess.

I am grateful to Joel for taking the time to interview me, and it was an honor to speak about where God has led me and where He now leads. It is a tremendous blessing to recognize how all circumstances in my life – both good and bad – have been woven into a beautiful tapestry. Truly our LORD does work all for good to those who love Him.

My hope and prayer is that the interview will both encourage and inspire you. May you continue to heal so that you can hear His voice. May you continue to grow more like Christ so you can grow more into your true self. May you continue to keep your eyes fixed on eternity so that your feet will step surely upon your own purposeful pathway…
